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Sunday, August 11, 2013



During the Public Hearing on the Worumbo Mill property, the taxpayers are being asked to express their opinions.  I asked Councilors Mason and Lunt to send out a pamphlet providing the residents with the fact and figures for each option.  As of this article, they have not done so but I understand the council is planning on sending out a fact sheet.  I have been receiving numbers and so I am going to try and lay out the citizens' options out for them.  All numbers in this article are the most recent that I have and cannot guarantee they will be the latest come August 20, 2013.

Option 1:  Recommend the council not to purchase the Worumbo Mill.

According to the 2013 Real Estate Commitment Book these are the current numbers.

U05-014   Acres not listed   Land:   Building: Total:  TAXES PAID
                                        111,900   110,000      221,900      4,939.49

Purchasing Price - $100,000

Why should the taxpayers float a bond for one million dollars when the property is only worth $221,900?  $221,900 is a far cry from a million dollars.  Keep in mind; once the town purchases this property, the taxpayers assume all liability on this property.  Can the people really afford to assume this responsibility?

Option 2:  Recommend by the council purchase and demolition of the mill.

The breakdown for the purchase and demolition of the mill is below:

  (click on the above to enlarge)

Total Price - $945,000

This price includes the purchase, demolition and cleanup of the property.  Next, someone has to invest additional funds to develop the property.   Once we do this, the town is going to come back to the people and say the town has too much invested in this not to complete the project and want to float another bond.  If they tell you any different, look all the promises they have broken once they get what they want; the MTM center never closed, the old LES never closed and so many more.

Option 3:  Recommend the council purchase and renovation of the mill.

The breakdown for the purchase and the renovation of the mill is above.  However, the ONLY PORTION of the renovation is for the repair of the roof, exterior walls and skylights.  In the Sun Journal, it is mentioned this included the electrical system.  

Total Price -$2,428,000

If you notice, this only covers the outside of the building and not the inside.  So once again, the town will have to float another bond to cover renovating the insides of the building because once you float the first bond you have too much invested to stop at that point.  Why did the town leave off the cost to renovate the insides of the building?  The reason is this is not the option the town wants the people to consider. 

Now let’s look at the Master Plan Goals (tentative).  If you notice the four options in the fact sheet above are the identical ones Scott Benson, former Economic Community Development Direct, said about the Knight-Celetec (Gypsum Plant).  Let’s take a minute and see how the town handled that property.  First, the plant went into bankruptcy without the town having a clue until it was too late to be included.  As a result the town received no funds to offset the back taxes owed.  

Right now the town has 9 outstanding loans totaling approximately $519,000.00.  Of these nine loans, there are three that passed the payoff date and two businesses have closed.  The town has not collected any of the collateral on these loans.  Is this what you call good management of town funds?

And finally, look around our town at the closed businesses, empty houses and the enormous about of homes that are on the real estate market right now.  If the council was really interested in improving the looks of the town, they would make Lisbon more affordable to live in.  The right way to do this is to LOWER the taxes in our community, instead of raising them every year.   You have to cut spending in order to lower taxes.

Why doesn’t the town have the Code Enforcement Officer enforce our ordinances on the Miller Industries to make the mill look more appealing?

I apologize for the being so lengthy but I believe it had to be said.

I recommend the residents of Lisbon NOT get involved with this scheme and stay out of the real estate market.

Larry Fillmore 


Anonymous said...

I don't think you would approve of any change at all in this town. You and your ilk want everything to stay exactly as is. I.E. the disgusting "jewel" of the town.(Moxie store). This is a shamble of a place and is supposed to be the gateway to the town, but yet look at it. It is laughable. You are a joke sir. You are the problem in this town. If you don't like it, I hear there are a lot of other places to move. You are a joke.... Did I say that before? Oh. And you wonder why nobody goes to the town meetings and workshops. I'll give you three guesses.

A fly on the wall said...

Its not fillmore so much as the owner of lisbon reporter website that is the real big loser. I hear he was booted out of town by... well I will be nice and not go there... LOL You guys have proven you are a bunch of losers..Leave lisbon to the nice people that want to make it a nice place to live. You are a joke

Gregg said...


First, I find no reasoning behind your statement "Why did the town leave off the cost to renovate the insides of the building? The reason is this is not the option the town wants the people to consider." While I believe the $2.5M is for repairs to the building to allow for use, but if there were additional costs for interior renovation it would only add to the reasons NOT to consider that option, so I am a little lost. However I personally do not support purchase of the property for renovation only for demolition and reutilization for the long term benefit of the residents.

