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Thursday, February 13, 2014

NaturalNews: Uncle Ben's rice recalled after causing strange symptoms in children‏ and more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,

Uncle Ben's Infused Rice, served at schools and institutions, has been recalled by the FDA after strange symptoms began appearing in children.

Was the rice contaminated with extra MSG? Arsenic? Synthetic (chemical) B vitamins? Find out more:

Global cancer rates are expected to skyrocket by 70% over the next two decades. Drugs-and-surgery medicine still has no answers for cancer:

Fish oil found to dramatically improve brain health:

Spirulina found to help prevent damage related to lead intake:

And companies are phasing out GMOs in response to consumer demand:

More news continues below...

Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: If vaccines are really mercury-free, why is the government of Chile discussing banning the toxic metal from all vaccines there? Listen in at

Global cancer rates to skyrocket by 70% over next 20 years as conventional medicine fails
(NaturalNews) The overall number of new people who will develop cancer in a given year is expected to nearly double over the next two decades, claims a new report put out by the World Health Organization (WHO). Analysts at the international governing...

Australian organic farmer files lawsuit after crop ruined by GMO contamination
(NaturalNews) More organic farmers these days are being invaded by the transgenic seed and pesticide industry. Genetically modified organisms, developed in a lab, are cross-contaminating real seeds, real crops and real whole food. GMO industry is a bully...

China arrests man for spreading the same bird flu panic that the CDC spreads in the USA
(NaturalNews) A man in central China has been arrested for social media web chats claiming that bird flu has come to his province. The detained man, known as Zhou, was cited for claiming online that a doctor in his province died of bird flu. He claimed...

Fish oil dramatically improves brain health
(NaturalNews) Researchers have known for quite some time that fish oil is highly beneficial to optimal human health. These benefits include better brain health, which is why so many manufacturers of infant milk substitutes rushed to add both DHA and omega...

Spirulina's antioxidant effects help protect against lead acetate-induced damage
(NaturalNews) Despite assurances of safe levels in water and only traces in cosmetics, most scientists agree that there are no safe levels of lead. Lead is toxic, period. It serves absolutely no useful function for the human or animal body. It can affect...

More companies voluntarily phasing out GMOs in response to growing consumer demand
(NaturalNews) Demand for genetically modified organisms (GMOs), or synthetically derived "food" owned by multinational corporations, is on the decline, suggests a new report by NPR. And many U.S. farmers are now voluntarily switching to non-GMO and organic...

Blue Zones: What we can learn from the world's longest-living people
(NaturalNews) In 2008, an American writer and explorer named Dan Buettner published a book entitled The Blue Zone: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest. This book, which was an extension of a report Buettner wrote...

Simple invention can seal a gunshot wound in just 15 seconds
(NaturalNews) It is being hailed as breakthrough technology and something that would be especially useful for the military - yet it is a concept so amazingly simple that you may wonder why someone didn't develop it sooner. According to Popular Science...

Top 5 hormone disruptors
(NaturalNews) We live on a planet that has completely destroyed the delicate dynamic that is our hormones. This imbalance has created sleep disorders, anxiety, weight gain, skin problems, cancers, and much more. So what has caused our hormones to become...

Obamacare's 30-hour employment rule will lead to more layoffs
(NaturalNews) I thought reform was a good word, but the National Retail Federation says the current 30-hour employment rule is causing businesses to "cut employee hours to avoid offering them health insurance." The new definition, or delineation so to...

Toxic living - signs, symptoms and solutions
(NaturalNews) In North America, over 80% of the food supply contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that destroy the digestive system and immunity. Chemtrails, a government-sponsored geoengineering project, spray the sky over our head with toxic...

Science reveals sugar is as addictive as major illegal drugs
(NaturalNews) What if you discovered that a food you were consuming had the same effects on your body as a highly illegal drug and could lead to addiction, cravings, bingeing, chronic degeneration, and even death? In depth studies show that consuming...

So much for healthcare 'reform' - Greedy Big Pharma pushing up drug prices
(NaturalNews) Despite the Affordable Care Act's promise of controlling healthcare costs, the prices of many drugs are quietly skyrocketing - doubling, tripling and, in some cases, even quadrupling in price - but for some reason, no one seems to know why...

