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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

NaturalNews: Are GMO-free cereals a ploy to disrupt GMO labeling?‏ plus more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
If you've been following the Garden of Life drama over the past 24 hours, there have been some interesting developments.
We are currently urging Garden of Life to "come clean" about the composition of their protein products:
There may be hope for optimism in all this, however. It's possible we may be able to bring you some good news on this front very soon -- something that would greatly serve the public interest in all this.

Remember those recent announcements of cereals going non-GMO? What if it were all an elaborate ploy to disrupt the GMO labeling movement?

Scientific studies support the notion that spirulina can help prevent cancer, and that's good for America!

Good news: More and more people are ignoring government propaganda and choosing RAW milk!

More news continues below...

Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Ty Bollinger and RSB discuss the reasons for the rising cancer rates worldwide and what you can do about it. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at

Today on
- Constantly sick? Maybe it's your adrenals
- Must-see prescription drug side effects video spoof
- Natural antihistamines for fast relief

Are GMO-free Cheerios, Grape-Nuts a ploy by Grocery Manufacturers Association to kill mandatory GMO labeling?
(NaturalNews) Two of the largest breakfast cereal companies in the nation, General Mills and Post, recently announced that they will soon be removing all genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from two of their most popular cereal brands, Cheerios (General...
Western drought leads to smallest cattle herd in 61 years, organic food shortages
(NaturalNews) It is shaping up to be an exceptionally tough year for agriculture in America, where persistent drought and erratic weather patterns across much of the nation have led to the smallest overall cattle herd in 61 years, according to the latest...
Studies show that spirulina can help prevent cancer, boost brain function and more
(NaturalNews) Spirulina is a type of green algae that grows in fresh water bodies. It is a survivor plant which, unlike most flora, is able to withstand considerable temperature variations and still thrive. It is cultivated worldwide and has been...
Hypocritical FCT journal editor refuses to retract inconclusive pro-GMO study
(NaturalNews) Is genetically modified maize harmless? Is it really safe to consume? Is it no different than natural maize? When the pro-GMO industry has the power to bury scientific studies that it doesn't agree with, when they have the power to pay...
More people ignoring government propaganda, choosing raw milk over pasteurized
(NaturalNews) There is a raw milk renaissance sweeping America that is marked by swelling disregard for all the government fear-mongering over this all-natural, living "superfood." Writing for The Washington Post (WP), freelance journalist Whitney...
How to cure pneumonia naturally with vitamin C
(NaturalNews) Pneumonia is the eighth killer disease in the world. It is caused by both bacteria and viruses. One is likely to get the disease after having a cold or a flu infection. Pneumonia caused by a virus can be very dangerous because it cannot...
FDA approves of agricultural use of antibiotics that pose 'high risk' to human health
(NaturalNews) Thirty dangerous antibiotics, deemed potentially harmful by the FDA, continue to run amuck in farm animal feed, welcoming drug-resistant bacteria. This includes 18 'high risk' antibiotics. Thanks to inaction by the US Food and Drug Administration...
Research shows yoga benefits breast cancer sufferers physically and emotionally
(NaturalNews) Mind-body therapies can help cancer patients, and yoga has been shown in numerous studies to help improve the physical and emotional well being of cancer sufferers, raising quality of life both during and after treatment. Improved...
Four reasons why people settle for unsatisfying relationships
(NaturalNews) Ever know anyone who clearly settled for a less than an optimal relationship, or even a painful one? It happens all the time. Why do we do it? In fact, in ...
Surgeon General, scientists agree: Cigarettes are more addictive and deadly than ever before
(NaturalNews) So the Surgeon General, with several supportive scientists, has publicly announced that cigarettes are worse than ever. But the attention was mostly on the nicotine content of tobacco throughout the bulk of the almost 1,000-page report....
The benefits of an organic acid test
(NaturalNews) The organic acids test is a simple urine test that looks at biomarkers from various metabolic pathways. These biomarkers give an overview of several major systems in the body and an analysis of nutritional deficiencies in the body. Many...
Common chemical in laundry detergents kills coral reefs
(NaturalNews) A common ingredient in detergents, soaps and sunscreens is devastating coral reefs, in part by damaging their DNA, according to a study conducted by researchers from Tel Aviv University and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (both in Israel...
Nightmare bacteria target seniors
(NaturalNews) So-called "superbugs," such as MRSA, that are resistant to antibiotics are sweeping through healthcare settings. This puts already vulnerable populations at greater risk for complications in places such as hospitals and nursing homes. Doctors...
North America's migrating monarch butterfly population falls to record lows
(NaturalNews) Each winter, millions of monarch butterflies migrate all the way from the USA and Canada to parts of Mexico and Southern California where oyamel fir trees exist in mountainous areas at 2,000 to 2,500 feet in altitude. Those trees offer ideal...
Imperial TSA admits to screening, molesting more than 638 million air travelers in 2013
(NaturalNews) The most repressive airport security force in the civilized world, the TSA (Transportation Security Administration), recently published a summary on its blog of all the "accomplishments" it achieved in 2013. And listed as a bragging right...
Natural News urges Garden of Life to 'come clean' about heavy metals in protein products, cease sales of current inventory
(NaturalNews) News has been breaking today across the 'net about the presence of significant levels of the heavy metals tungsten, lead and cadmium in Garden of Life RAW Protein products as ...
Shameless, disgraceful Garden of Life attacks Natural News for publishing scientific facts about tungsten, lead and cadmium in their RAW protein products
(NaturalNews) In response to Natural News publishing scientific findings about Garden of Life RAW Protein products containing the highest levels of tungsten...
GM Golden Rice yet another quack science fraud
(NaturalNews) Much has been said by the biotech lobby about the alleged merits of genetically modified (GM) "Golden Rice," which supposedly contains added vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene that some say could help alleviate blindness and other illnesses...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Reporters' Guide to Millennium Goals‏