As for the four options for use, I didn't know Knight-Celetec had a ball field ... but I would not support a boat launch at the Mill because of its proximity to the dam and safety concerns. If a watercraft were in distress after launching or before landing there would be limited time and opportunity to remedy the situation.

I support the idea for a mailer, according to the USPS website there are 4199 delivery addresses in the 04252, 04250 zip codes and the cost for postage would start at $671.84. However given the time constraints I would recommend that only if the project is sent to the residents for a vote. I believe a September 27th vote may be premature, but waiting until November may be too long.

Mary-Ann Morgan said...

Anonymous, the Town did fix the Moxie store maybe 18 years ago. But unless it is kept up by the owner, it will deteriorate.

Dot Fitzgerald said...

I'm wondering why the town would pay $100,000 for the Worumbo Mill property when it is on the market for $699,000? That is $301,000 more than the asking price.
And we, the public and taxpayers are supposed to trust Town Manager Eldridge and the Town council?
Sounds to me like they are trying to put one over on us,in more ways than one.
I have toured the building and walked the land. The building is like a fortress and has so much potential. The land would make a beautiful waterfront park. It is a landmark.
Graziano's was a landmark, and is now gone. Make fun of Kennebec's Moxie Store all you want, but look at the people it brings to Lisbon, and not just at and for the Moxie Festival. when is the last time you went into Kennebec's? Or made a purchase there?
Every Moxie T-shirt you purchase from the town is taking away business from a local business? A Town that is supposed to be supporting local businesses is taking business away from local businesses.
I would gladly vote to purchase the Worumbo Mill property, but with the inflated purchase price I'm wondering what else they're trying to put over on the public and taxpayers! ! ! ! ! !

Anonymous said...

The store is an eyesore, and a disgrace. It could be a beautiful, introduction to Lisbon and the Main street in general. But no, we hold it up and show it to, basically, the world for 3 days every year. It's like "look at us!" I think if this is to be a shining example of the town and show off every year, there should be some sort of fund that allows for a yearly, bi-annual rejuvenation. Allowing it to exist and deteriorate is a shame.

Dot Fitzgerald said...

To anonymous #1, The Moxie Store put the town of Lisbon on the map. It is famous world wide. Have you made a purchase there to support the business? what have you done to improve Lisbon and put it on the map?

Dot Fitzgerald said...

My error on the Worumbo Mill property purchase price. It is much less than the asking price I still do not trust Eldridge and especially the town council. There is more going on there than meets the eye.
Have the town purchase the property for $100,000, own it, obtain a grant, than sell it for $1.00 along with the grant like they did with the former Lisbon high School?
We are losing tax money on former Knight Celotex property. Will the town/taxpayers be left with a mess to clean up there? The road to the transfer Station needs repaving, the land on the left where trees were cut down is a dust bowl. I'm told that road is to be moved before landscaping can be done. I's been like that for too long. Why has nothing been done? Maybe because there is no money????
The town should finish one project before they start another one. and NO, I WILL NOT BE VOTING IN FAVOR OF A BOND TO PURCHASE THE WORUMBO MILL PROPERTY.

Anonymous said...

That's my point Mrs. Fitzgerald. It should be a shining point, but instead it is a "hot mess." I do my fair share to promote Lisbon and Lisbon Falls. What I don't do is make myself available for attacks from folks--hence the anonymous moniker. You have to admit, it is a shame. BTW. I took my brother-in-law to the "Moxie store" a few years ago. T-shirt, and a case of moxie for him to bring back to southern New England--totally overpriced. I won't promote the store anymore. I would look like a fool to do so. I do promote Moxie Festival--kind of ironic, huh. Anyway. My point is I hear all this "good stuff" about Frank, and all the good he's done. Which I'm sure is a lot. But when folks come to little 'ol Lisbon Falls in July and they see what we promote, I see it and I hear it from them that that is saddening that it could be much, much more. Hey, wouldn't it be great if the town offered incentive to Frank to make "the Moxie Store" what it should be. New paint, awnings, dress up the windows with Moxie memorabilia. (Not faded old--excuse my language--crap!). I mean, they profit from it's existence. Right?

On another note, I have to look at that white elephant every day. Tear it down, make it a park, and some upscale housing to get the taxes back.

Anonymous said...

My wife, my son, and I will be voting for the purchase of the mill. I guess you and a couple of your ilk have been nullified. LOL

Mary-Ann Morgan said...

