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Monday, May 12, 2014

NaturalNews: Health Ranger Publishes New Video From Heavy Metals Testing Lab‏ Plus Much More

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
By popular demand, I've just published a new video showing more details from the Natural News Forensic Food Lab and explaining my passion for the "Clean Food Movement."
Check out the details (and watch the video) here (it's kinda funny, too):

No green screen required! Expanded tour of the Natural News food lab

 Check out this expanded tour and explanation of the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, where the Health Ranger conducts world-leading scientific research on heavy metals contamination in popular foods, supplements and herbal products:

Speaking of heavy metals contamination, 60 percent of China's drinking water is too polluted to drink. This is where a lot of rice protein and herbal supplements are grown! No wonder we keep finding toxic heavy metals in products from China:

How does green tea inhibit cholesterol? Here's why it works:

Here's why garlic is one of the best disease fighters in the world:

Just added to the Natural News Store! Health Ranger branded, laboratory-validated new products: Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil | Clean Chlorella tablets in a convenient bottle | Hawaiian Spirulina tablets in a bottle | Organic yacon root powder
more news continues below...
Today on
- Evil GMA to file lawsuit to block GMO labeling in Vermont
- Vaccinations from an infant's perspective
- The new paradigm of full-spectrum consciousness

60 percent of China's drinking water too polluted to drink; this is where many of your herbs, protein powders and superfoods are grown
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Chernobyl scientist discovers antioxidants help body adapt to radiation
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How does green tea inhibit cholesterol? Scientists crack the code
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Your favorite organic brands could be owned by junk food corporations
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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Great Falls TV: Lisbon Town Council Meeting May 6, 2014

Part 1

Part 2

I Really Liked Ms.Norris

I really liked Ms.Norris- we allowed her to be kicked to the curb. The Chief of Police treated her very badly and I think she had a lot of honesty and fortitude to tell it like it was, and would become, after hiring one of the worst Town managers I have ever seen in this town I dearly love and have lived in all my life.
I will always wonder what our town would have been like today if we had kept Jennifer Norris and never met the likes of our former town manager. I thank you Larry for telling the truth and taking your valuable time to educate us. I think we have a good Council  and I am getting a little more comfortable with that form of government... but I always attended our town meetings and the fact that my vote counted there and we could always have a secret ballot.

Submitted by: 'Faye Brown'

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Town of Lisbon News & Information‏

FMI 353-3000 EXT. 102

Lisbon Town Council Agendas May 12th & 13th, 2014

TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2014
6:00 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward


2014-69 ORDER − 1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matters - Town Manager Search


2014-70 ORDER − To Adjourn


TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2014
6:30 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward


2014-71 ORDER − 1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matters - Interviews with potential Town Manager candidate


2014-72 ORDER − To Adjourn

Thursday, May 8, 2014

At What Point Are the People Going to Wake Up‏

Back in October 6, 2011, Jennifer Norris, former Economic Community Development Director for the town wrote an excellent article explaining what was going on in the town and warning the people.  Everything that Mrs. Norris said was true and is coming to light again.  Please reread Mrs. Norris’s letter.

The following letter was  originally posted on October 6, 2011

After quietly reading the Lisbon Reporter for over four years now, I can no longer be quiet.

Dear Editor,

After quietly reading the Lisbon Reporter for over four years now, I can no longer be quiet.

It saddens me greatly to see the direction the Town of Lisbon government has taken.  When I worked as an Economic Developer, the most important and fun part of my job was interacting with the dedicated citizens of Lisbon.  It didn't matter if they were from Lisbon or Lisbon Falls, the people that I got to interact were truly inspiring because they love their town.  I had it made working for the Town of Lisbon because of the citizens.  I was looking forward to pulling together the human capital in Lisbon because it was so easy.  The citizens of Lisbon are talented, have multiple skills, and want what's best for their community.  To learn that Faye Brown, an amazing woman, who gave and gave and gave to the Lisbon community in the form of aesthetics and character, is not going to be volunteering her time any longer breaks my heart.  To learn that the Moxie Festival that was beautifully run by hardworking, dedicated volunteers is now the number one responsibility of the new Economic Developer is even sadder.  But what makes my blood boil is the fact that the Town of Lisbon's current and past "non-citizen involvement" way of doing business is blowing up in their face, just like I told them it would. 