The health benefits of durians: Smelly fruits with hearts of gold
(NaturalNews) The durian (Durio zibenthinus) is a large, round, thorn-covered fruit that is native to southeast Asia. Known in the West for over 600 years, durians are characterized by their extremely pungent and unpleasant smell, which is often...

Polar vortex credited with cutting the murder rate in crime-ridden Chicago
(NaturalNews) What police officers, handgun bans and public policies have been unable to do in Chicago to lower the murder rate, Mother Nature has managed to accomplish. According to a rather macabre website belonging to the Chicago Sun-Times

More toxic rice? FDA recalls Uncle Ben's Infused Rice after victims suffer skin rashes, headaches and nausea
(NaturalNews) Just days after Natural News revealed the presence of the heavy metals lead, cadmium and tungsten in rice protein products, the FDA has issued an...

New farm bill allocates 80 percent of $1 trillion spending program toward food stamps; $200 million annually toward advertising for Big Ag
(NaturalNews) The Republican-controlled Congress, with full support from the Democrat-led administration, has passed a monstrosity of a farm bill that allocates hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to fund food stamps and other government welfare...

The Maine Wire: “Exclusive: The “Frary Juggernaut” will not challenge Saviello” plus 1 more‏

Exclusive: The “Frary Juggernaut” will not challenge Saviello
Posted: 12 Feb 2014 10:23 AM PST
THE ZEUS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY That would be me. It turns out that I have the power to raise what is being called a “spits-storm” (readers are free to substitute a consonant if they wish) in Franklin County. Now I propose to quell it by a single Zeus-like gesture, i.e., this column. At its deepest […]
Maine House GOP Reps to Sweetser Speaker: Recuse yourself from Medicaid expansion
Posted: 12 Feb 2014 09:48 AM PST
AUGUSTA – Twenty-six Republican state representatives delivered an open letter to House Speaker Mark Eves (D-North Berwick) Wednesday morning asking him to recuse himself from any vote on Medicaid expansion due to his potentially conflicting role as director of business development for a major Medicaid beneficiary. “We, the undersigned members of the Maine House of […]

TMB:Democrats Who Oppose Keystone XL Pipeline Own Shares in Competing Companies‏ Plus More

Democrats Who Oppose Keystone XL Pipeline Own Shares in Competing Companies
By Lachlan Markay
Democrats who oppose the Keystone XL pipeline have thousands of dollars invested in direct competitors to the company looking to build the pipeline, public records show.

Lawmaker: Iran Deal Still ‘Shrouded in Secrecy’
By Adam KredoA leading House lawmaker is calling on President Obama to publicly release the full text of the recently signed Iran nuclear deal, which is currently being held under lock and key in a secure compound on Capitol Hill.

White House Launches Infrastructure Cyber Security Initiative
By Bill GertzThe White House on Wednesday announced new policies improving public and private security efforts to protect critical U.S. infrastructures against the growing threat of cyber attacks.

Senate Votes to Restore Military Pensions
By Elizabeth HarringtonThe Senate voted to restore military pensions on Wednesday, ending a months long battle over a controversial provision in the bipartisan budget deal that cost veterans thousands in lost retirement pay.

FEATURE: What I Saw at the Chris Kyle Memorial Rodeo
By Bill McMorrisHamilton is a small town many Texans know by heart. It’s an hour west of Waco, two south of Dallas, two east of Abilene, and two and a half north of San Antonio. I went there to attend the First Annual Chris Kyle Memorial Roping at the Circle T Ranch.

Twitter Totalitarianism
By Sonny BunchAt the suggestion of David Frum, I’m currently reading It Was a Long Time Ago, and It Never Happened Anyway: Russia and the Communist Past. David Satter’s book is a fascinating look at the crimes of the Soviet Union and the inability of the Russian people to fully cope with the crimes of the Stalinists.

Texas Doctors Flee Obamacare

By WFB StaffDr. Stephen Brotherton, President of the Texas Medical Association, warned that Obamacare will lead to a loss of jobs in the medical field.

