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Monday, January 20, 2014

NaturalNews: Marine science group issues report on radiation in Pacific Ocean‏ and much more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Just how bad is radiation in the Pacific Ocean due to the Fukushima catastrophe? A marine science organization has just released a new report:

Pregnant women in West Virginia are being told to avoid drinking the water there, following the chemical spill disaster that has poisoned hundreds of thousands:

What's ahead for the U.S. economy? Here are seven devastating economic facts:

Have you heard about this amazing story of this teenager who fled chemotherapy doctors and beat cancer naturally?

More news continues below...

Monday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: What else is coming from the Natural News Forensic Food Lab? Dr. Buttar and RSB discuss more ways to remediate radiation coming from Fukushima. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at

Today on
- Health risks of spending too much time indoors
- High dose omega EPA saves coma victim
- Natural ways to boost the health of your hair

International marine science organization releases report on radiation in Pacific Ocean
(NaturalNews) If you've heard about Fukushima radiation spreading to the Pacific Coast of North America but were "corrected" by sources both official and expert that this was based more on rumor than reality, then consider the information presented at...

Pregnant women in West Virginia warned not to drink the water
(NaturalNews) While on Wednesday the "do-not-use" ban was lifted for nearly half a million W. Va. residents following the leak of 7,500...

Seven devastating, inescapable economic facts for America
(NaturalNews) The stock market appears to be doing better and some companies are hiring again. Meanwhile, home prices have risen somewhat, banks are beginning to lend again and the jobless rate is the lowest it has been in about five years. Things...

The amazing saga of a teenager who ran away from chemotherapy and beat cancer naturally
(NaturalNews) Remember the story of a 16-year-boy who ran away from his Massachusetts home in 1994 to avoid chemotherapy? His name was Billy Best, and his story was a nationwide sensation while he was in hiding. Now, he is very healthy and cancer-free...

Zinc protects brain cells from effects of copper toxicity
(NaturalNews) The naturally occurring metal copper plays an essential role for certain functions of the body; however, underutilized copper can accumulate in the soft tissues of the body and actually be toxic. Too much copper can roam freely and accumulate...

Security disaster: Starbucks app stores customers' passwords in plain text
(NaturalNews) In the technology age, it seems that nary a week or two passes without another sad story relating that Americans' personal information and privacy has been compromised. Now, according to Washington, D.C.-area radio station WTOP, "The...

Heavy metal detox: Sharpen your mind, reduce cancer risk and banish electromagnetic sensitivity with these tips
(NaturalNews) Suffering from brain-fog, irritability, cardiovascular disease or depression? If so, you may be contending with heavy metal poisoning. Present in contaminated food, industrial and medical waste and beauty products as well as environmental...

Research shows hemin, lithium can mitigate cadmium-induced testicular damage
(NaturalNews) An environmental toxicant and endocrine disruptor in humans, the heavy metal cadmium is said to be among the leading causes of declining fertility in men, as it tends to reduce sperm counts and inhibit healthy reproductive function. But...

FDA's new rule on livestock antibiotics a total joke: Voluntary limits won't work
(NaturalNews) You may have already heard about the new guidance recently issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concerning the use of antibiotics in commercial livestock, which on its surface appears to be a positive step forward for cleaning...

Acute exposure to aluminum dust impairs lung function, causes inflammation
(NaturalNews) A 2010 peer-reviewed study has found that sudden exposure to aluminum dust can have long-term detrimental health effects, especially when it comes to lung capacity and function. According to Brazilian researchers who introduced concentrations...

Scientist exposes flu shots lies and doom-and-gloom media propaganda
(NaturalNews) The mainstream media has utterly abandoned science in the push for more flu shot propaganda, entirely failing to mention any of the risks associated with vaccines. According to nearly every story published in the mainstream media, flu shot...

Rufe's Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook 

Today:  breezy. Flurries all but coast. Mnt. Squalls? Highs 21-39 N/S.

Tuesday; quiet. Light snow coast at night. Lows 9below-10 N/S. highs 2-20 N/S.

Wednesday; am light snow coast. Windy. Lows below-8 N/S. highs 2-17 N/S.

Thursday; breezy and dry. Lows 12below-1 N/S. highs 2-17 N/S.

Friday;  breezy and dry. Lows 11below-2 N/S. highs 6-22 N/S.

Saturday; breezy, snow showers. Lows 1-11 N/S, highs 18-30 N/S.

