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Saturday, February 8, 2014

NaturalNews:New detailed heavy metals charts published on vegan proteins‏ plus more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
As promised, we've just published detailed new heavy metals composition charts on vegan proteins and rice proteins. These charts also include data on the exciting new SunWarrior "Warrior Blend" formulas, which turn out to be remarkably low in the heavy metals we've tested for:

In another victory spearheaded by the Food Babe, Subway restaurants have agreed to remove the yoga mat chemical from their breads. This is an awesome week for grassroots victories for clean food!

Looking to fight cancer? Eat your greens!

One woman lost 30 pounds on a raw fruit & veggie diet:

P.S. Everything we sell at the Natural News Store is heavily scrutinized and tested for heavy metals. Save 5% right now with coupon code gratitude99
We've just added many new ultra-clean, laboratory-tested products: Organic Coconut Flour | Health Ranger Healing Salve | Nascent Iodine Preparedness Pack | Heirloom Seed Packs

More news continues below...

Today on
- Can you live without exercising?
- Apertifs and digestives
- The many roles of iodine in the body

Rice protein heavy metals results republished by Natural News in new, improved charts
(NaturalNews) It's been a whirlwind week of activity on heavy metals in rice protein. Over the last week, here's a summary of what happened: • Natural News released exclusive breaking news on tungsten, cadmium and lead in rice protein products...

Subway restaurant chain to remove yoga mat chemical from sandwiches thanks to grassroots activism
(NaturalNews) Companies that portray a healthy image, like Subway, must be held accountable to their "eat fresh" claims. When a company like Subway cooks a carcinogenic chemical directly into their bread for many years, they really aren't being honest...

CVS Pharmacy announces plan to stop selling tobacco products - But is it auspicious?
(NaturalNews) Which "drug" store do you buy your cigarettes from? Is it Rite Aid, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Target, Kroger or CVS? Do you ask for extra-strength nicotine or do the packages not say how much you're getting? Isn't it kind of strange that the...

Fight cancer with organic green shakes every day
(NaturalNews) So many people make good health a complicated matter by polluting their bodies with processed foods, irradiated foods, genetically modified foods, gluten, bleached foods, hormone-laden meats and milk, and a host of other toxic products that...

Cannabis kicks Lyme disease to the curb
(NaturalNews) Lyme disease has been controversial for some years. Many medical practitioners misdiagnose it, while several think that it's mental. With Lyme disease, there are so many symptoms, so many debilitating, agonizing manifestations, that it's...

Upscale restaurant food is more fattening than McDonalds
(NaturalNews) So, you're dining out in a better class of restaurants tonight and, being health-conscious, you might be thinking that a better restaurant means better food and food that is better for you. If you are one of millions of Americans...

Dolphin Project and IMMP Support Romanian Dolphin Personhood Law
(NaturalNews) The International Marine Mammal Project (IMMP) and Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project are supporting efforts to enact a law in Romania to declare dolphins as nonhuman persons in order to enhance their protections in the Black Sea. Romanian...

Israeli missile weapons technology can now check your colon for cancer
(NaturalNews) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new method for inspecting the large intestine, also known as a colonoscopy, a procedure so unpleasant, and arguably painful, that many skip it, despite its high recommendation for...

Woman loses over 30 pounds with raw fruit and vegetable diet
(NaturalNews) In 2010, Erica decided to venture on a journey toward healthier living. To kick-start the process, she started a 30-day raw fruit and vegetable detox. After observing changes in her body and mood, including a more toned figure and increased...

Pot-infused 'snacks' are becoming big business - And a big concern for parents
(NaturalNews) As you might have expected, the legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado and Washington State this year has created new markets for pot-infused products, not the least of which are snacks and treats that customers eat to get high...

Paprika is a great spice to assist your cardiovascular system
(NaturalNews) The bell pepper family brings a lot of positive things to the table without a doubt. One of its most recognized members is paprika and it happens to be quite appreciated for the particular taste that it provides to various dishes. Paprika...

Now Facebook is planning creepy new artificial intelligence technology
(NaturalNews) If you thought that the politicians who get caught "sinning" were a dime a dozen, wait until Facebook transcribes everyone's phone calls; heck, the next super pac advertisement you see may just include most of the Tea Party doing their ...

Two bartenders charged with serving alcohol to drunk man who later died
(NaturalNews) A pair of Tulsa, Oklahoma, bartenders are in hot water with the law after an intoxicated man they were serving was hit and killed by two different drivers as he was walking home last fall. News On 6, a local television station...

