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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Recap Town Council Meeting September 17th, 2013


At last night’s town council meeting, there were some surprising occurrences.  We actually saw the presents of real councilors for the first time.  Most impressive was Councilor Dillon Pesce, who finally put his foot down when all the documentation was not present and led a successful tabling of the Winter Sand contract.  Councilor Mark Lunt followed suit and voted “NO” on several motions.  This is the first sighting of REAL COUNCILORS being present on the council.  It was very refreshing to see real councilors.  I personally am very proud of Councilor Pesce and Councilor Lunt for sticking to their guns and not going along with the rest of the council.  I hope more councilors follow suit so we can have a real council.

  •  The question of whether to put the million dollars bond on the ballot?  The vote was 5-2 with Councilors Pesce and Lunt voting NO.
  • The recommendation by the council on the million dollar bond?  The vote was 4-3 with Councilors Pesce, Garrison and Lunt voting NO.  Chairman LaRochelle voted yes on both.
  • The question to put the water tank bond on the ballot or not?  The vote was 6-1 with Councilor Mason voted NO.
  • The recommendation by the council on the water tank bond?  The vote was 5-2 with Councilors Mason and Garrison voted NO.
  • The questions to put replace the water main on Frost Hill and Old Lisbon Rd?  The vote was 7-0.
  •  The recommendation by the council on the water main on Frost Hill and Old Lisbon Rd.  The vote was 7-0.
  • The Warrant for November?  The vote was 6-1 with Councilor Pesce voting NO.
  • The MMA Voting Delegation Credentials?  The vote was 7-0 for Primary Mr. Eldridge and Alternate Mrs. Maloy.
  • The Lisbon Community Federal Credit Union Account Resolution-Davis Cemetery?  The vote was 7-0.

The Finance Director provided an update on Revenue and Expenses for the year.  The Town Manager provided an update on three projects.  The Library received a $400.00 grant; the Upper Dam work is continuing and Knight-Celotex will be finished in 5 weeks.

Councilor Communications, I will cover in my next article because it is too funny to write here.

Larry Fillmore

1 comment:

False Deluder said...

How can you vote on a measure that you have recused yourself multiple times one? That vote should be nullified.