The straw that broke the camel's back when I worked as the Economic Developer was when I was disciplined for having a discussion with another staff member about a future economic development transaction.  Not only did my boss at the time, Chief David Brooks have a chit chat with me but Mike Bowie also did.  I was told that I was not allowed to talk about any economic development transactions with anyone because they wanted to keep it all confidential.  I told them that it was not possible because in order to do my job effectively, I needed to work with the citizens and keep them as informed as I could while respecting the potential business' need for confidentiality.  In the case of keeping information from the other staff member, they were basically asking me to work a deal and pull the rug out from underneath this person.  I'm talking about the teen center.  I had a business come to me interested in the teen center building.  I started with the person who was running the place at the time, Mark Stevens.  I told him about the interest the business owner had in the building not only out of respect but I wasn't about to do a business deal behind someone's back.  I spoke with Mark and learned that the building was donated and may have strings attached from the person who gave it to the town.  Of course this was important because we had a obligation to ensure that however we used that building, it was considered acceptable use not only by law but by the citizens of Lisbon.  You owned that property and therefore it was my duty to keep you in the loop.  Instead, Bowie and Brookes wanted me to keep the information from the public under the guise of economic development.  In most cases I would have kept the potential business identification confidential.  But in this case, the business owner also wanted the public or anyone else that had a stake to know that he was interested in purchasing the building.  He wanted to be upfront with the public.  And I understood why.  It's called good business, especially since the business owner recognized that the building was owned by the citizens of Lisbon, not Mike Bowie, not David Brooks.  

In order to do my job effectively, I needed the citizens of Lisbon.  I was not about to go behind your back when it involved a public building and then stretch the executive session clause that protects economic development endeavor's confidentiality.  I was not about to steal a building out from underneath a co-worker.  I had the conversation with the business owner about getting the okay from the Lisbon citizens first.  The business owner had no problems with that.  Why would Brookes and Bowie then pull me aside to scold me for not keeping the teen center building proposal confidential?  I'll tell you why.  Like most loans made by the Town of Lisbon, they were given to those businesses who would guarantee a return.  It was a revolving loan fund all right.  It revolved a bunch of times because the loans were given to businesses who would be able to pay them back and they could make money off the interest.  It was a slush fund with no rules attached, no checks and balances, and no oversight.  If they gave a loan to the business who wanted to purchase the Teen Center, they were guaranteeing a return.  They sold a building to the business, the business used economic development funds to purchase the building, therefore the money went from one Lisbon Account to another.  This same account was where the $32,500 was stolen from. 

What I find the most interesting is that Dan Feeney gave a loan to Davis Landscaping so that he could purchase a building next to his property.  Davis Landscaping also held the landscaping contract with the Town of Lisbon.  I learned that Mr. Davis purchased the property with economic development funds.  There was no business, no mention of business, no nothing just a request from Mr. Davis that I help him sell the lot.  In essence, he was asking me to be his real estate agent so that he would not have to pay a commission when he did sell the building.  He was never my priority.  Although, Mike Bowie went out of his way to express to me that he was impressed that I contacted Mr. Davis.  I only contacted him because the dude owed the town money and I wanted to make sure he paid since he never should have got the money to begin with.  I was very disappointed that he was tying up over $150,000 of funds that could have been utilized in other ways, ie a loan to a business (what a novel concept), an investment in our infrastructure, a matching fund, anything but in his hands.  It was another loan that turned my stomach because of its unfairness to the citizens of Lisbon and to me as the Economic Development Director.  I could have used that money in many, many wonderful ways that would have directly impacted the community, not just one man.  That is what those funds are there for.  These are federal funds for the community.  Stealing federal funds does not have a statute of limitation on them.  And that is exactly what has been going on in the Town of Lisbon.  

It is so disheartening to see the citizens of Lisbon work so hard to do what is right by their town but for all the wrong reasons.  If the Town of Lisbon would quit jerking the public around and put the effort into building alliances for the betterment of all in the community, you would see amazing results.  Instead you have a town council and others in positions of power ensuring that you don't know what is going on while they make all the decisions for you.  Having a town council who represents and one that thinks they know what is best for you is not what is going on.  The current town council is working hard to protect their freedom because if you knew what was really going on, people would be going to jail.  Unfortunately in the State of Maine, we have the Home Rule law which protects these "under the dome" towns via the Maine Constitution.  There is no oversight of a municipal government or checks and balances so unless the citizens step forward nothing will get done.  