As you can see by the attached book, there are a number of articles that need to be written to help achieve Millennium goals.  We need a similar collection of articles for the State of Maine, from history to corruption.

Read over the articles and see what does and does not apply to Maine.

Dwight Hines

MEDIA ADVISORY: MHPC and AFP Maine to celebrate Digital Learning Day‏

The Maine Heritage Policy Center
The Maine Heritage Policy Center and Americans for Prosperity Maine to host press conference to celebrate Digital Learning Day
February 5th is Digital Learning Day in Maine
AUGUSTA – The Maine Heritage Policy Center and Americans for Prosperity Maine will host a press conference tomorrow in celebration of Digital Learning Day, Wednesday, February 5th. The press conference will take place at 10 a.m. in the Welcome Center at the Maine State House.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
10:00 a.m.
Welcome Center at the Maine State House, Augusta, ME
Ken Coville
Superintendent, SAU 74
Jim Rier
Education Commissioner, Maine Department of Education 
Jeff Mao
Policy Director, Maine Learning Technology Initiative

 For more information, please visit or

Rufe's Weather Update ***Important***

Snow will arrive 4AM-5AM tomorrow in Kittery and spread rapidly north and east during the morning, the first inch in Portland by 8AM. The heaviest snow will fall at midday, the last inch by 6PM. No mixtures are anticipated. Snow will exit the coast by midnight.

 One clean storm, and winds at most could gust to 28 mph right at the shoreline tomorrow evening. Winds inland will likely not exceed 20 mph. 
 Expect 4”-12” north to south. Please refer to morning graphic.
 Temps will remain below freezing for most right into early next week. 
 Yet another major system will sweep up the Eastern Seaboard Monday, its track still a bit uncertain. The signature for wind is stronger.


EagleRising: Watch President Obama Blame Everyone But Himself for His Scandals‏ and more

President Obama Blames His Scandals on Fox News

Watch as Obamacare Crushes Middle Class Workers

Disturbing Video – 4 Year Old Al-Qaeda Soldier

More Articles

CMP Renews Alert to Customers About Utility Payment Scams

AUGUSTA, Maine, February 4, 2014 — Central Maine Power Company (CMP), a subsidiary of Iberdrola USA, reports that customers continue to receive calls from people claiming to represent the utility and demanding immediate payments.

The utility warns customers to verify all information before making such payments. CMP notes that utility customers can be a convenient target for these scammers, because most everyone does business with an energy company and pays utility bills.

Most of the customers are warned of imminent disconnection, instructed to purchase a pre-paid debit card at a local convenience store, and told to call a specific number with the card information. In some cases, customers were told that a recent payment was not received or had been incorrectly processed, and that a new transaction would be required.

The callers have tried to work his deception mostly on restaurants, markets, and other small businesses, but some residential customers have also been targeted.

CMP offers these tips to keep account information secure:

  • CMP will not call a customer for payment if his or her account is in good standing.
  • Customers can check their balance at CMP’s website at or by calling 1-800-750-4000.
  • Customers who need to make an urgent payment should do so only through the CMP website, or at one of the payment agents listed on the website at
  • Customers can avoid payment scams entirely and keep current on their CMP bills by enrolling in the utility’s Autopay service, where the amount due is automatically deducted from a bank account each month. More information on this payment option is at

  • The identity of any CMP employee can be verified by asking for their photo ID card (if in person) or their employee number, then contacting CMP at 1.800.750.4000 to verify their identity and the nature of their business. Our employees are happy to comply with an identity verification request. 

  • CMP does not ask customers to purchase debit cards such as Green Dot MoneyPaks to make payments. Any instruction involving such a payment scheme should be considered a red flag.
  • Customers who have any questions about a call for an overdue payment are urged to contact CMP by calling 1-800-750-4000.
Additional information on avoiding scams can be found at CMP’s website:

Customers who believe they have been scammed should contact their local law enforcement agency and the Federal Trade Commission (

The Maine Wire: “TREACHEROUS: Dems deceive colleagues in late night $40 million raid of rainy day fund” plus 4 more‏