Sunday; flurries. Mtn. snow squalls? Breezy. Lows 0-10 N/S. highs 5-12 N/S.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Should We ALL Question the Competency of Lisbon's Town Attorney Roger Therriault, Esquire?

                   IS THE TOWN ATTORNEY COMPETENT???


 Lisbon Town Attorney Roger Therriaut

First let me provide background on a deplorable situation which has cost the town an outrageous amount of money in legal fees!  

In the spring of 2011, I submitted to the town two Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) requesting information.  Both were denied by the town, so I hired a lawyer and sued the town in court.  The town Attorney, Roger Therriault, delayed the proceedings twice but on the third attempt I demanded a speedy trial and Superior Court Judge Mary Gay Kennedy finally put it on the record.  In the end, I won both court cases; however, my victory cost the town over $10,000.00 in legal fees.  Mrs. Pomelow blamed me for the excessive legal fees but it was Mr. Therriault who kept delaying the trial.  This is how he makes his money.

Now, on January 3, 2014, I submitted another Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) requesting the following information:  Respectfully request a copy of the letter dated November 25, 2013 submitted by the Town Attorney concerning the proposed Administrative Consent Agreement (ACA) between the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Town of Lisbon.  I am looking for the letter Mr. Therriault submitted to Maine DEP dated November 25, 2013 pertaining to the Administrative Consent Agreement (ACA) between Maine DEP and the Town.

The response I received came from the Town Clerk:  Dear Mr. Fillmore, The Consent Agreement proposed by the Department of Environmental Protection has not been finalized.  As such, we believe that it falls under the exception to the definition of public records in 1 M.R.S.A. §402(3)(A) and (B)Until a final Consent Agreement has been agreed to and executed by the parties, the draft represents settlement negotiations which remain confidential and which also are privileged against discovery.

However, because we now have a professional Interim Town Manager, who appears to want to restore transparency in local government, I received the following letter from Mr. Michael Huston.


In the second paragraph, it clearly states that according to the Assistant Attorney General, I am entitled to what I asked for again.  This is the third time, the Town Attorney was wrong and in my book, three strikes and you are out.  In my opinion, Roger Therriault, has no clue what the law is when it comes to Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) requests.  This fact has hurt the town in the past and will continue to hurt the town in the future.  Mr. Therriault has been with the town for a very long time and I personally believe the town deserves better legal advice.

I think we should be shopping for a new Town Attorney.

Larry Fillmore

Saturday, January 18, 2014

WND EXCLUSIVE Big Name Search Engines Face Rebellion

‘Snowden effect’ gets consumers moving on privacy issues
 Bob Unruh

There’s a quiet but surging rebellion developing against the major Internet search engines because of the “Snowden effect,” insiders are reporting to WND.
That effect is a newly heightened concern over spying, specifically government spying, that might be targeting everyday citizens.
Snowden, of course, is the former National Security Agency contractor who stole thousands of pages of secret documents and started leaking them to the public. It is because of him that President Obama held a news conference on Friday and announced changes to the NSA spy programs.
It is because of Snowden that multiple lawsuits have been launched against the federal government over the NSA activities, including two cases by attorney Larry Klayman, who has obtained a federal judge’s ruling that the operations are likely unconstitutional.
But the average consumer isn’t pursuing a lawsuit or making federal policy changes.
They are just changing their search engines.
Consumer privacy expert Dr. Katherine Albrecht addresses this trend as spokesperson for private search engines and
“Every time Edward Snowden shares a new revelation about government spying, we get an influx of new users,” she said.
There have been recurring surges ever since June when Snowden began leaking details about programs like PRISM.
But what’s notable, she explained, “is the sustained upward trend in the numbers. In 2013 these search engines doubled their traffic, serving up over 1.25 billion searches for the year.”
Currently, the company reports more than five million searches per weekday. Albrecht says they are bracing for record growth in 2014 and don’t expect the trend to end anytime soon.
“It may have taken Internet users a while to make sense of Snowden’s revelations and figure out what to do about them,” she observed, “but now they are clearly responding in huge numbers.”
Read more and watch Albrecht video at
There’s a quiet but surging rebellion developing against the major Internet search engines because of the “Snowden effect,” insiders are reporting to WND.
That effect is a newly heightened concern over spying, specifically government spying, that might be targeting everyday citizens.
Snowden, of course, is the former National Security Agency contractor who stole thousands of pages of secret documents and started leaking them to the public. It is because of him that President Obama held a news conference on Friday and announced changes to the NSA spy programs.
It is because of Snowden that multiple lawsuits have been launched against the federal government over the NSA activities, including two cases by attorney Larry Klayman, who has obtained a federal judge’s ruling that the operations are likely unconstitutional.
But the average consumer isn’t pursuing a lawsuit or making federal policy changes. They are just changing their search engines.
Consumer privacy expert Dr. Katherine Albrecht addresses this trend as spokesperson for private search engines and
“Every time Edward Snowden shares a new revelation about government spying, we get an influx of new users,” said said.
There have been recurring surges ever since June when Snowden began leaking details about programs like PRISM.
But what’s notable, she explained, “is the sustained upward trend in the numbers. In 2013 these search engines doubled their traffic, serving up over 1.25 billion searches for the year.”
Currently, the company reports more than five million searches per weekday. Albrecht says they are bracing for record growth in 2014 and don’t expect the trend to end anytime soon.
“It may have taken Internet users a while to make sense of Snowden’s revelations and figure out what to do about them,” she observed, “but now they are clearly responding in huge numbers.”

