Public Hearing Notice - CDBG DR Grant
The Town of Lisbon will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lisbon Town Office, 300 Lisbon Street, Lisbon
to discuss an application being submitted to the State of Maine CDBG
program for a Downtown Revitalization Grant Program. The purpose of the
grant application is to fund priority, pedestrian and streetscape
improvements in Lisbon Village area as recommended in the Lisbon
Downtown and Rt. 196 Plans. Public comments will be solicited at this
Hearing and will be submitted as part of the application. All persons
wishing to make comments or ask questions about the grant application
are invited to attend this Public Hearing. Comments may be submitted in
writing to: Tracey Steuber, Economic & Community Development
Director, Town of Lisbon, 300 Lisbon Street, Lisbon, Maine 04250
at any time prior to the Public Hearing. TDD/TTY users may call 711.
If you are physically unable to access any of the Town’s programs or
services, please call Tracey Steuber at 207-353-3000 ext. 122 so that accommodations can be made.