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Monday, October 22, 2012

Why Must Our Town Leaders Lie To Their Citizens?


I have been accused of wasting taxpayer dollars by submitting Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) requests.  It is true I do submit a lot of FOAA’s but it is important for the taxpayers to understand why this has become a necessity.
 Lisbon Chief of Police David T. Brooks

According to Chief Brooks and Town Manager Eldridge, the town of Lisbon received grants for (1) furniture for the communication center, (2) the police antenna and (3) cruiser video systems (This is not being purchased this year).  Come to find out there was never grant money for any of these projects. 

 Town Manager Stephen Eldridge

What does this mean?  Well it is very simple.  The taxpayers have been lied to in each case.  Remember how Town Manager Eldridge was paying tribute to the hard work the Chief of Police put into getting these grants and now we find out there were never any grants.  I know this because I requested a copy of each of these grants under a FOAA and I received a copy of two emails from Chief Brooks stating there are no grants for any of these projects.

These projects were falsely budgeted.  The taxpayers were told the town had received money for these projects when there was no money received from an outside source.  The money, which paid for these projects, came from our tax dollars.  The town manager has been hiding money within the budget to cover projects for Chief Brooks. 

This is the reason I have had to submit so many FOAA’s.  Also, I have to pay $.50 for each copy of any documents I receive.  This money is out of my pocket and I have no problems doing this because I am going to get to the bottom of hiding money and inflating the budget to cover projects.  The governing body of Lisbon is supposed to be transparent but that is a joke.  I honestly believe the council has no idea as to how much money has been diverted in the budget because they believe every word they are told by management.

In the town’s Mission Statement it states several items but I am only going to quote two which I find to be lacking by our town manager.  The first one is “We are committed to serving the public, being accountable and conducting ourselves with integrity, honesty, and responsibility.”  I do not understand how falsely budget our tax dollars falls under this section.  Also “We are committed to sharing information with our citizens and including them as partners in the decision making process.”  How many times has the people voiced their concerns at public hearing or surveys and have the council do just the opposite?  How does ignoring the wishes of the people fall under the “Mission Statement”?

Does anyone want to take a wild guess as why we suffered a tax increase this year?

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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