'Snowden effect' gets consumers moving on privacy issues

BrasscheckTV: The Long, Long History Of Surveillance Abuse‏ (The Truth About Edward Snowden)

Edward Snowden's NSA revelations are getting
a lot of attention - as well they should. 
What's missing from the story is the long
history of US spying on its own citizens. 
- Brasscheck

 The history of US spying on innocent people
Current NSA story just the tip of the iceberg
 Stefan Molyneux discusses the truth about Edward Snowden and breaks down the history, origin, legality, and the terrifying reality of warrantless wiretapping, data collection and government spying. They are watching you.

                        This ain’t new
Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio lays out the history of US spying on its own people.

It’s entirely illegal by the way.

The Fourth Amendment is crystal clear on this point: Search of a person’s home, property or papers is illegal without a court ordered search warrant.

But thanks to a corrupt Supreme Court and the ever-growing military industrial complex, the law of the land has been thrown out the window on this and many other points.
- See more at:

Friday, January 17, 2014

Recap Town Council Workshop - January 16th 2014

                            RECAP TOWN COUNCIL WORKSHOP – JANUARY 16TH
Last night’s Town Council Workshop was in my opinion very productive.  The atmosphere in the room was tension free for the most part.  There were only three items on the agenda and I will cover these NOT in the order presented but by the length of time devoted to each.

The shortest was the discussion pertaining to the training required for the Councilors on the National Incident Management System (NIMS).  A gentleman named Keith and I did not get his last name provided an overview of the program and asked Chairwoman Ward about scheduling a class for the Council.

Next, Interim Town Manager, Michael Huston, provided the Council with three organizations who would work with the Council to select a new Town Manager.  Mr. Huston provided the Council with years of experience on both sides of the table about how the process works.  He also provided some dos and dont's from his experience to help the Councilors to make this process smoother and less time consuming.  Mr. Huston’s presentation was done in a professional manner and I believe his guidance was well received by the Council.

The majority of the time was spent discussing the Water Department.  I have to give you background in order to follow this discussion.  At one time the town wanted to take over the control of the Water Department.  In order to do this, the town submitted a bill to the State Legislature for approval.  This bill was sponsored by Representative Dale Crafts and Senator Garret Mason.   

In order to block this attempt to take over the Water Department, the Water Department submitted their own bill to the Legislature.  When the two bills came before the Sub-Committee, the bill presented by the town was dismissed and the bill submitted by the Water Department remained in the Sub-Committee for review.  The Sub-Committee tabled the bill until the town and the Water Department had an opportunity to get on the same page.  

Now this Bill (LD1396) comes up for review on January 22, 2014 and the Water Department was asking the council for a letter stating the town was in agreement or had no objections to moving forward with a Water District this year and a combination of the possibility of a Water/Sewer District in two years.  By converting from a Water Department to a Water District would NOT change the current formation of the Water Department and will NOT raise the current rates of the Water Department.  What this does is provide more legal protection for the town with the Public Utilities Commission (PUC).  I did not hear any objection from anyone or the Council, that this is not a good thing for Lisbon.  

However, Mr. LaRochelle made it clear that the bill that was submitted by the town, sponsored by the two representatives of Lisbon and that the bill provided by the Water Department was sponsored by representatives of other towns.  Chairwoman Ward agreed with Mr. LaRochelle, the current bill was not sponsored by the people of Lisbon.  Apparently, the bill submitted by the town and sponsored by the town representatives did not meet the requirements of the Sub-Committee because it was dismissed.  So this is water under the bridge and we move on with the bill before the Sub-Committee.  