Lisbon has the potential to be an amazing community.  I was planning on staying for years to see it all through.  I was looking forward to awarding contracts to bidders from Lisbon.  I was looking forward to helping our businesses.  I was looking forward to developing the business park at Longchamps.  And, I was looking forward to helping you make Lisbon beautiful.  It sucks to have to dump your energy into dealing with ignorance but its gotta be done.  
To those Lisbon citizens who don't know what to do but want it to stop so that you can make your town a home start with writing a letter to the Androscoggin DAs office and the Maine Attorney General's office.  Put the pressure on them and tell them that you mean business.  Tell them that you want something done about the stealing of federal funds.  I am your witness.  They do have a case.  You cannot get rid of the bank records or any financial transactions.  That is all recorded and will tell the story of dirty dealings in the past and present.  This is your money.  And I give you my word that I will stand behind all of my statements regardless of the venue.  I would not put myself out here if I did not know as a professional what is considered legal and illegal when it comes to federal funds.  
Its not unethical, its not unprofessional, its illegal!


Jennifer Norris

Councilor Roger Cote spent three years on the council preaching the same thing and he too was ignored.  A review of the voting records during Councilor Cote’s tenure will show that he was the only one who voted against all this excessive spending and corruption.  Councilor Cote predicted that the town will end up in the financial situation it is today.

For the past three years, I have been providing documented proof of the corruption, collusion and excessive spending by Stephen Eldridge, former Town Manager. I have provided proof of questionable accounting practices by Mrs. Jessica Maloy, Finance Director and finally excessive spending by Chief Brooks by the Police Department for useless items such as assault rifles and a GPS.  There are many many more incidents of Chief Brooks wasting taxpayers’ monies for “Toys for the Boys”.

The town has a $500,000.00 money pit.  The Communication Center/Dispatch is a service that could and should be provided by Androscoggin County Dispatch who is an authorized state Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP).  What does that mean to the citizens of Lisbon?  It means all 911 calls are first received by the Androscoggin County Dispatch and then relayed to the Lisbon Communication Center/Dispatch before any Police, Fire or Medical personnel are dispatched.  Common sense will tell you that this delay, regardless of how small, can make a difference between life and death.  The equipment was provided through a grant but it cost the taxpayers $275,000.00 to maintain operations when if we transfer the equipment and operations to the Androscoggin County Dispatch we can save all that money and will only have to pay for the services used.  If the Communication Center/Dispatch remains with the town, taxpayers are going to have to pay for the replacement or maintenance of this equipment, which is not cheap.

The people have allowed these individuals to squander over $2,000,000.00 (2 million tax dollars) of our Undesignated Fund and allowed them to raise our taxes for years.  Both Mrs. Norris and Councilor Cote tried to warn the people years ago.  At what point are the residents going to say enough is enough and put a stop to this insanity?

Larry Fillmore

Lisbon D.A.R.E. & Bicycle Coalition Offer Bike Ride‏

LISBON D. A. R. E. and Bicycle Coalition of Maine Offers Bike Ride Saturday, May 10

Lisbon School Department School Resource Officer, Jeff Picard (left) and Bicycle Bob Bruce from the Bicycle Coalition of Maine, offer bike safety tips to students Emma Tapley and Riece St. Amant.  Photo by Renee Bernard.  

The Lisbon D.A.R.E. Program is partnering with the Bicycle Coalition of Maine to offer a bike ride Saturday, May 10 at the Lisbon Wellness Fair.  The event is scheduled at the Lisbon Community School, 33 Mill Street, Lisbon from 10:30 to 12:30.  Weather permitting, the events during the day will be as follows:

10:30-10:45 – register for bike ride and door prizes
10:45 – 11:30 – pre-ride safety talk
11:30 – 12:15 – bicycle ride
12:15 – 12:30 – door prize drawings

Students should plan to bring their own bicycle and helmet to participate in the bike ride.  All participants in the bike ride will be entered for our door prizes.

Numerous door prizes will be awarded  – water bottles, bicycle horn, $25 gift certificate to Busytown Bikes and a gift certificate for a tune up at Busytown Bikes.  A raffle will also be held for a brand new bike!

