Gina Mason
By Peter Reuter, Special to The Lisbon Reporter
Congratulations on your BACKDOOR appointment to the School Committee.
Did you have your family write your name in?
You tried to destroy the town while you were on the council and now you are going to try and destroy the School Department?
Did you have your family write your name in?
You tried to destroy the town while you were on the council and now you are going to try and destroy the School Department?
When you were a sitting member of the Lisbon Town Council it was very clear and apparent that you did not like nor agree with the financial differences in the Town's Budget vs. the School's Budget. The only thing you had in common with the school was your high school graduation.
The Lisbon Public School system was not even good enough for your own children to attend. They were afforded private school, which you have stated offers better educations. All the self promoting you did as a Town Councilor for the Main Street, Moxie Festival, Turkey Dinners, Flags on light poles, etc. amounted to well, just what we see today around town.
The Lisbon Public School system was not even good enough for your own children to attend. They were afforded private school, which you have stated offers better educations. All the self promoting you did as a Town Councilor for the Main Street, Moxie Festival, Turkey Dinners, Flags on light poles, etc. amounted to well, just what we see today around town.
So with 34 write in votes Gina, have you already made up your own certificate of achievement in hopes of some School Committee members to sign it like you did when you were a councilor?
It is puzzling how there could be no one interested enough about the Lisbon Schools and get their name on the ballot for the voters to choose. Instead it is left up to a carefully crafted plan of a write-in for the fate of the vacated position.