I cannot understand why, with everyone in agreement that this is in the best interest of the town, both Representative Crafts and Senator Mason are not supporting this bill.  It is a far cry from being finalized and no one is asking the Town Council to bless this bill, but they are asking that the town provide input to the Sub-Committee in order to move it forward. 


Larry Fillmore

Personal Liberty Digest: Victory For Citizen Journalism: Court Sides With Bloggers In 1st Amendment Challenge


An appeals court has tossed out a lower court’s finding that would have denied bloggers the same 1st Amendment protections afforded to mainstream journalists.
That’s an enormous victory for citizen journalism, as well as for the essential right of every American to freely and plainly speak (and write) his mind.
In taking up an appeal of a case in which a blogger was sued for defamation, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals weighed whether bloggers generally could claim the same protections under the 1st Amendment as conventional journalists, who can write enterprise pieces questioning the actions of public officials while protecting their sources.
Here’s The Hollywood Reporter’s synopsis of that case:

In a blog post, [Crystal] Cox accused Obsidian Finance Group and its co-founder Kevin Padrick of committing tax fraud while administering the assets of a company in a Chapter 11 reorganization. At trial, a jury awarded the plaintiffs a total of $2.5 million over false assertions.
Before the case got to trial, however, Cox pointed to landmark judicial opinions including New York Times Co. v. Sullivan to make the argument that because the blog post involved a matter of public concern, the plaintiffs had the burden of proving her negligence in order to recover for defamation. Alternatively, she asserted that Padrick and Obsidian were public figures and as such, they needed to show she acted with “actual malice.”
The trial judge responded that she had failed to submit “evidence suggestive of her status as a journalist.”     "
But the 9th Circuit ruled that Cox didn’t need, under the Bill of Rights, to provide any kind of evidence to qualify her right to report on such a matter.
Continue Reading:

GreatFallsTV: Lisbon School Committee Meeting January 13, 2014

Click on following link also to view

Washington Examiner: Pro-gun 'Stand Your Ground' Sunday rallies set at all 50 state capitals

Posted with authors permission.


In a preemptive move to put state political leaders on notice, gun advocates are planning protests Sunday at all 50 state capitals to warn elected officials that they won't sit idly by and watch their Second Amendment rights be destroyed.
“We're trying to be very proactive right now,” said Eric Reed, president of Gun Rights Across America, which is organizing the rallies. “I don't want to see the gun grabbers get a jump on our constitutionally protected rights,” he told Secrets.
The protest is called “Stand Your Ground” and takes place at “high noon.” The phrase “stand your ground” is also the nickname given to laws that let citizens used deadly force when threatened.
Several of the rallies are drawing national politicians. In Louisiana, for example, Republican Sen. David Vitter is expected to attend. In Austin, Texas, former 2012 libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson will attend.
The protests come as President Obama, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and several states are preparing another round of gun-control efforts.
"This event is vital so Americans can have their voices heard. Our elected leaders work for us, and we need to make it crystal clear how we expect them to vote on this issue. The end goal is protect all gun rights for law abiding Americans,” said Reed.
Unlike the NRA, GRAA is a grassroots organization that has a history of hosting political rallies to support the Second Amendment.
The rallies on Sunday will ask lawmakers around the nation to treat gun owners as law abiding citizens, not criminals. The rally notice said:
“We are not criminals; we are law abiding American citizens,” Shannon Montague, vice president of GRAA, said in an email. “We will no longer let the misinformed and uninformed classify us into a genre that is not ours. We are American. We are protectors of the Second Amendment, we are the majority and we will ‘Stand Our Ground,’ ” she added.
Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at

We Welcome news, photos, etc. from anyone attending this or other area events. Kindly submit with details or transcript to: 

GOPDD: It Only Took this Army Vet 2 Minutes to Silence All Liberals in the Room

While Democrats continue to push for stricter gun legislation, conservatives and Constitutionalists are sticking up for Americans’ 2nd Amendment rights.
Army veteran and chaplain, Nicholas Purpura, spoke at a New Jersey forum to stop liberals from pushing their anti-gun agenda on law-abiding American citizens.
His impassioned speech was incredible.
He emphasized lawmakers’ lack of knowledge on the subject of firearms, and berated them for their willingness to let off those who abuse guns in crimes so that the criminals can offend again.
RELATED: Obama Imposes Illegal Gun Control Regulation
“Make a law that if you use a gun in a crime there is no probation, they don’t plea bargain them out,” Purpura said. “You are guilty for the blood of innocent people and the children… [it’s] on every one of your heads,” Purpura said pointing at the liberal lawmakers.

