Lisbon School Department Honors Community Partners
& Volunteers
Lisbon – Recently the Lisbon School Department honored
their Community Partners and Volunteers for the assistance during the 2009-2010
school year. The event was held at Lisbon High Schools’
partner in education, the Green Ladle in Lewiston, and marked the sixth
annual night of celebration. The administrators and staff from the
community of Lisbon Schools, Lisbon Community School, Philip W. Sugg Middle
School and Lisbon High School combined efforts to host the event. Community
Resource Coordinator, Monica Millhime, welcomed
over 100 Volunteers, staff and family
members. “Over the last six years 71,424 hours have been volunteered
in the Lisbon Schools. The number of hours by our Volunteers has
grown 309%,” commented Millhime. “Last year, the combined
efforts of our galvanized force of over 800 adult, young adult and junior
Volunteers, along with over 60 Community Partners, Lisbon School teachers and
students received 15,019 hours of volunteer service.”
number of community volunteers and staff received the National Presidential
Volunteer Service Award. Receiving the Gold Award for over 500
hours: Kathi Yergin, 1,307; Pam Shane, 1028; Trisha Thebeau, 636; Candace
Barrett, 550; and Marilyn Curtis, 525. Silver Awards for contributing
over 250 hours: Donna Rimiller, 378; Jonathan Carsley, 350; Suzanne
Piraino, 331; Karen Whitney, 265; Amy Austin, 265; and Nichole Sautter,
265. Bronze Awards for contributing over 100 hours: Lisa Caron,
219; Adam J. Thebeau, 216; Tim Verrill, 215; Robin Roy, 208; Dottie Carsley,
200; Angela Shambarger, 178; Patti Roberts, 178; Carol Day, 166; Tim Morin,
158; Denise Morin, 155; Cheryl Gardner, 150; Kimberly Simpson, 141; Bobbi Hill,
135; Tara Grondin, 128; Michael Crosskill, 127; Roxanne Dobson, 123; Traci Austin,
123; Monica Millhime, 121; Maxine Shane, 113; Annette Clark, 112; Melvin
Curtis, 110; and Jessica Mitchell, 109.
Certificates of appreciation
for community service were awarded to Tammy Bard, Brian Bilodeau, George Caron,
Ruth Couture, Lisa Curtis, Deb Danuski, Kathy Dearing, Tony Dobson, Phyllis
Gamache, Rick Green, Stacy Harriman, Glenn Hill, Mike Labbe, Ora and Ed Madden,
Daryl Madore, Christina Maney, Anita Marenius, Muriel Michaud, Jim Millhime,
Ryan O’Connor, Joe Piraino, Pete Reed, Mert Ricker, Wayne Ricker, Greg
Shambarger and Jerry Yergin. Staff appreciation certificates were awarded
to Lorraine Bard, Renee Bernard, Marcia Bickford, Maggie Bouthot, Margaret
Frankenberger, Lorraine Giasson, Barbara Grinder, Sue Hardison, Ken Healey,
Nancy Holt, Carlene Iverson, Marcia Jolicoeur, Chris Moreau, Sheri Moreau,
Kendra O’Connell, Kate Race, Jeff Ramich, Tara Robertson, Phyllis St.
Pierre and Matt Watras.
Community Partnership Awards
were presented to Sun Journal, Times Record, Lisbon Reporter, Flagship Cinema,
Lisbon Library, Lisbon Federal Credit Union, LCS PTO, PWS PAG, LHS PAG, Lisbon
Boosters, Sam’s, Subway, Wal-Mart, The Green Ladle, Turner Publishing,
Great Falls TV, Twin City Times, Hannaford’s, Solo Bistro, Denny’s,
Kohl’s, WMTW, WCSH, WGME, Topsham Grange, Big Brothers Big Sisters,
Lewiston Elks Lodge 371, VFW Post #9459, Lisbon Police Department, Lisbon Fire
Department, and Lisbon Emergency.
“Lisbon Volunteers
work hard to make our community of schools in Lisbon, stronger and
safer.” Millhime said. “Lisbon School Department is
proud to be aligned with this prestigious national Volunteer Award Program, and
we are especially proud of our Volunteers who pride themselves on making
Volunteer services a central part of their lives.” “Each and
every time a Volunteer assists us with a project, whether it is in the
classroom, tutoring, assisting as a reading buddy, chaperoning on a field trip,
working from home on a special project, baking, or assisting in the office, our
Volunteers are contributing to broadening a child’s educational
horizon. We have generations within families who all volunteer.
Last year, a number of folks joined our volunteer program from neighboring
communities,” shares Millhime.
FMI on the Lisbon Volunteer
and Partnership program call 754-0021 or email
Pamela Shane with Kate Race, PWS Principal
Yergin and Millhime
Lisbon School
Department honored its Volunteers and Community Partners for contributing
15,019 hours of assistance. Two outstanding volunteers for the year were
Kathi Yergin volunteering 1,307 hours with her affiliation at both Philip W.
Sugg Middle School and Lisbon High School and Pamela Shane volunteering 1,028
hours at Lisbon Community School. “Lisbon is a proud Community
of hard working people. Over the last six years, the number of
hours contributed by our Volunteers has grown 309%,” according to
Community Resource Coordinator, Monica Millhime.