GOPDD:Full Audio: Sheriff Arpaio’s Lead Obama Investigator Drops Bombs On White House‏

by reasonvoice


Full Audio: Sheriff Arpaio’s Lead Obama Investigator Drops Bombs On White House


This wave of Sheriff’s Kits is swamping the government in Washington. It’s significant because the “Kits” that are out there, sitting in all these offices, being worked on, investigated and examined… in each damn office of the Senate and Congress halls… put the ONUS ON THE OFFICIALS TO FINALLY DO THEIR JOB; which is to serve justice and the truth.
Government officials have a duty to follow the truth and the law; that’s often forgotten and considered a detail… mostly they don’t do that though, and they just act upon partisan lines of “helping their own.” Lawlessness and Injustice are the reasons they’re in office. It’s a pity. Now they’ll be forced to act as if they obeyed the law.
Government officials can be jailed on not acting.
Steve Stockman for example, has been alone it seems, in dealing with the matter of the birth issue. But this suddenly puts him out there up in front, with all eyes upon him from his colleagues, who are suddenly just as informed about the case as himself.
Unless Stockman acts now or unless it’s the others who act, they’ll be guilty of “COMPLICITY OF CRIMES”. Other crimes they come under the description of are several: omissionaccessoryaiding and abetting, etc… so what we now have is that AT LEAST 200 PEOPLE have personally received Sheriff’s Kits inside the Senate and Congress buildings (in front of witnesses and who were filmed/photographed in each case) and they can all face STEEP CRIMINAL CHARGES unless they act upon the facts presented to them by the Sheriff’s Kits which contain the facts of a criminal investigation; the Joe Arpaio Cold Case Posse.
As I’ve said before, where there is smoke there is fire. Why has the President of United States used a total of THREE different Social Security numbers in his life?
Why did Team Obama turn in THREE different versions of his faked Birth Certificate to the Alabama Supreme Court during his Presidential run? Oops. 
If all these are fake GOP scandals, why all the lies?
Why all the cover-ups? Why all the obstruction?
Answer me that liberals? 
As much as everyone sees Obama as this mastermind who is diabolically scheming to bring down the United States, I don’t buy into that. As I’ve said before, I don’t think the guy is that bright. We have NOTHING from his academic records to prove his brilliance, because they’ve all been sealed using MILLIONS of dollars to keep the truth secret. Also has anyone seen this boob without a teleprompter? Being able to read a speech someone else wrote off a teleprompter does not signify genius. It signifies someone is a good reader.
One look at all Obama’s showings of complete ineptness should demonstrate the guy is not a rocket scientist.
Frankly, I’m not so sure he’s even as bright as the guy filling the rocket with fuel. There is no question Obama hates America, and wants to see it dismantled, and he’s doing a good job, however I credit the puppet masters with that much more than I credit the puppet. I’m not saying people can’t misspeak, as the video above demonstrates, but he hardly strikes me as genius. 
The issue of the fake social security number is FAR from the only one plaguing the legitimacy of this presidency:

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

BrasscheckTV: Uncle Sam's heroin business‏

Yes, the US government is a major
participant in the global heroin
trade that originates in Afghanistan.
This is not a conspiracy theory. 
You can see it with your own 
- Brasscheck

 US facilitating the Afghan opium/heroin industry
Afghanistan is the world’s #1 producer
                    Banks are in on this too
“An uncomfortable fluke....”

Uh, really?

We can send SWAT teams to break down people’s doors all over the country in search of cannabis...

We can somehow afford to jail hundreds of thousands of drug users (not dealers, users)...

But we can’t do anything about the fact that Afghanistan, where our military is currently based not only can’t do anything about drug production there, we’re also literally - not a conspiracy theory - literally using US troops to guard opium crops on behalf of “friends of the United States.”

How, by any stretch of the imagination can anyone who grows opium for heroin production be a “friend of the United States.”

It depends what you mean by the “United States” doesn’t it?

Afghanistan is not the first country that had a spike in the heroin trade by “an uncomfortable fluke....”

Try Vietnam when, by coincidence, the US was there.

And before that, way back in the 1920s our anti-communist allies in China.

And don’t forget the Skull and Bones founding families and the legendary US clipper ships.

Do you really think they made their money racing tea back from China to Boston and New Haven?

Clipper ships were opium haulers - and this trade, along with the slave trade - is at the root of many old and politically well connected US family fortunes that are still operative today (see the Bush family.)