Army Veteran and chaplain speaks out against gun control at Feb. 13, 2013 NJ hearing

The Maine Wire: “AG Mills levies absurd attack on religious liberty bill as supporters pack State House” plus 4 more‏

AG Mills levies absurd attack on religious liberty bill as supporters pack State House
Posted: 16 Jan 2014 02:08 PM PST
AUGUSTA – Supporters of religious freedom flooded the State House on Thursday to voice support for a Washington County Republican’s bill to protect the free expression of religion from exercises of state power. Sen. David Burns (R-Washington), the primary sponsor of L.D. 1428, An Act to Protect Religious Freedom, said the bill requires that any […]
Official: No one knows how many people have paid for Obamacare
Posted: 16 Jan 2014 11:24 AM PST
WASHINGTON, D.C. – An official from the federal Centers on Medicare and Medicaid admitted at a House hearing on Thursday that no one in the federal government knows how many Americans have paid for Obamacare coverage obtained at “So we don’t know at this point how many people have actually paid for coverage?” asked […]
Frary: Senator Collins is not pleased with Hillary Clinton
Posted: 16 Jan 2014 11:14 AM PST
On January 15 the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) produced its “Review of Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi, September 11-12, 2012. It’s a nominal 85 pages long (some passages are blacked out for security reasons, some pages are left blank). There are fifteen member of this committee, seven Democrats, seven Republicans, and […]
Liberal activist charged for allegedly stealing from elderly woman
Posted: 16 Jan 2014 07:06 AM PST
ELLSWORTH, Maine – A paid activist working on behalf of the liberal Maine People’s Alliance has been charged after she allegedly stole money from a woman’s purse. Brianna Stein, 22, has been fired, according to a statement released by the MPA. Stein, who has previously been implicated in property theft crimes, somehow managed to retain […]
LTE: Expansionists Ignore Economic Reality
Posted: 16 Jan 2014 06:36 AM PST
To the Editor:   As I listened to some of the testimony on Medicaid expansion (LD 1578) today, a few things came to mind.   First -  Expecting the Federal Government to pay 100% of the cost of expansion for the first three years, and 90% after that, is something like this: The Feds have […]

Eagle Rising: Republicans Finally Moving to Impeach Obama?‏ Plus more

January 17, 2014

Hollywood Mogul Making Anti-Gun Movie

Obamacare So Bad - Democrats Pretending They Hate It

Fox News Asks - Why Not Impeach Obama?

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NaturalNews: Inside the NN Forensic Food Lab - a visual tour with the Health Ranger‏ and More

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
I've just posted an eye-opening video of a visual tour inside our lab, showing you the instrumentation, methodology and technical instrumentation that we use to conduct heavy metals analysis in foods. Check it out:

Hospital superbug outbreaks are being caused by filthy endoscopes:

Mainstream America is finally ditching diet soda and switching to water and juice:

A county in Calif. says it wants to mandate GMO labeling:

And the lamestream media turns out to have totally invented the total hoax about an NFL player suicide "epidemic"

New lab results posted today for yet more cereals, including organic non-GMO cereals from Nature's Path:

More news continues below...

Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Are mad scientists in collusion with state politicians to unleash GMO mosquitoes on South Florida? Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at

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TMB: Where Would Democrats Be Without the Koch Brothers?‏ And More

Beleaguered, adrift, defensive, angry, eager to escape from attacks on Obamacare, President Obama and his allies have a secret weapon with which to rally their base. This voice-activated device is incredibly easy to use. One need only utter the words “Koch Brothers,” and the financial apparatus of the Democratic Party begins to whir.
By Adam Kredo
Iran has gone on an execution binge in the past two weeks, hanging some 40 people, including 19 in one day, according to international human rights groups inside and outside of Iran.
Testimony on Capitol Hill further exposed security flaws within the Obamacare health insurance exchange on Thursday, concluding that the website is more vulnerable now than ever.
Environmental Protection Agency administrator Gina McCarthy dodged questions on Thursday about internal emails that appear to show top EPA officials using agency events to help environmentalist groups gather comments on agency rules.
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Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services official Gary Cohen admitted to Rep. Gregg Harper (R., Miss.) that no one knows how many people have actually paid for Obamacare coverage Thursday.