Matrix - Who is Edward Snowden?
(NaturalNews) This article is a compilation of a number of pieces I've written about Ed Snowden and the NSA. It doesn't replace them, but it hits the high points... Let's begin here: If you absolutely must have a hero, watch Superman movies. If...

What those TSA guys are really saying
(NaturalNews) Just recently, a former Transportation Security Administration screener wrote a tell-all piece for Politico...

School administrators throw food away, waste tax dollars, let kids go hungry to make parents pay
(NaturalNews) A Utah elementary school made international headlines recently after it was reported that administrators there starved out about 40 students whose lunch funds were lacking. According to The Salt Lake Tribune (SLT), cafeteria workers...

EagleRising: Town Bans American Flag Displays!‏ and more


Israelis Mock "messianic" John Kerry

impeach obama

Wisconsin Town Bans Display of American Flag


A Fry Cook Puts Obama in His Place
More Articles

The Maine Wire: “At 7.7%, Workers’ Comp rates are lowest since 1998, saving employers $15.2 million” plus 2 more‏

At 7.7%, Workers’ Comp rates are lowest since 1998, saving employers $15.2 million
Posted: 07 Feb 2014 08:27 AM PST
AUGUSTA – The Maine State Workers’ Compensation Board announced Friday that rates will decrease by nearly 8 percent to 7.7 percent. The largest decrease in the rate since 1998 will save Maine employers more than $15.2 million in 2014. “Maine employers and employees should take credit for the improvement in the workers’ compensation system,” said […]
Schaeffer: Progressives, stop torturing language
Posted: 07 Feb 2014 08:11 AM PST
Could we puhleeease stop abusing common English for political purposes?  This week I read another opinion item by a progressive carrying on about a number of their favorite priorities, like equality and women’s rights, and ‘increasing access to health care.’ If you look up the definition of access, you find this: ac·cess [ak-ses]  noun 1.  the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance: They have access to the files. […]
Union boss misunderstands public policy basics
Posted: 07 Feb 2014 07:20 AM PST
AUGUSTA – A labor union boss for the AFL-CIO Maine demonstrated an impoverished understanding of basic public policy on Wednesday in an interview with Maine Public Broadcasting Network. Commenting on Gov. Paul LePage’s recently unveiled Open For Business Zones, AFL-CIO Maine Executive Director Matthew Schlobohm said, “This is the Maine Heritage Policy Center’s free Maine […]

New this week from the Columbus Free Press February 8th‏

Some important news stories you may have missed this week from the Columbus Free Press:
How the Columbus Dispatch and so-called progressive democrats united to eliminate two citizen initiatives from the local Columbus Ballot.  You can't Vote for these

Read about how government intelligence services and private security firms placed the hacktivist group Anonymous under attack. Screenshots of actual CIA-developed software show the corporate spies targeting activists for caring for the homeless.

Harvey Wasserman gives us another 50 reasons to fear the worst from Fukishima.

And a  movie review of Fear Not the Path of Truth from Robert Koehler

Friday, February 7, 2014

Contrary To Popular Belief, The President & Company Tell Lies: Cleta Mitchell to Congress: DOJ IRS Investigation Is a Sham, Non-Existent"

  • Cleta Mitchell told Congress today the IRS is still targeting conservative groups. Mitchell also said the "ongoing" DOJ investigation is a complete sham.
    "I want to make three primary points here. First, the IRS scandal is real. It's not pretend, it's real. Number two, the IRS scandal is not just a bunch of bone-headed bureaucrats in some remote office contrary to what the President of the United States told the American People on Sunday. And, number 3, the IRS scandal is not over. It is continuing to this day. And, the Department of Justice Investigation is a sham. It is a nonexistent investigation." 

NaturalNews: Fukushima radiation can be blocked: Health Ranger research‏ plus more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
After months of research in the lab, I've discovered and validated a way to block cesium-137 radioactive elements in the digestive tract.
This is groundbreaking scientific research for all those concerned about Fukushima fallout, nuclear catastrophes, nuclear war or "dirty bombs."
Read the full details of this discovery in today's feature story:

Also, I've posted more details on the actual tungsten concentrations detected in rice protein products. A new chart shows reveals the shocking levels of tungsten found across many brands of rice protein:

Silly school administrators are forcing kids to throw away perfectly good food!