In the event of inclement weather, the event will move inside to the gymnasium  and offer some bicycle safety and helmet fittings. 

FMI on other events, volunteer opportunities and partnership programs in Lisbon Schools visit the Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools on FaceBook or email

Lisbon LCS Talent Show TOMORROW!‏


Back Row Left to Right                                                           Photo courtesy of Monica Millhime.
Ms. Laurie Cincotta, Makayla Driscoll, Kyra Sylvain, Kylie Peoples, Mackenzie Bedford, Emma Tapley, Madison Ryder, Kolby Matthews, Damon Miller, Cameron Gilman, Amanda Bergin, Alexis Kaherl, Lynn Feely, Emma Willey, Courtney Bonsaint, Jyllian Bornalas, Megan Libby, Kali Feehan, Gage Bright, Mrs. Rimiller, Mr. Henry Eichman. 
Front Row Left to Right
Alexandra Conley, Chase Benner, Maxwell Boulet, Samantha Sitarz, Clariece St. Amant, Meredith Lane, Emma Skolfield, Brinley Hanson, Korey Paris, Justin Bernard, Gaige Elwell, Ariana Dagneault, Grace Blanchard, Emily Chapman, Alexis Griffin, Erin White, Leigha Walls, Adrian Blake, Justin Le.

Lisbon – Members of the fifth grade classes at Lisbon Community School will be presenting the Seventh Annual Talent Show on Friday, May 9.  Coached by Mrs. Donna Rimiller and Ms. Laurie Cincotta, fifth graders are given the opportunity to shine on stage! Come join us at the Lisbon Community School Cafetorium, 33 Mill Street in Lisbon at 6:00 p.m. and watch our brave and talented students perform! 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

It Was His Choice‏ !

Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks


At last night’s budget workshop, the Town Council reviewed options for inclusion in this year’s budget.  Since the Finance Director did not provide copies of the sheet used during the meeting, I will have to give you what I heard during the workshop.  Chairwoman Ward did not mention the line items for the Police Department except when someone else mentioned it first.

The Council as a whole voted NOT to include the Mobile Radios; Document Imaging Unit and Voter Radio System.  One of the Councilors said if Chief Brooks wanted them he could use the Forfeiture Funds.  However, still an option on the table is the replacement of several vehicles.  According to the Police Department Vehicle Inventory dated July 11, 2013, Chief Brooks wants to replace four (4) vehicles this year.  Councilor Garrison asked Chief Brooks when he gave his departmental presentation if one of the vehicles he wanted to replace was the same unit that the town replaced the engine last year and the response by Chief Brooks was “YES”.  My question would be if we replaced the motor last year why are we replacing the car this year?  I would like to think we get more than six months use out of a new engine.

Now in September 2013, the Town of Lisbon received Forfeiture Funds in the amounts of $71,750.78 and $632.91 according to the bank statement.  On the Capital Improvement Plan, Chief Brooks listed the following items:

Animal Control Officer Vehicle - $24,000
    Mobil Radios (11) – $33,000
    Voter Radio System - $28,000
    Document Imaging Unit - $14,000

So come October 1, 2013, Chief Brooks had a total of $72,383.69 in forfeiture funds available and all the items on the Capital Improvement Plan qualified for these funds.  Chief Brooks needed to prioritize the Police Department needs.  Chief Brooks chose the items listed below over the ones on the Capital Improvement Plan. 

As you can see, Chief Brooks’ chose such items as assault rifles  with custom embroidered storage bags and mounts; GPS and balls and ball launcher for the Police dog over any item on the Capital Improvement Plan.  There are many more items on this list that Chief Brooks chose over the big ticket items.  Instead he brought toys for the boys and is now asking the taxpayers to pay for the big ticket items. 

There is sufficient monies remaining in the forfeiture funds to “Lease to Purchase” the vehicles he want to replace this year.  So tell me again why the taxpayers are being forced to pay for the replacement of any vehicles this year?

Chief Brooks looks the residents of Lisbon in the face and tells them what they want to hear while the whole time he is purchasing useless items and forcing the taxpayers to pay for BIG ticket items which he can purchase with forfeiture funds.   

No wonder  OUR taxes continue to rise.

