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Showing posts with label Parks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parks. Show all posts

Thursday, February 26, 2015





7:00 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Crafts
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce

      Town Clerk reading of meeting rules


A. Special Entertainment Permit for Sandra Harkins d/b/a Railroad Diner
B. Downtown Omnibus Municipal Tax Increment Financing District Development Program


      2015-53   ORDER −  A. Minutes of February 17, 2015
                                      B. Special Entertainment Permit & Liquor License for Sandra Harkins d/b/a Railroad Diner

 2015-54    ORDER − Public Works Addition
 2015-55    ORDER − FY 2013 Homeland Security Supplemental Funds
 2015-56    RESOLUTION − Downtown Omnibus Municipal Tax Increment Financing District Development Program
2015-57    ORDINANCES − Non-Storm Water Discharge Ordinance (First Reading)
 2015-58    ORDINANCES − Post-Construction Stormwater Management Ordinance (First Reading)
 2015-59    ORDINANCES − Section 47-4 Street Excavations Amendment (First Reading)

      A.  Parks Director Vacancy Discussion
      B.   Town Manager's Report
      C.  School Budget Presentation


      2015-60   ORDER − Appoint Finance Director


      2015-61   ORDER − 1 MRSA § 405 (6)(A) Personnel matters - Finance Director

      2015-62   ORDER - To Adjourn


This summary is provided for guidance only.  The complete council working rules may be found on the town website on the Town Officials, Town Council page.

The meeting agenda is available from the town website under Council Agendas and Minutes.
1.   Please note the order that agenda items may be acted upon by the Council, however, if necessary, the Council may elect to change the order of the agenda.
2.   The Council Chairman presides over the meeting.  When the Chairman is not present, the Vice Chairman serves that function.  The chair shall preserve decorum and decide all questions of order and procedure subject to appeal to the town council.
3.   Public comment is not typically allowed during Council workshops.  There may be occasions where public comment may be recruited, but normally, workshops are reserved for Council members to discuss and educate themselves on a variety of issues facing the Town.  Prior to the conclusion of a workshop, if time permits, the chair may allow questions from the public. 
4.   During audience participation, anyone wishing to address council will wait to be recognized by the chair before beginning any remarks.  Audience members will move to the lectern to address council, and shall provide name and address prior to addressing the council.
5.   Note that “Consent Agenda” items (if there are any) are acted upon first, voted upon as a group, and will most often be voted on without discussion as these items often involve “housekeeping” issues (such as minor parking changes).  On occasion “Consent Agenda” items are separated out as stand-alone action items by the Council to allow for more discussion.
6.   Public comment on agenda items.  General comments on agenda items should be made during audience participation.  After introduction of an agenda item, appropriate motions, and time for explanation and council questions, the public may be allowed to comment on that agenda item at the discretion of the chair.  During that period of time, the public comment shall address only the agenda item before council. 
7.   Action on agenda items.  As each item on the agenda for any meeting is brought to the floor for discussion:
      a. The town clerk reads the agenda item and the action being requested of council.
       b. The sponsor of each item or, if there is no council sponsor, the town manager, or town staff, shall first be                                                      allowed to present their initial comments for consideration by the public and councilors. 
            c. Following this introduction of the issue, there will be time devoted to any questions of the sponsor or the town                       manager or staff regarding the agenda item which any councilor may have which would help to clarify the                       question presented by the agenda item.  The chair may allow questions from the public during this time                       however; no debate or discussion of collateral issues shall be permitted. 
            d. When authorized by the chair, any additional public comment shall be no longer than two minutes per person             and must be to request or furnish new or undisclosed information or viewpoints only. 
            e. Once an agenda item has been explained and clarified by any questioning, the discussion on the specific                    agenda item will remain with the council.  Additional public comment, prior to final council vote; will only be                  allowed at the chairman's discretion. 
8.   New business is for the council to receive input on town matters not on the agenda for that meeting.  It is not intended, nor shall it be construed as an opportunity for debate of previous agenda items or reinforcement of a point made by another speaker.  Comments shall be to furnish new or undisclosed information or viewpoints and limited to a time period of two minutes or less and shall be directed through the chair.
9.   If an “Executive Session” is conducted by the Council, State Statute prohibits public attendance for any discussion of the action to be addressed by the Council. Any action taken by the Council on any “Executive Session” matter must be acted upon in a public meeting, and may occur at the end of the “Executive Session” (which has no time element relative to the length of the discussion involved in the “session”).

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Blue: For Earth. For Humanity. For Freedom. Official BLUE Trailer

What if the "green" movement isn't saving the earth, but instead is enslaving humanity?

  BLUE is more than a film, it's an idea. Ideas have the power to change the way we think, begin movements, and even change the world. One of the most prominent idea of our time today is the Green Movement, which says that the Earth is threatened by the activity, even the existence, of mankind, and that the noble response is to restrict our freedom in order to save the planet. The movie BLUE challenges that idea. BLUE is an independently funded and filmed documentary by director, JD King.

"In BLUE, filmmaker JD King takes you into some of the most spectacular forest lands in North America, and introduces you to many of the real people who have made their lives there for generations. They are now in a desperate battle to save everything they value, their land, their jobs, their families, their way of life. You may be shocked to discover that their worst enemy has become the 'environmental' movement. Do our new environmental governors really know what is best for these rich precious lands? To the contrary, JD King explores the reality underneath the rhetoric, and shows that this movement is no longer about humans' proper conservancy of nature, but is all about seizing the new 'green'—of money, power and dictatorial control. Can rational rules for these lands--based on the human values of rights and freedom—prevail?
Some of the true stories you will see in this movie may outrage you, some of them will move and inspire you, but you will never take the claims and demands of 'environmental leaders' at face value again after experiencing BLUE." — Prof. Matt Malkin, UCLA

Thursday, March 27, 2014



This is the recap of Tuesday night’s Town Council meeting.  It started off with the Interim Town Manager briefing everyone on the negotiations with the insurance company pertaining to the fire at the Public Works building.