CVS Pharmacies announced its stores are no longer going to sell cigarettes. Good news? Yeah, sort of. I guess drugs that treat cancer are now so profitable, they no longer need to keep selling products that cause cancer:

ABC News is getting sued for talking about "pink slime." Is it a crime to talk about foods being pink or slimy?

More news continues below...

Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Dr. Frank King reveals what you can do before allergy season arrives and Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez answers listener questions on a variety of healing topics. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at

Today on
- The many roles of iodine in the body
- Six little-known superfoods that deserve wider recognition
- Overcoming GMO lies

School administrators throw food away, waste tax dollars, let kids go hungry to make parents pay
(NaturalNews) A Utah elementary school made international headlines recently after it was reported that administrators there starved out about 40 students whose lunch funds were lacking. According to The Salt Lake Tribune (SLT), cafeteria workers...

Cigarettes to no longer be sold at CVS Pharmacies
(NaturalNews) As of October 2014, the CVS Pharmacy chain will cease all tobacco sales. There is a bit of hypocrisy within their proclamation that is only apparent to most of those who seek health freedom and take responsibility for their own health. That...

Just breathe - Ancient practice of pranayama can help you detoxify, shed excess weight and boost overall vitality
(NaturalNews) Forget the detox pills, fasts and other painful cleansing techniques - instead, take a cue from the yogis of India and look to the breath. Using yogic breathing techniques, we can effortlessly detoxify, burn fat and increase metabolism....

ABC News sued for broadcasting news about pink slime beef byproducts
(NaturalNews) Back in 2012, when ABC News broke the story of an industrial beef byproduct being secretly added to children's lunches, the nation was outraged. And a major purveyor of that byproduct, South Dakota-based Beef Products Inc. (BPI),...

Mediterranean diet protects against peripheral artery disease, heart attack and stroke
(NaturalNews) A large, multicenter clinical trial has provided some of the strongest evidence yet that a Mediterranean diet plus added olive oil or nuts protects all parts of the cardiovascular system, helping to prevent heart attack, stroke and peripheral...

Cause of deadliest plagues in history discovered
(NaturalNews) The two deadliest plagues in the world - the Black Death and the Justinian Plague - wiped out a great deal of Europe's population. A new study shows that they were caused by two different strains of the same bacterium. With funding from...

The meltdown of the Obamacare mandate
(NaturalNews) To say that the roll-out of Obamacare is not going well is perhaps the understatement of the year. But even more than that, those who predicted that the law would ultimately collapse on itself might have been prophetic. In particular...

World's oldest yoga teacher spills secrets of youth and healing
(NaturalNews) Tao Porchon-Lynch can balance all of her weight on her forearms, lifting her entire body up and parallel to the floor without the need for support from her legs. She also engages in competitive dancing, cutting a rug with dancing partners...

Sodium alginate from seaweed could help with weight loss
(NaturalNews) New research out of Denmark has affirmed the weight-loss potential of the dietary supplement sodium alginate, a seaweed-based fiber compound that has previously been shown to aid in the burning of excess fat. Scientists from the University...

Experts provide healthy tips during American heart month
(NaturalNews) February is American Heart Month, dedicated to educate people about the importance of keeping their heart healthy. The urging to take care of our heart is embraced across the nation, and for good reason. According to the Centers...

Baby survives fetal-maternal hemorhhage, is born without any blood
(NaturalNews) Three months before her due date, expectant mother Jennifer Juarez felt that something was going wrong inside her. Her baby had kicked up to 10 times in a half-hour and then suddenly went still. She consulted her midwife. Their gut instincts...

Blue light can help fight fatigue and improve your alertness
(NaturalNews) If you feel fatigued and have trouble maintaining focus at work, you aren't the only one. To help combat this, a new study suggests that blue light (short wavelength) exposure can immediately improve your performance and even your alertness...

Google's big plans to make your brain irrelevant
(NaturalNews) Technology is advancing at an alarming pace - perhaps faster now than at any time in our history - and the major technology companies are leading the charge. One such firm is search and media giant Google, but the tech company isn't just...

Barbaric Japanese stage annual dolphin hunt for fun
(NaturalNews) A longtime Japanese tradition of hunting and slaughtering dolphins for sport has come under fire from the West for its barbarically low view of this highly intelligent animal species. The U.K.'s Guardian reports that the U.S. Ambassador...

Radioactive cesium-137 in foods can be blocked during digestion: Health Ranger research breakthrough
(NaturalNews) After many long months of intense R&D efforts in the laboratory, I am ready to make this historical, groundbreaking announcement: I have discovered, documented and validated a combination of five natural substances which can capture and...