Larry Fillmore

Recap Town Council Meeting/Workshop - May 6th‏


The Town Council meeting began at 5:30 PM with an Executive Session which lasted until 7:20 PM.  The Executive Session covered a discussion with Legal Council on the Department of Environmental Protection Consent agreement; a discussion on the purposed Cable TV Franchise agreement; a personnel matter regarding staffing levels; Labor negotiations with Teamster Public Works Unit and finally a discussion on potential acquisition of real estate.

 Next, Chairwoman Ward provided a brief outline of some new events that are in this year’s Moxie Festival which will be July 11-13th.

Under Public Hearings there were four items:  Charter Amendment to reduce the number of required signatures on a petition for a Special Town meeting; Charter Amendment on Title 21-A for Election procedures; Route 196 Design Standards and Guidelines and Vendor License for Pinky D’s.

Under Council Order, Resolutions and Ordinance – The following items were approved by a vote of 7-0:  (1) Warrant for School Budget Validation Referendum June 10th (2) Warrant for Bond Referendum June 10th (3) Route 196 Design Standards and Guidelines (4) the first reading of the Amend Section 2-507 Finance Committee established (4) Stating opposition of FEMA’s interpretation of Policy 9523.  The Dispatch Agreement with Lisbon Emergency Services was tabled until the next meeting by a vote of 7-0.

Under Other Business – The council approved to change the town and library’s operating hours effective July 1st.  The town will publish the new hours for both shortly.

The Council adjourned and went into a budget workshop.  The audience was NOT provided a copy of the items discussed during this meeting.  There were several items discussed and when it was all over it was 10:50 PM.  A very long session.

Larry Fillmore

Times Record: Lisbon Council Approves Warrants

BY DARCIE MOORE Times Record Staff

The Lisbon Town Council approved a warrant Tuesday for the school budget referendum on June 10 as well as a five question warrant asking voters to authorize town officials to issue $7.5 million in bonds for a new high school gym, track, and purchase or construction of a new public works building.
The bonds would be $1.3 million for the new public works facility, $5.7 million for a new gymnasium and related improvements at Lisbon High School, and $500,000 for a new track and related improvements at the high school.
Councilor Dillon Pesce said during the discussion it’s important the town inform voters how much each bond will impact the tax rate, as well as all the proposed bonds collectively, and wants that information hung on the walls at the polls. Interim Town Manager Dale Olmstead said the town will inform voters also through mailings and on the local cable television channel.
The other two questions on that referendum warrant are proposed charter amendments.
The first aims to make it easier for citizens to petition for a special town meeting to consider budget issues by reducing the petition signatures needed from 15 percent to 10 percent of the total number of qualified voters who voted in the last gubernatorial election. The second amendment would adopt state procedures for the declaration of write-in candidates in municipal elections, as well as the tabulation and reporting of the results for write-in candidates.
David Bowie, chairman of the charter commission that developed the current charter changing Lisbon’s town meeting and board of selectmen form of government to a town council system, said in the past he has spoken against some of the proposals that have been discussed regarding municipal budget referendums. When the commission put the charter together several years ago, based on the size of the town, complexity of budgets and low turnout at meetings, it suggested it was time to move to a town council form of government, he said.
At the same time, however, the commission believed the charter needed a citizen initiative process should a council propose a budget not in line with what the townspeople want. A special town meeting process was included so citizens can override the council budget, which the commission felt was the most efficient way to get information to the public, allow debate, compromise, and “to do it in a timely manor,” Bowie said.
The reduction in the percentage of signatures needed is from about 600 to 400 signatures, Bowie said. The petition process for a special town meeting wasn’t so much to be used, “as to be a deterrent so the Town Council does its best possible job and puts together an acceptable budget in the first place,” he said.
In November 2011, Lisbon voters were given an advisory question at the polls asking, “Do the voters of the town of Lisbon wish to vote on an amendment to the town charter that, if enacted, would require voter approval at a referendum election for each annual municipal budget?”
They overwhelmingly voted yes on 2,025 ballots and no on 514 ballots.
Dorothy Fitzgerald asked if the amendment is an effort “to circumvent the townspeople (the voters) to be able to vote on the town budget? Is this a way to go to a town meeting rather than the townspeople being able to vote on the town budget?”
Councilor Roger Bickford answered, “Yes.”
“Evidently, the council is not listening to the voters,” Fitzgerald said, “because this is what the voters voted for not that many years ago, to have the ability to vote on the town budget, and what you’re doing is not right.”
Councilors also approved new hours for the town office and library beginning July 1, following surveys of the public about improving service.
As of July 1, the town office will be open four days a week, from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday and closed Friday. The library will lose 2.5 hours a week with a schedule of 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, and 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.
Olmstead also announced Tuesday night the Town Council has narrowed the new town manager candidates to one.
The candidate will be at the town office from 5:30-6:30 p.m. May 13 to greet the public before the council interviews her for a second time in executive session. He expects to release her name very soon and said the council is expected to officially appoint her May 20.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Here Is What "Real" Police Do, They Inform The Community Of Dangers; BDN: Maine police share latest ways young people hide their drug use from parents