The Truth Is Viral: “Obama Murdered My Son” – Father Of Slain SEAL Team 6 Sailor Speaks Out, Gets Spied On By NSA

By Bobby  Powell
For two and a half years, the families of the members of SEAL Team Six – The SEAL Team that killed Osama Bin Laden – have been searching for answers. They want to know why their sons were put aboard a decrepit CH-47 helicopter and flown into a hot LZ with no support whatsoever, they want to know why the government lied about the circumstances of the deaths of the SEALS, and they want to know who is responsible for the deaths of their sons.
In three weeks they may get a few answers when Congress opens an investigation into the facts surrounding the downing of Extortion 17 in Afghanistan’s Tangi Valley on August 6th 2011.

 Charles Strange, Father of Slain SEAL Michael Strange
In this exclusive TTiV interview, Charles Strange, father of Michael Strange, one of the 22 Navy SEALS aboard the ill-fated flight, tells viewers of the evidence he has obtained from government sources that lay open the lies surrounding his son’s death that have been told by the military, and how a Muslim Imam was brought in by the military to say a prayer over the bodies of the SEALS, even though none of them were Muslim; a “prayer” that was intended to damn the SEALS to Hell. If none of the SEALS were Muslim, why was a Muslim prayer spoken over their bodies, a prayer designed to insult the memory of these heroes if not to intentionally rub salt into a fresh wound?
Charles’ wife Mary also recounts how the government has bugged their home, their computers, and telephones. She says that they have been receiving strange text messages, and that cameras have been installed in their home; real-time photographs being sent to her computer screen as she worked.
That is absolutely terrifying. It was also the basis of a lawsuit that the Stranges, through their attorney Larry Klayman, recently won against the NSA. Mary Strange talks about that as well.

Once the conversation turned to the case against the NSA and classified information concerning Michael’s death, the servers at the Guerilla Media Network which hosts TTiVLIVE! came under a DDoS attack and the interview had to be terminated. For now.
The Truth Is Viral will continue to follow the Congressional inquiries about Extortion 17 as well as the Strange’s case against the NSA. It is the official editorial position of The Truth Is Viral that installing cameras in the homes of grieving families in order to intimidate them into being silent is beyond reprehensible and those responsible must be held to account.

BrasscheckTV: Who Are The Taliban?

Who are the Taliban? 
And who pays their bills?
The surprising answer. 
- Brasscheck

 The Taliban? Who The Heck Are They?
Hint: They’re friends of the Saudis - and the CIA

Who are the Taliban? - Truthloader


                           Nuts for hire
It takes a lot of money to operate a nationwide group of deranged killers.

So where does the Taliban get their money from?

Two sources:

Criminal activities - and “foreign aid” from places like the US and Saudi Arabia.

Foreign aid given to Afghanistan that ends up in Taliban coffers amounts to 20% of the Taliban’s budget.

So less-than-directly, but effectively the US and its uber sleazy friends in Saudui Arabia are paying for the bullets and bombs that are blowing up US servicemen and women.

And when US troops are not chasing Taliban around the rocks, they’re tasked with guarding “warlord” opium fields in order to make friends and influence people there.

The Saudis are big funders of all things loony in Islam and of course Uncle Sam’s CIA and its friends in Pakistan were the first to put guns and guerrilla combat training into the Taliban’s hands pre 9/11.

Townhall: Defend the Fourth: Sen. Paul (R-KY) Slaps Team Obama With Lawsuit Over NSA Program

Daniel Doherty

Does the Fourth Amendment mean anything anymore? That is essentially the question Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) posed in a promotional video on Tuesday -- the day before he formally filed, along with the organization FreedomWorks, a class action lawsuit against President Obama and top officials at the National Security Agency (NSA). He cited the U.S. government’s ongoing collection of Americans’ phone records as the “modern equivalent” of British lawlessness and overreach during the Revolutionary War era. Back then, he argued, representatives from His Majesty’s Government would routinely and illegally search the homes and property of British subjects without their consent. How is what the NSA is doing today, he argued, any less tyrannical?
“The Constitution is not a negotiable piece of parchment to be ignored or abused at the president’s whim,” he said. “Washington leaders are expected to obey and protect what they took an oath to uphold. And if this means taking them to court over it -- so be it.”

