Here I go again.
Concerning the school budget; a few meetings ago I asked School Superintendent Welsh and the finance director how much is given out each year to teachers in step increases, but was told they did not know. They did not even try to give an answer. FYI, it was decided by the school committee some years ago that each year one third (1/3) of all teachers be given a pay step increase. This "step increase" is over and above the annual pay increases, so it is not as though teachers would not be receiving their normal pay raise.
What is the amount of the annual step increases?
What does it cost the taxpayers for the step increases?
It is time someone gives the taxpayers an answer. The step increase is not based on merit or performance. It is an outright gift! It is past time for this to be phased out. And what better time than now, in these hard times. And especially now, when, we are told, the high school building needs so much work.
Great picture of the updated picture of the Town Office sign, and the message. Did the flamingos come back to flock? A colorful sight to be sure. Perhaps the Police Department could give the Boosters a nice donation for their oversight in removing the flock before their usual migration.
On the unexpected grant: It would appear Eldridge could have kept our Town Assessor, Jerry Samson after all! Maybe Mr. Mike Cote will not have to take a cut in pay to 30 hours a week too! But, it will probably all go to the Police Department. They never have enough money! They surely must be having a bonanza with all the tickets they have been writing lately. It seems everywhere one goes, there is a blue flashing light and a cruiser with a stopped vehicle.
It's too bad, that with the grant, the town could not find some way to make the needed improvements to the public works building and purchase the badly needed plow trucks. If no new plow trucks are purchased and roads are not plowed this winter, and you cannot get to work, just call Mr. Eldridge and Town Councilors. They will love to hear from you!
Dot Fitzgerald
A Lisbon Concerned Citizen and
A faithful reader of THE LISBON REPORTER