By Nok-Noi Ricker, BDN Staff 

OLD TOWN, Maine — Items with secret compartments that look like everyday products — a stack of poker chips, a lint brush, a highlighter — are what some youth are using to hide their drugs, a team of law enforcement told parents recently at a drug education forum.
“These are the things that parents miss,” Deputy Chief Troy Morton of the Penobscot County Sheriff’s Office said to a group gathered at Leonard Middle School, holding a blue highlighter that held a hidden marijuana pipe. “We’re trying to get people to pay attention to things that are not always obvious.”
“Sometimes it’s very difficult to look at the signs and tell if they are abusing substances, but they will not be able to hide all their paraphernalia,” he said later.
The April 30 forum was hosted by Old Town Police, the Penobscot County Sheriff’s Office and Maine State Police, with RSU 34 and the River Coalition sponsoring the gathering.
“Things to look for [include] little pieces of tinfoil that are burnt — that is a sign,” Trooper Barry Meserve of the Maine State Police told parents. “Straws that are cut. If you have a straw that is that long [indicating about 3 inches with his fingers], they’re snorting something.”
 [Continue Reading and Watch Video]

Uh Oh!!! TMB: Read the Confidential Document Left Behind at the Democracy Alliance Meeting

A list of new members of the Democracy Alliance offers a revealing look into the secret group of liberal billionaires

The Democracy Alliance takes pains to ensure that its work disbursing millions of dollars to top left-wing organizations remains secretive and free from public scrutiny. But a document left on the floor of the group’s recent gathering reveals for the first time the names of a number of individuals involved in the effort.
It lists new Democracy Alliance “partners,” individuals who every year must pay $30,000 in dues and contribute at least $200,000 to the groups that DA supports. It also reveals names of DA “advisers,” foundation participants, and individuals getting a “sneak peek” at the group’s activities.
Among its new partners are top labor union bosses, financial and business leaders, and heirs to billion-dollar fortunes who have made names for themselves as high-dollar Democratic donors.
 Security was tight at the Democracy Alliance conference last week at the chic Ritz Carlton in Chicago. Politico reporter Ken Vogel was manhandled by security when he tried to interview an attendee. Other conference-goers ripped off their nametags when a Washington Free Beacon reporter approached.
[Continue Reading]

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Robbing Of A Sole: ABORTION, The Topic Everyone Is Talking About But Saying Nothing! Emily's Abortion Video

This is my story. This is ONLY my story. I do not pretend that it is anything more or anything less. I do not speak for everyone on this sensitive subject and I respect everyone's opinions as long as they do not force them onto others.

My dearest hope is that someone somewhere will see this and it will provide some guidance, strength, support, or whatever else they need in that moment. I want to tell that person that you are not alone. Having an abortion does not make you a bad person, a bad woman, a bad mother. Having an abortion does not make you guilty. It is simply one step in your reproductive story. You are not along. I am here for you. We are all here for you.

PLEASE PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO. Please help me spread it to all corners of the internet. 1 in 3 women will have or have had an abortion in their reproductive life. This video is for all of us.


Townhall: Trey Gowdy Will Lead Benghazi House Investigation And Carney Refuses To Answer

Daniel Doherty
 Last week House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) announced that the U.S. House of Representatives would form a special committee to investigate what happened in Benghazi, Libya the night of 9/11/2012. Rumors swirled that Boehner would tap Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) -- a former federal prosecutor and member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee -- to head the inquiry. We now know these rumors to be true:
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Carney Refuses to Answer Whether WH Will Comply with Benghazi Special Committee

Sarah Jean Seman

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney trivialized the newly announced Special Committee to investigate Benghazi claiming "the facts of yesterday are the facts of today."
Carney accused Republicans of creating a conspiracy theory where none exists. There have been "25,000 plus pages of documents, many briefings, much testimony, and all have failed to provide Republicans with what they want politically," he claimed.
"The facts begin not to matter to those who fervently want to believe in something else," Carney stated.
He failed to directly answer whether or not the White House would comply with the Special Committee.
"You're saying it without saying it," one reporter accused.
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***Breaking - House Select Committee To Investigate Benghazi Attack
 Dear Friends:

It's the moment we've been waiting for.