Truck – The town and insurance company have reached an agreement on compensation for the burned truck.  The insurance will pay $48,000.00 to the town and the town will keep the burned truck.  There are parts on the truck that were not damaged by the fire and the town can reuse them.  It will cost the taxpayers an additional $25,000.00 – 30,000.00 for the purchase of a new truck.

Building – There is no final agreement between the town and the insurance company but the insurance has offered $300,000.00 for the repair of the building.  The insurance company is also going to pay three months rental.  Currently, the town is paying $4,500.00 a month to Longchamps & Sons, Inc. for rental space.  The Town council will have to make a decision as to how to proceed forward from this point.  Mr. Olmstead presented four options to the council.  This will be added to next week’s agenda for more discussion and hopefully a decision.

The Council spent over 2 hours going over the four parts of the Public Works budget with Ryan Leighton.  These four are Town Engineer, Public Works Department, Winter Public Works and finally Solid Waste Department.

This was followed by the Parks Department budget with Verla Brooks, Park Ranger; then Mark Stevens with the Recreational budget.  These two budgets took less than a half hour. 

I personally believe there are three budgets that should be left alone.  They are the Recreational and Parks budget because they generate revenue for the town and they provide various services to all ages from Senior Citizens to the very young.  These two department heads never ask for anything that is not necessary.

The other department is the Library.  The Library has the Job Program and many many more programs for all ages.  Their summer reading program is excellent for our young people especially since the town closed the teen center.  The town does not provide any place for our teenagers to go for the past few years.  At least, these three departments provide some relief for our young people.

Larry Fillmore

Editor's Note:  It is unconscionable to see such a display of unprofessional decorum by the reigning council chairman for not have taken the initiative to provide a microphone for the interim Town Manager to use so that the taxpayers sitting at home watching could hear what is being said.  

GreatFallsTV: Lisbon Town Council Workshop March 25, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

Town Council Workshop Agenda‏ March 25, 2014 with SUMMARY OF LISBON COUNCIL MEETING RULES

7:00 P.M.


a. Public Works
b. Solid Waste
c. Parks
d. Recreation

This summary is provided for guidance only. The complete council working rules may be found on the town website on the Town Officials, Town Council page.
The meeting agenda is available from the town website under Council Agendas and Minutes. 
1. Please note the order that agenda items may be acted upon by the Council, however, if necessary, the Council may elect to change the order of the agenda. 
2. The Council Chairman presides over the meeting. When the Chairman is not present, the Vice Chairman serves that function. The chair shall preserve decorum and decide all questions of order and procedure subject to appeal to the town council. 
3. Public comment is not typically allowed during Council workshops,. There may be occasions where public comment may be recruited, but normally, workshops are reserved for Council members to discuss and educate themselves on a variety of issues facing the Town. Prior to the conclusion of a workshop, if time permits, the chair may allow questions from the public. 
4. During audience participation, anyone wishing to address council will wait to be recognized by the chair before beginning any remarks. Audience members will move to the lectern to address council, and shall provide name and address prior to addressing the council. 
5. Note that “Consent Agenda” items (if there are any) are acted upon first, voted upon as a group, and will most often be voted on without discussion as these items often involve “housekeeping” issues (such as minor parking changes). On occasion “Consent Agenda” items are separated out as stand-alone action items by the Council to allow for more discussion. 
6. Public comment on agenda items. General comments on agenda items should be made during audience participation. After introduction of an agenda item, appropriate motions, and time for explanation and council questions, the public may be allowed to comment on that agenda item at the discretion of the chair. During that period of time, the public comment shall address only the agenda item before council. 
7. Action on agenda items. As each item on the agenda for any meeting is brought to the floor for discussion:
a. The town clerk reads the agenda item and the action being requested of council.
b. The sponsor of each item or, if there is no council sponsor, the town manager, or town staff, shall first be allowed to present their initial comments for consideration by the public and councilors.
c. Following this introduction of the issue, there will be time devoted to any questions of the sponsor or the town manager or staff regarding the agenda item which any councilor may have which would help to clarify the question presented by the agenda item. The chair may allow questions from the public during this time however; no debate or discussion of collateral issues shall be permitted.
d. When authorized by the chair, any additional public comment shall be no longer than two minutes per person and must be to request or furnish new or undisclosed information or viewpoints only.
e. Once an agenda item has been explained and clarified by any questioning, the discussion on the specific agenda item will remain with the council. Additional public comment, prior to final council vote; will only be allowed at the chairman's discretion. 
8. New business is for the council to receive input on town matters not on the agenda for that meeting. It is not intended, nor shall it be construed as an opportunity for debate of previous agenda items or reinforcement of a point made by another speaker. Comments shall be to furnish new or undisclosed information or viewpoints and limited to a time period of two minutes or less and shall be directed through the chair. 
9. If an “Executive Session” is conducted by the Council, State Statute prohibits public attendance for any discussion of the action to be addressed by the Council. Any action taken by the Council on any “Executive Session” matter must be acted upon in a public meeting, and may occur at the end of the “Executive Session” (which has no time element relative to the length of the discussion involved in the “session”). 
Current as of December 31, 2013