Anonymous, grow a set and sign your name. You may not even live in this Town. All the citizens of this Town that would like to renovate the Moxie store and buy the mill should start a fundraiser and donate their own money. Leave the taxpayers alone, they have enough to pony up. Maybe these promoters could get a loan from the Millers. Aren't they millionaires? If there is a profit to be made, wouldn't they renovate or raze the building themselves. This Town has more than the Moxie store to worry about.

Councilor Cote said...

Maybe get rid of the communication center and half the cops, Lisbon would not miss that waist of money and that would free up money for the citizens for once.

Anonymous said...

You guys really need to find other things to worry about. Mr. Cote, yes Mr., you lost. You don't get to keep your former title no matter how many lemmings put you on a pedestal. All I see on here is rehashed subject matter. It's almost as bad as the "blame Bush" crowd. UGH. Ch. Brooks, wahhhh.. Mr. Eldridge waaaahhhhh COUNCILOR Larochelle doesn't pay his taxes. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Please change the subject.

Anonymous said...

You sound like Brooks waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh I don't want him to vote on my budget wipe the jizz off get back under Brooks desk.

Anonymous said...

Another person that wants to ignore the problems in Lisbon and pretend they doesnt exist instead of cutting out the corruption.What kind of example are you setting for your kid?

Anonymous said...

Now let me see --- you want to pay 4 or 5 times the value of the building to save a multi million dollar company the expense of fixing up their mess... Thats real bright you must have been at the top of your class....

Anonymous said...

Rather harsh words for a Councilor ----oops didnt know you left your ip..

Anonymous said...

I notice this anonymous councilor didnt deny that these people were corrupt she just didnt want to hear about the corruption.

Dot Fitzgerald said...

Good Point Anonymous. We pay our Redevelopment Director big bucks to bring business to town. I have talked with many of out current small business owners, many whose buildings could use a little fixin'up, and they have NEVER had a visit from our Redevelopment Director, asking, "what can we do you you?
And I am not ashamed to sign my name! What do you have to hide?

Anonymous said...

I have a couple questions to ask. How does the purchasing this property benefit the infrastructure of Lisbon, and how does the loss of ~$4K+ in taxes help anything? What will bring people; business etc. to Lisbon is the rejuvenation of the schools and public facilities there in. E.g. (Renovated/Converted Gym) Auditorium / performing arts center--conferences, theater groups, acts, recitals, etc. bring people to the town where they see and use the businesses here, and possibly open more up; New Gym--tournaments-wrestling, basketball, etc bring people to the town--see above for benefits.; New Track (this is a cheap option to bring people to Lisbon)--reg. meets, championships etc. bring people to the town--see above for benefits. These also, bring in funds to help self-support programs where funds are short or non-existent at the current time. These will also, most likely, remove Lisbon High School from NEASC probation, which will also bring folks to Lisbon that are now "turned off" by its current status. Additionally, if the TC is so hell-bent on spending $1 million +++, put it in some sort of incentive / fund matching system for businesses and homes along the corridor and Main St. to improve their frontage. I have not heard one peep from anyone about how the towns purchasing of the "white elephant" improves the town in anyway. It does not bring people to the town. It will not bring businesses. It will give me a good view of the river on my way by, but that is it. Yes. In a perfect world, we could purchase, tear it down, build a waterfront park with some, SOME(FEW) higher end homes to make up for the lost revenue. However, as of this time, the only thing that the town is doing is "putting lipstick on a pig," or in this case, on the "white elephant."

Anyone interested, should attend the joint workshop on the 27th of August at the Town Hall. Check out the calendar on the Towns Website for information.

Anonymous said...

I don't sign my name for posting on here in anyway pretty much puts a target on your back, either by the folks here(less likely), or most likely and harshly, the town.

Donald G. Wile said...

To demolish the mill would be expensive. To renovate the mill would be more expensive. To clean up the property of any and all contamination of decades of operation would take time and more money. That would also involve the EPA. Aren't the present owners responsible for that? How about the liability issue if a water-front park is built. The Androscoggin river may be an old river, but it is still dangerous. Even with the dams up-river trying to control the water flow. With our own hydro plant right there it is possible the currents are very unpredictable. I would be uncertain about small children playing there.
As to the Moxie Store, yes it does need a facelift. The problem is Frank's income from the Moxie Festival is what's keeping him going. The amount of business the rest of the year probably isn't enough to make improvements. Any other ideas?