Just this morning, John Boehner announced that he intends for the House to create a new select committee to investigate the terrorist attack in Benghazi!

Make no mistake about it: you made this happen. All your hard work, all your support for OPSEC's mission is now paying dividends.
Todd, 20 grueling months have passed since four of our finest perished at the hands of an organized strike by Al-Qaeda linked terrorists.

The Administration's response? Evasion, obfuscation, and business as usual. They think they are above the law!

Well, with every piece of new evidence, the list of suspects is getting smaller and smaller. All signs are pointing to what we've long known: Hillary and Obama are hiding the truth. Now it's only a matter of time before their lies are completely stripped away.

If OPSEC can sustain the pressure, Hillary and Obama will soon receive the blame they deserve for the terrorist murders in Benghazi!
So please make an immediate contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more right away to intensify OPSEC's ongoing efforts to root out the truth.

With your urgently needed contribution, we will hold Obama and Hillary's feet to the fire until justice is done in this select committee.

Scott Taylor
President, OPSEC

Submitted by: 'Todd Comber'

NaturalNews: Health Ranger unveils diabetes cure secrets in fresh podcast‏, Plus Much More!!!!

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Type 2 diabetes can be easily reversed in most people! It only takes these three fundamental (but powerful) techniques to eliminate type-2 diabetes forever, using foods not drugs:

Or click this YouTube link to hear the full podcast right now:

Also, today the "Diabetes Cure Summit" begins! Don't miss this powerful, highly informative series from some of the world's top experts on reversing disease:

Cleveland Clinic begins using Chinese herbal medicine! Finally, hospitals are beginning to wake up to holistic healing:

Beware: Conventional yogurt is little more than junk food disguised as health food:

Good news: Congress is beginning to consider ending raw milk prohibition nationwide. End the criminalization of fresh milk!

more news continues below...

Today on
- Three amazing uses for tea tree oil
- Rounding up Roundup
- Yellowstone's Supervolcano explained

Type 2 diabetes myths and secrets explained: how I cured diabetes using food, not pharmaceuticals
(NaturalNews) Type 2 diabetes rates are skyrocketed among children and teens across the U.S., according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (1). Rates climbed 21% from 2000 to 2009, and most experts believe they...

                Type 2 diabetes secrets and cures

 Type 2 diabetes is not a "disease," it's a physiological pattern that can be easily reversed using these 3 simple strategies. Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reveals the cure.


Breakthrough as Cleveland Clinic begins using Chinese herbal medicine
(NaturalNews) One of the leading academic and research hospitals in the country has just opened its first Chinese herbal therapy center, a breakthrough in the mainstream advancement of what is commonly referred to as "alternative," or natural, medicine...

Momentum builds in Congress to end raw milk prohibition nationwide
(NaturalNews) Buying and selling raw dairy products across state lines has been outlawed in the U.S. since the late 1980s, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided that Americans were no longer free to make their own food decisions without...

Conventional 'yogurt' is junk food disquised as health food
(NaturalNews) Thanks to greater awareness surrounding the dangers of food that's processed and doused with pesticides, consumer attitudes have blossomed from an interest to a demand when it comes to knowing what's in our food and understanding what's...

How microbes in the gut influence anxiety, depression
(NaturalNews) We may not give much thought to the 100 trillion microbes living within our guts, but new discoveries within psychiatry have found that these organisms can profoundly affect our moods. In fact, psychiatrists are now exploring the possibility...

Libertarian-minded lawmakers finally waking up to the issue of food freedom
(NaturalNews) Democrats and libertarians are increasingly taking up the issue of food freedom, with a number of left-wing lawmakers increasingly siding with Americans who believe that farmers should have the right to sell fresh cow's milk to neighbors...