TREACHEROUS: Dems deceive colleagues in late night $40 million raid of rainy day fund
Posted: 03 Feb 2014 08:55 PM PST
AUGUSTA – Democratic leaders threw bipartisanship, compromise and integrity by the wayside Monday night as they deceived their GOP colleagues into leaving the State House and subsequently voted on a $40 million budget bill without a single Republican lawmaker present. Republican lawmakers reacted to the maneuver, which involved Democratic members of the powerful Appropriations Committee, […]
As fate of Medicaid expansion uncertain, MeHAF drops $600k moneybomb
Posted: 03 Feb 2014 10:18 AM PST
AUGUSTA – The Augusta-based Maine Health Access Foundation announced Wednesday it has given awards worth nearly $670,000 to liberal political activists, a money bomb the foundation hopes will increase legislative support for a bill to expand Medicaid. MeHAF, a charitable foundation with more than $110,000,000 in assets, was formed following the sale of Blue Cross […]
RGA zings Michaud over pro-carbon tax vote
Posted: 03 Feb 2014 08:30 AM PST
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governor’s Association (RGA) criticized U.S. Rep. Michael Michaud on Monday over the Democratic candidate for governor’s vote in favor of a “Cap and Trade” carbon tax scheme. “Maine, like many other parts of the country, has been gripped by freezing weather and soaring heating costs. If U.S. Congressman and Democrat […]

Obama vs O’Reilly: Obamacare, Benghazi, and IRS targeting
Posted: 03 Feb 2014 07:35 AM PST
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama and Fox News host Bill O’Reilly traded barbs Sunday during a pitched pre-Super Bowl interview. O’Reilly, a top critic of the Obama administration, probed the president about the flawed rollout of his signature health care law, the IRS’ targeting of conservative non-profit groups, and the 9/11 terrorist attack in Benghazi, […]
Analysis: Press Herald’s 1,800-word story on public record requests ignores Democratic stonewalling
Posted: 03 Feb 2014 07:11 AM PST
PORTLAND – The Portland Press Herald, a newspaper whose majority owner is one of the largest Democratic donors in the state of Maine, published a 1,800 story about problems with Maine’s Freedom of Access Act Sunday. Although the story mentions purported problems obtaining documents from the LePage administration, staff writer Eric Russell completely ignores the efforts […]

NaturalNews: Exclusive: Tungsten, lead, cadmium found in Garden of Life RAW Protein products‏ plus much more

A food science investigation published by Natural News reveals significant concentrations of the heavy metals tungsten, lead and cadmium in the "beyond organic" RAW Protein products from Garden of Life

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
If you are currently consuming Garden of Life RAW Protein products, please IMMEDIATELY STOP.
My investigation has found significant levels of the heavy metals tungsten, lead and cadmium in many different Garden of Life RAW Protein products.
See the full findings in this breaking investigative article:
See the chart summarizing our findings at:
And please share this video which explains the full findings:
I will be breaking this news in detail on the Robert Scott Bell Show today. Listen in at 3-5pm Eastern (12 noon - 3pm Pacific) at

Every heard of GMO Golden Rice? Here's why it's yet another biotech quack science fraud:

Mustard is actually good for you! Here are just a few of the many health benefits:

Want to beat cancer? Exercise more!

More news continues below...

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GM Golden Rice yet another quack science fraud
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Monday, February 3, 2014

Democrats Demonize Maine's Coffers With Demonstration of "Dirty Politics"; DISGRACE: In Surprise Vote, Dems Raid Rainy Day, Tax Relief Fund

DISGRACE: In Surprise Vote, Dems Raid Rainy Day, Tax Relief Funds
Dems wait for GOP colleagues to go home before voting out controversial bill 

AUGUSTA – In an unprecedented move by majority lawmakers Monday night, the Democratic members of the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee voted “Ought to Pass” on a $40 million budget proposal without a single Republican present. 

Democrats had met with their Republican colleagues on the budget committee earlier in the evening, agreeing to take the matter up during Tuesday afternoon’s work session.  All Republican appropriators left the State House with that agreement.  Democrats then assembled in the committee room and voted out the budget bill in a one-party vote.

Senate Chairwoman Dawn Hill (D-Cape Neddick) even said she was “disappointed” that Republicans did not join Democrats for the vote, though both parties had agreed to meet tomorrow.

“I am absolutely stunned by this brazen move by the Democrats,” said Lead House Republican appropriator Rep. Kathy Chase (R-Wells), reached on her cell phone while driving home from Augusta.  “I left the State House with the understanding that we would not vote on the measure until tomorrow afternoon.” 

It remains unclear why Democrats took the surprise vote. 

“This is the kind of thing you see in Chicago, not Maine,” said Senate Republican Leader Michael Thibodeau of Winterport.  “I have never seen anything like this in my years in the Maine Legislature.”

The after-dark surprise comes just days after former Democratic U.S. Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell urged lawmakers to take a more collaborative approach to governance.

“This is a slap in the face to the people of Maine,” said House Republican Leader Ken Fredette of Newport.  “They sent us here to do the people’s business in a transparent and grown-up manner, not pull surprise votes and misrepresent the facts to the media.” 

The Democratic proposal entails closing a $40 million budget gap by raiding the state’s rainy day fund, as well as the income tax relief fund, and using revenue surpluses.  Bond rating agencies and the Governor’s finance chief, Sawin Millett, have warned of a credit downgrade if the legislature raids the rainy day fund.