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Friday, September 20, 2013

NaturalNews: Explosive new video: Whole Foods whistleblower says employees were trained to lie about GMOs‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Natural News is the exclusive source for an explosive new video just released by Organic Spies.
This video depicts a Whole Foods whistleblower testifying that employees were deliberately trained to lie about GMOs.
The video also accuses Whole Foods of being an "organic fraud machine" by misleading consumers over the organic status of products sold in Whole Foods stores.
Read this explosive story and see the video yourself, exclusively at Natural News:

"Scientific American" has discredited itself by insisting that consumers be kept in the dark about GMOs. What's "scientific" about consumer ignorance?

Heads up: The American delusion of unlimited spending, consumption and borrowing will come to an end:

Don't miss this special talk on using vitamin C to eliminate chronic disease:

Court slaps down efforts by the meat industry to avoid country-of-origin labeling:

P.S. Only 10 days left on the Natural News Store Anniversary Sale. Use coupon code shanti0913 to save 15% on anniversary items on orders over $149:

More news continues below...

Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Homeopathic medicine with Dr. Frank King; and Mike Adams returns with a Natural News exclusive: Former Whole Foods employee blows the whistle on being trained to lie about GMOs in new Organic Spies video. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at

Today from
- Nutrition and mental health
- Facts you need to know about GMO labeling
- Disease, vaccinations and lies

Natural News exclusive: Whole Foods Market whistleblower says employees were deliberately trained to lie about GMOs - new Organic Spies video
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