Top 5 health benefits of pumpkin
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500,000 children a year prescribed powerful narcotic codeine by U.S. doctors
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Christa O. shares food secrets for overcoming diabetes
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Eucalyptus is quite effective with respiratory problems and head lice
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Common Core tests laced with corporate slogans: are children being indoctrinated?
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Monkeys can do math? Yes, say scientists
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Colorado rolls out state-of-the-art medical marijuana vending machines
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Big businesses try to derail Vermont's toxic chemical regulation bill
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Bombshell: 1 in 13 U.S. children take psychiatric drugs
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Type 2 diabetes secrets and cures

What Is All The Hype About? BrasscheckTV: Cinco de Mayo‏

In the US, Cinco de Mayo is an opportunity
to sell a lot of beer. 
In Mexico, it's really not that big a deal. 
But revolution is a big deal in Mexico and
in the rest of Latin America. 
In fact, in many ways,Latin America a far more 
revolutionary place that North America. 
A little history...
- Brasscheck

The other Revolutionary War(s)
A crash course for gringos

Presentation by John Green
The Revolutionary War...
It didn’t just happen in the United States.
Some countries in the Americas have had multiple revolutions.
In fact, the case can be made the Latin America is more fundamentally revolutionary than North Americans.
(Hey, I don’t write history. I only read it.)
Between Spain and the Catholic Church, Latin Americans had much more formidable opponents than anything North America faced.

Latin American Revolutions: Crash Course World History #31 

In which John Green talks about the many revolutions of Latin America in the 19th century. At the beginning of the 1800s, Latin America was firmly under the control of Spain and Portugal. The revolutionary zeal that had recently created the United States and had taken off Louis XVI's head in France arrived in South America, and a racially diverse group of people who felt more South American than European took over. John covers the soft revolution of Brazil, in which Prince Pedro boldly seized power from his father, but promised to give it back if King João ever returned to Brazil. He also covers the decidedly more violent revolutions in Mexico, Venezuela, and Argentina. Watch the video to see Simón Bolívar's dream of a United South America crushed, even as he manages to liberate a bunch of countries and get two currencies and about a thousand schools and parks named after him.


WFB: Report: N. Korea Has Nuclear Warheads for Missiles‏ and More

Report: N. Korea Has Nuclear Warheads for Missiles

North Korea has developed nuclear weapons capable of being launched on its ballistic missile forces, according to a new report by a defense analyst.
The Obama administration is seeking to hide the fact that North Korea possesses nuclear missile warheads, according to a report by Mark Schneider, a former Pentagon strategic analyst and director for forces policy at the office of the secretary of defense. Schneider’s statement came in a report published April 28 in the journal Comparative Strategy.
According to the 16-page report, “The North Korean Nuclear Threat to the United States,” the Defense Intelligence Agency stated in an unclassified assessment made public a year ago that “DIA assesses with moderate confidence the North [Korean government] currently has nuclear weapons capable of delivery by ballistic missiles.”

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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Geoengineering And The Collapse Of Earth 2014 - THIS MUST BE SHARED!

This is one of those videos that is a shock to the system. Hats off to Dane Wigington for the amazing presentation. Check him out on Facebook here: Please visit the site for more info, these guys know what they are talking about: Dane Wigington presents hard data which reveals what these catastrophic programs have done to our planet to date and what they will do if they are allowed to continue. Please take the time to watch this video, follow up with some investigation of your own on our site --, and share this information far and wide.



Our Local, State, and Federal Level Politicians Are Killing US All!

Canada's Top Ten List of America's Stupidity.

Canadian Top 10


Canadian's Version of David Letterman's Top 10.
Just makes you wanna shake you head in disbelief....

This is Canada's Top Ten List of America's Stupidity.
Of course we look like idiots .... because we are.

Number 10) Only in America...could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 per plate campaign fund-raising event.

Number 9) Only in America ...could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a
black President, a black Attorney General and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black 40+% of all federal entitlements goes to black Americans - 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics!

Number 8) Only in America...could they have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (the head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

Number 7) Only in America...can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.

Number 6) Only in America...would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens (probably should be number one).

Number 5) Only in America....could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists."

Number 4) Only in America...could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.

Number 3) Only in America...could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. Oil company(Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).

Number 2) Only in America....could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars more than it has per year - for total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.

And Number 1)Only in America...could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes - be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.

Submitted by: 'Curt B.'