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Monday, October 26, 2009

Greyhound Gab: Obama by PWS Paula Caron‏

Paula Caron
Editor Note: 
Greyhound Gab is a column by Paula Caron, an eighth grade student at Philip W. Sugg Middle School in Lisbon.  Views expressed in the column are from “on the street” interviews with other students and or staff on a particular subject matter and/or event.  All photos and interviews conduced by Paula Caron.

(Posted as submitted)

Greyhound Gab
By:  Paula Caron
PWS Student Reporter

How do you feel President Obama has been doing the first nine months of his administration?

I noticed he's sending troops to Afghanistan, and there hasn't been any news on taking the troops out of Iraq.  At least I haven't heard of him taking them out. Maybe I don't watch the news at the right time. The other thing I've heard is he's been helping fund banks and health care. If there's no way for him to supervise the money being spent, then I think he needs to pay a bit more attention on how they money is spent. But otherwise, I think he's been doing a good job.

Robert Dall
Grade 8

Well I think President Obama has been doing well. He's trying his best. He's doing his best with the economy and with the health care issue.

Sierra Crosby
Grade 8

I think the President is trying his hardest. He might be doing tons of good things, but I still think he is trying to make everyone like him.

Keely Domini
Grade 8

I don't think President Obama has done well so far.  He keeps spending more money and putting us further in debit.
Roxanna Carlson
Grade 8

I think the President has been very ambitious, and has handled opposition well.
Ms. Amy Crosby
Philip W. Sugg Middle School Art Teacher