Tungsten in rice protein: Health Ranger releases new chart, petitions all protein manufacturers to commit to reasonable industry standards for heavy metals
(NaturalNews) As Natural News fans and readers already know, we made history yesterday by reaching and publishing terms of an unprecedented agreement with...

After Obamacare, families still struggle with medical bills
(NaturalNews) One of Obamacare's "selling points" - and yes, there were many - was that the cost of healthcare would come down. That is, the cost of actual care that Americans would have to pay out-of-pocket, as well as the prices that people pay for...

TMB: Column: Our adolescent media‏ and more

Fast Times at Eighth Avenue High
By Matthew ContinettiYou are an accomplished adult, at the top of your field, working in the heart of the greatest city in the world. Important people answer your emails and phone calls. Yet there is one person in the office who bugs you, whose demeanor you find obnoxious. You want to take a stand, to let this individual know his behavior is uncalled for, imperious, despotic even. And so you do the only thing a mature and levelheaded man in your position can do: You refuse to sit with him at lunch.

House Bill Would Cut Funding to Backers of Israeli Boycotts
By Adam KredoA new bipartisan bill introduced Thursday in the House would strip all federal funds from any U.S. academic institution that decides to boycott Israel, according to a copy of the newly filed legislation obtained by the Free Beacon.

Photos Debunk Key Anti-Fracking Claim
By Lachlan MarkayNewly released photos of a flaming water well have renewed skepticism of claims by environmental activists and federal regulators that hydraulic fracturing made drinking water supplies in Parker County, Texas, flammable.

Hobby Lobby Speaks Out
By Andrew EvansThe president of Hobby Lobby discussed his company’s ongoing lawsuit against the Obama administration regarding the contraceptive mandate, which goes before the Supreme Court March 25 for oral arguments.

DC Mayoral Candidate’s Business to Host Venezuelan Government’s Pro-Chavez Event
By Lachlan MarkayThe government of Venezuela will celebrate the legacy of its late socialist president Hugo Chavez this month at a coffee shop owned by a radical Washington, D.C., mayoral candidate who has said Israel controls U.S. foreign policy.

These Naval Academy Grads Get to Choose Their Own Assignments
By Bill McMorrisOn this cold Thursday in Annapolis, Md., 243 Naval Academy students, who will become surface warfare officers when they graduate in May, packed tightly into an auditorium, surrounded by admirals, captains, family, and friends. They were there for ship selection night.

Always Flatter, Never Challenge, Your Audience
By Sonny BunchAndrew Ferguson has a pretty entertaining takedown of the remarkably dreadful political cartoonist Herbert Block in this week’s issue of the Weekly Standard. Andy was driven to write it by the appearance of a hagiographic documentary heaping praise on the remarkably predictable, utterly boring cartoonist.

Not-So-Small Problems

By David RutzObamacare’s insurance cancellations, website glitches, flawed rollout, “834″ issues and job losses can all be explained away as only hurting a few folks out there.

Unmasking of Maine and Beyond: VERY, VERY URGENT! Joyce Riley Power Hour: Charlotte Iserbyt Interview 2/6/14

Link to interview, starts at the 8 min mark, click here.
From Joyce Riley's the Power Hour:
"Whistleblower and former Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Education Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education

has exposed the deliberate dumbing down of the people through education with her book "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" and now she wants to share her information on Charter Schools and the scheming going on behind the scenes - expose the agenda. Growing up whole generations of students, given limited learning so that they can fulfill a life of labor for the globalists.
New DVD: Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education
View the DVD trailer here:

To order "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" by Charlotte Iserbyt visit: 
“CHARLOTTE covered waterfront:
Heritage Foundation and its state affiliates, Heritage drafting NAFTA, Michael Farris support of Con Con, neoconservative traitors, tax-funded School Choice (no elected boards-taxation without representation, as vehicle to bring about INTERNATIONAL CONTROL OF ALL EDUCATION AND UNELECTED FORM OF GOVERNMENT. In mid-seventies, 19 out of 20 of UNESCO’s education advisors came from communist countries. 