Sen. Rand Paul Defends the Fourth Amendment - February 11, 2014


You can learn more about Defending the Fourth here.

***Important*** Rufe's Weather Outlook Update

Weather Update

 Alas, not pitch perfect, the storm to track closer to shore resulting in a nasty scenario. 

 Snow will overspread southernmost Maine mid morning Thursday, press north rapidly and become heavy very quickly. At rates in excess of 1”/hr the heaviest snow will fall around dusk. Thereafter the risk is now very real of mixtures within 30 miles of the coast between 7PM SW, 10PM east, reverting back to snow 4AM west, 7AM east. Up to ½” sleet and up to ¼” ice is likely 10-30 miles inland. Closer to the ocean the overnight blend will consist more of rain and sleet with less than a ¼” gritty mix, if that.  Snow will end by midday Friday.

 Amounts will be highly variable. 8”-14” will be the totals, front and back. Please refer to the morning graphic.
 The signature for an inversion is strong. However within 5 miles of the coast expect gusts to 40 mph from the north between 8PM SW to 4AM east. Within 20 miles of the coast north/northeast gusts of 30-40 mph during this period. 
(Note: 6am Map)
Weather Update
2/12/14   11AM
 Quite a robust and wet storm to impact Maine in 26-50 hours.
 Snow will overspread southernmost Maine around 11AM Thursday, pressing north rapidly and become heavy very quickly. At rates in excess of 1”/hr, heaviest snow will fall through dusk. Thereafter snow will yield to sleet 7PM SW, 10PM east, as far north as Fryeburg to Bangor. Up to ½” sleet and up to ¼” ice is likely 10-30 miles inland.
 Closer to the ocean rain and sleet will evolve with up to 1/4” gritty mix. Rainfall of one-half to one inch is expected, most across Penobscot Bay. The heaviest precipitation will occur between 7PM and midnight. Marked loading of coniferous tree limbs is expected, especially 10-30 miles inland. Lighter snow will resume 4AM southwest to 7AM in Rockland, ending 11AM southwest, 1PM mountains and Penobscot Bay Friday.

 Amounts will be highly variable. 8”-18” will be combined totals, front and back. The heaviest will stretch from Fryeburg to Orono. Please refer to the updated graphic. Temperatures for most will rise above freezing for several hours Friday, assisting in shedding of the saturated snow.
 Within 5 miles of the coast expect north gusts to 40 mph between 6PM to midnight. Within 20 miles of the coast north/northeast gusts of 30-39 mph are likely during this period.
(Note: 11 am Map)
You are going to get blasted so take great precautions and be safe.

And These Are Our Leaders Making Decisions On Running This Country And Can't Answers Two Simple Questions, Holy Cow! "Afghanistan Experts Stumped By Simple Questions"

Didn't see this on National News

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R., Calif.) had a simple question Wednesday for three of the Obama administration’s top Afghanistan specialists: How many American troops have been killed in Afghanistan this year? None of the witnesses at the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Afghanistan had an answer.


 We Are In Serious Trouble America!

So If Business Is So Good Why This? Breitbart:Tsunami of Store Closings to Sweep U.S. Retailers

Several U.S. retailers have announced that in 2014 they will be closing stores all across the country, showing that retailers expect continued contraction in the economy instead of growth for the foreseeable future.

CNBC recently reported that such retailers as Sears, JC Penney, and Macy's are all announcing a wave of store closings. Other retailers, like Sam's and Target, are laying off thousands.
Another report tallied some of these shutterings. "JCPenney, Macy's, and Sears have all recently announced fresh rounds of closures and layoffs. JCPenney is closing 33 stores, Macy's is closing five, and Sears is closing its flagship in Chicago--the latest of about 300 closures Sears has made since 2010," Business Insider wrote at the end of January.
Experts also predict that this is just the beginning and expect many other retailers to announce job cuts, store closings, cuts in the square footage of current stores, or all three.
There are several reasons being offered to explain this contraction. One is that retailers have created "unsustainable inventories," i.e. too much product on shelves and in warehouses.
Another is the loss of foot traffic at large malls. A report at Business Insider noted that shopping malls are "going extinct," and as these large retailers continue to shutter stores in malls and look for stores with smaller square footage, this will hasten the decline of the shopping mall.
Then there is the increase in Internet shopping that has been impacting the brick-and-mortar retail sector, as buyers increasingly shop from the comfort of their own homes and take delivery by mail.
Another factor may be that the middle class has been hit particularly hard by all this economic distress. One report from 2012 estimated that the middle class had lost 40 percent of their worth, leaving less disposable income for impulse shopping at brick-and-mortar stores.
Whatever the causes, many retailers are contracting, not expanding, and this is an indication that this down economy is not expected to get better any time soon.

