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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Maine Wire: “TREACHEROUS: Dems deceive colleagues in late night $40 million raid of rainy day fund” plus 4 more‏

TREACHEROUS: Dems deceive colleagues in late night $40 million raid of rainy day fund
Posted: 03 Feb 2014 08:55 PM PST
AUGUSTA – Democratic leaders threw bipartisanship, compromise and integrity by the wayside Monday night as they deceived their GOP colleagues into leaving the State House and subsequently voted on a $40 million budget bill without a single Republican lawmaker present. Republican lawmakers reacted to the maneuver, which involved Democratic members of the powerful Appropriations Committee, […]
As fate of Medicaid expansion uncertain, MeHAF drops $600k moneybomb
Posted: 03 Feb 2014 10:18 AM PST
AUGUSTA – The Augusta-based Maine Health Access Foundation announced Wednesday it has given awards worth nearly $670,000 to liberal political activists, a money bomb the foundation hopes will increase legislative support for a bill to expand Medicaid. MeHAF, a charitable foundation with more than $110,000,000 in assets, was formed following the sale of Blue Cross […]
RGA zings Michaud over pro-carbon tax vote
Posted: 03 Feb 2014 08:30 AM PST
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governor’s Association (RGA) criticized U.S. Rep. Michael Michaud on Monday over the Democratic candidate for governor’s vote in favor of a “Cap and Trade” carbon tax scheme. “Maine, like many other parts of the country, has been gripped by freezing weather and soaring heating costs. If U.S. Congressman and Democrat […]

Obama vs O’Reilly: Obamacare, Benghazi, and IRS targeting
Posted: 03 Feb 2014 07:35 AM PST
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama and Fox News host Bill O’Reilly traded barbs Sunday during a pitched pre-Super Bowl interview. O’Reilly, a top critic of the Obama administration, probed the president about the flawed rollout of his signature health care law, the IRS’ targeting of conservative non-profit groups, and the 9/11 terrorist attack in Benghazi, […]
Analysis: Press Herald’s 1,800-word story on public record requests ignores Democratic stonewalling
Posted: 03 Feb 2014 07:11 AM PST
PORTLAND – The Portland Press Herald, a newspaper whose majority owner is one of the largest Democratic donors in the state of Maine, published a 1,800 story about problems with Maine’s Freedom of Access Act Sunday. Although the story mentions purported problems obtaining documents from the LePage administration, staff writer Eric Russell completely ignores the efforts […]

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