Charlotte’s experience with change agent training, everything in my office in Dept. of Ed, 1981-1982, being put in now, Reagan-Gorbachev ed agreement, Reagan, Meese, Weinberger responsible for breaking back of capitalist system with Public Private Partnerships necessary for Soviet polytechnical education, phoneyNation at Risk Report (dialectic needed to get Americans on board for restructuring we see today), Soviet polytech system (school to work), computers, Skinner method, no grades (Soviet non-competitive system) lifelong learning, (birth through death work force training and community services under umbella of unelected school council/superintendent), 1953 Reece Committee Congressional Investigation of Tax Exempt Foundations (Ford Foundation Gaither tells Dodd White House gives instructions on how to spend tax monies to change America so that it can be merged with the Soviet Union). 

Go to for full 3000 page report. 

Carnegie 1934 Conclusions and Recommendations for the Social Studies, at

Book calls for using schools to change America to planned economy and also calls for abridging our right to own property. Obama, Arne Duncan, Heritage and its clones, Gerstner, (ex CEO, IBM) call to bring down all 16,000 public school districts…in order to get rid of messy elected school boards!), and Council on Foreign Relations all support tax-funded school choice/charters and Communist Core. Also covered my article “The Devil’s Seven-Pronged Fork” which explains how Americans were victimized into gradually accepting this totalitarian agenda. One can googlet this article.




For articles related to above by Anita Hoge, Kelleigh Nelson, myself, and others, click here.

You cannot win this war without the above ammunition.”
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education

To order the updated abridged 2011 version  of “the deliberate dumbing down of america”, it is available from 3D Research at

Charlotte Iserbyt Speaks Out on The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, click here.

Global Road to Ruin Through Education 

Available at by 3D Research Co.

This eight-disc video/DVD set of presentations and written submissions, including ones by Charlotte Iserbyt, Samuel Blumenfeld, Dennis Cuddy, Edward Griffin, Rosa Koire, Anita Hoge, et al, is the result of two 2-day conferences, held in Maine and Georgia, August 2012 and August 2013. Fifteen of the nation's most respected education and political researchers, writers, and speakers, including public school teachers - some in the trenches since 1965 - were videotaped. A special roundtable discussion involving researcher/activists Karen Bracken and Kelleigh Nelson, Tennessee, and Diane Kepus, Karen Schoen, and Debbie Gunnoe, FLorida, provides up-to-date information related to Common Core, tax-funded school choice and charter schools with their unelected boards. Written submissions are included from the speakers, as well as from those who could not attend the conference. One is offered a banquet of written works, including rich history, from great patriots and recognized writers active from 1960-2000; i.e., Jacqueline and Malcolm Lawrence, Joan Masters, Elizabeth Trotto, Peggy Cuddy, and from equally talented individuals no longer with us: the late Maureen Heaton, Don Bell, Jo Hindman, Bettye Lewis, and Ruth Feld. .

This impeccable research is your tool kit: ammunition to fight and win the government/corporate/tax-exempt foundation-funded war against our children and grandchildren, and against our free constitutional republic, very aptly illustrated by Joel Pett, Pultizer Prize-winning cartoonist in his 1983 Phi Delta Kappan cartoon.

Key Product Features:

Includes historical documentation (actual images) and hard, if not impossible to find, books and government grants proving intent to modify behavior of (brainwash) teachers, students and members of the community in totalitarian world/global government/communitarianism.

Intended Use:


public, private, religious and home school administrators/teachers
community and corporate gatherings
legislative hearings

Target audience:

elected officials
colleges and universities
religious institutions
public and private school teachers
all media

Subject Matter:

Education reform (using Hegelian dialectic and Wundtian behavioral psychology)
Common Core standards
Change Agents
Community education
Public/Private partnerships
Tax-funded school choice/charter schools
Critical thinking
Total Quality Management
Global Education/International Baccalaureate
Behavioral conditioning (using Skinner, Bloom, Marzano, Danielson, and Shulman)
Brainwashing of Americans, including educators, for acceptance of totalitarian (fascist/socialist) global system (world government) using regionalism and its unconstitutional unelected council form of government.


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Freedom of Access Act (FOAA)‏ Program


Title 1 General Provision, Chapter 13:  Public Records and Proceedings, Subchapter 1: Freedom of Access, Statue 402 Definitions outline the Public Records which can be obtained by individuals.  This Statue also outlines the exceptions that cannot be obtained.

So why is this statue part of Maine Law?  Lawmakers established this program as the tool to be used by citizens when transparency in government no longer exists.  This program was created as a check and balance procedure to ensure residents of Maine would be able to find out what is going on in their towns and at the state level.  The program provides a way for the people to get answers to their questions when our elected officials do not want to divulge this information.