The Maine Wire: “Sorensen: Republicans Propose Alternatives to Rainy Day Fund Raid” plus 2 more‏

Sorensen: Republicans Propose Alternatives to Rainy Day Fund Raid
Posted: 11 Feb 2014 11:34 AM PST
AUGUSTA – The Maine House of Representatives on Tuesday took up LD 1762, the bill that forestalls $40 million in revenue sharing cuts with a $21 million raid on the rainy day fund, a $4 million sweep of the income tax relief fund, and $15 million in revenue surpluses. Republican lawmakers offered floor amendments to provide structural alternatives to […]
Advocate or Analyst: Emails raise questions about non-partisan staffer’s role on HHS Committee
Posted: 11 Feb 2014 11:20 AM PST
AUGUSTA – A top Republican lawmaker on the Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee is questioning the objectivity of non-partisan legislative staff after emails obtained by The Maine Wire show one senior analyst engaging in questionable activity.  The Maine Wire’s request for public records revealed extensive correspondence between Jane Orbeton, senior analyst on the Legislature’s […]
Daily Catch: Obamacare chaos, RGA fundraising records, and the poverty industry
Posted: 11 Feb 2014 06:59 AM PST
Obamacare Chaos: President Obama has once again unilaterally changed his signature health care law without Congress. From “President Barack Obama’s Treasury Department issued a new  regulation today that for the second time directly violates the plain and unambiguous text of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act by allowing some businesses to avoid the […]

TMB: Belarus Confirms Software Work for U.S. Medical and Insurance Companies‏ and more

Belarus Confirms Software Work for U.S. Medical and Insurance Companies  By Bill GertzSoftware developed in the former Soviet state of Belarus is part of networks used by U.S. medical and insurance companies that are now part of President Barack Obama’s health care reform program…

Iran: Ballistic Missile Test a ‘Firm Response’ to U.S. By Adam KredoIran’s defense minister said on Tuesday that the recent firing of two ballistic missiles was a shot across the bow to the Obama administration, which continues to maintain that the “military option” against Tehran is still on the table.

Report: White House, State Dept Failed to Recognize Security Situation in Benghazi By Daniel WiserThe White House and State Department failed to recognize the rapidly deteriorating security situation in Benghazi, Libya, and left the military inadequately prepared to respond to the terrorist attacks there, according to a new report.
Torch-Carrying Environmentalists Protest at Oil Exec’s Home By Lachlan MarkayMasked protesters carrying torches and threatening organized violence protested outside the home of an executive at a major oil pipeline company last week.

Experts Slam Schumer’s Junk Science By Lachlan MarkayExperts criticized a top Senate Democrat this week for pushing the federal government to ban a food additive that regulators say is safe at the behest of a food blogger whose campaign against the chemical has spurred a public outcry.

Shirley Temple’s Horrible Thoughtcrime Against Jeffrey Wells By Sonny BunchIn his writeup of Shirley Temple Black following her death last night at the age of 85, Oscar prognosticator and noted wifi connoisseur Jeffrey Wells begrudgingly acknowledged the accomplishments of, arguably, one of the biggest stars in the history of Hollywood before closing with this cutting jibe…
Jimmy Kimmel Is Exactly the Man to Unveil the 2014 Swimsuit Issue By Robert CharetteJimmy Kimmel has come a long way from giving away Ben Stein’s money and having girls jump on trampolines. He’s transitioned from overweight basic cable shock jock to the best late night host working today. Dating Sarah Silverman will do that to a fella.


Say My Name By Washington Free Beacon StaffWashington Free Beacon reporter Alana Goodman’s scoop featuring new insights on former First Lady and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton Monday made waves around the country Monday, becoming a discussion topic on every cable news channel and broadcast network.