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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

NaturalNews: Exclusive: Tungsten, lead, cadmium found in Garden of Life RAW Protein products‏ plus much more

A food science investigation published by Natural News reveals significant concentrations of the heavy metals tungsten, lead and cadmium in the "beyond organic" RAW Protein products from Garden of Life

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
If you are currently consuming Garden of Life RAW Protein products, please IMMEDIATELY STOP.
My investigation has found significant levels of the heavy metals tungsten, lead and cadmium in many different Garden of Life RAW Protein products.
See the full findings in this breaking investigative article:
See the chart summarizing our findings at:
And please share this video which explains the full findings:
I will be breaking this news in detail on the Robert Scott Bell Show today. Listen in at 3-5pm Eastern (12 noon - 3pm Pacific) at

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