Dear Lisbon Neighbors and Fellow Community Members,
Many of us cannot stop thinking about the Stone-Dunigan Family and what they must be going through after their tragic loss of their daughter. Nothing can take away their pain or console them through this horrific time. Many hearts are aching for them. They have other children to care for and moving on from this tragedy will be more than difficult. Donations are being collected on behalf of the Lisbon Community.
The goal is to raise enough funds to cover the funeral expenses and remove one stress for this family. Lisbon is a very generous and caring community. When one of our own is in need, the citizens and businesses of Lisbon always step up to the plate. Let’s pull together as a community once again to show the Stone-Dunigan family how much their community cares with an outpouring of support to alleviate some of their hardship
If you are interested in making a donation, please bring them to the Registration Counter at the Lisbon Town Office. Please tell them you are making a donation to the Ashlee Stone Memorial Fund. Donations will be presented to the family on behalf of the Lisbon Community. Thank you in advance for your support. We can make a real difference for the Stone-Dunigan family during their greatest time of need.
With a Heartfelt Thanks,
The Town of Lisbon