Representative Mary Nelson (D-Falmouth) and Judy Meyer, Chairlady for the Right to Know Advisory Committee are representing the Maine Municipal Association (MMA) and trying to change the current procedures.  Mrs. Meyer went so far as to state she felt the court should stop any and all requests deemed a NUISANCE.  I cannot understand why any FOAA requests that meet the requirements of the law can possible be considered a NUISANCE.  It is the individual’s right, under the law, to request any documents that meet the provisions of the law.  Apparently, Representative Nelson and Mrs. Meyer have something to hide; Why else would they want to deny the right of any Maine citizen to submit a FOAA request that qualifies under the Maine law?

The provisions of Representative Nelson's bill are totally ridiculous.  Representative Nelson’s bill would eliminate the $15.00 per hour charge after the first hour as the fee and allow the agency to dictate how long and what price they can charge for completing the FOAA request.  I had this situation happen to me.  I requested information that could have been extracted from the computer system in a matter of seconds.  However, it took the Finance Director several hours to gather the information and then the town charged me for each hour the Finance Director stated it took her to retrieve the information.  There are no checks and balances to ensure the accuracy of the time it takes to complete any requests.  Leaving it up to the agency is like having the fox guard the hen house.  There has to be guidelines established to ensure the integrity of the program. 

I, like Mr. Michael Doyle (Falmouth) utilize the Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) program when my elected officials refuse to provide information.  I am sure my FOAA requests are a NUISANCE to town employees but it is MY RIGHT under the law and who is going to judge if my request is a NUISANCE or not.  My thought process is much different than anyone else. So who is going to deny me my right?  Who has the right to deny Mr. Doyle and others their right to request information under the law?  In both Mr. Doyle’s case and my own, we have discovered abnormalities in our local government.

Representative Nelson and Mrs. Meyer should be ashamed for trying to make it impossible for individuals to submit requests under the FOAA program.  It is easy to understand why the Maine Municipal Association wants to make it harder for citizens to challenge local government because they represent the municipalities.  But the bottom line is, there is a program in place that allows residents of Maine to request information from their town and state under the law.   And as long as these individuals meet the requirements of the statue, they should be able to submit as many as they want without any interference from the state or anyone else.

Mrs. Meyer is the Chairlady of the Right to Know Advisory Committee and she is supporting Representative Nelson’s bill.  How is this possible because if Mrs. Meyer is stating that these requests by Mr. Doyle and I are NUISANCE requests; then she is talking out of both sides of her mouth at the same time. 

You no longer have the Right to Know if you cannot submit a request for information under the Freedom of Access Act (FOAA). 

Larry Fillmore

Lisbon Students Attend Career Day‏

Photo courtesy of Lorraine Bard

Lisbon – Members of the Lisbon High School Class of 2016 recently participated in a Career Day offered by Central Maine Community College in Auburn.  Students were accompanied by their Guidance Counselors, Shari Jordan and Amy Sewick during presentations on two career aspirations and related courses offered at the campus.  Students participating in the presentations were offered incentives and were eligible to win a $25 gift card courtesy of the college.  Sophomore, Cody Campbell, son of Mark and Laura Campbell of Lisbon, was one of the lucky recipients of the drawing. 

“Thanks to a grant awarded to Lisbon High School by The MELMAC Education Foundation we are able to offer our students numerous college visits,” shares Counselor, Shari Jordan.  “Monies from the grant provides our students with unlimited possibilities to connect them to aspirations beyond high school.  The grant provides college visits of this nature, in addition to other post-secondary institutions students’ and their parents would like to visit prior to graduation.  Our informational parent nights, Financial Aid nights and personalized appointments are also provided by The Foundation,” according to Jordan.  FMI on other programs and projects within the Lisbon Schools visit Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools and LHS Guidance on FaceBook.  

Rufe's Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook

Today:  quiet and dry.  highs 14-28 N/S.

Friday;  mtn. flurry? Dry, breezy pm. lows 3-14 N/S. highs 20-26 N/S.

Saturday; dry, breezy pm. Flurries mtns? Lows 5-13 N/S. highs 20-32 N/S.

Sunday; occ. Light snow, breezy at night. Lows 3-18 N/S. highs 19-31 N/S.

Monday; am light snow, breezy. Lows 4-19 N/S. highs 14-28 N/S.

Tuesday; breezy and dry. lows 0-11 N/S. highs 12-24 N/S.

Wednesday; quiet and dry. lows 3below-10 N/S. highs 15-28 N/S.