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Tuesday, November 10, 2009


One of the big mistakes leaders of our American labor unions made in the last November elections, and is still making, by supporting the Pelosi health care bill in the House of Representatives was that they were cutting off their nose to save their face.

Last November they thought they were supporting “change”. Little did they know that the “change” they were supporting would eventually come back to bite them in the tail board ..... big time. 

Let's take a look at what is in store for the American union worker if the public option part of the Pelosi health care bill, which the president forced upon his own party members in the House of Representatives, eventually comes to fruition.

If you are now a truck driver, police officer, fireman, steel worker, baker, auto worker, municipal or state employee .... where ever you work as a union member, you currently have a contract with your employer that provides you health and welfare benefits. Most municipal workers are covered by a health care policy that has been put out for bid to a number of in state insurance companies by your municipal or state government for the duration of your union contract. Keep in mind that municipal or state governments will no longer be obligated to keep those same health and welfare benefits once the Pelosi public option becomes effective. 

In your next contract, you, as a union worker, will have to take what ever the government hands out whether you have a pay scale contract or not! Because no insurance company can compete with the federal government, and every employer, whomever it might be, big or small, is going to opt out of buying the type of health insurance coverage you may now enjoy, because it simply will be cheaper to let you go begging to Washington for your health care. This of course will be done with political savvy, reminding you your taxes will be lower ... NAUGHT !!

You will then have to stand in line for medical services like the rest of the non union public. Your union can scream and shout till hades freezes over but the stark reality of economics will prevail. With such a disastrous burden of care, with over 15 million illegal immigrants covered by the Pelsoi bill suddenly thrust upon the American health care system, and with doctors and hospitals being told by the government what they can charge, and what kind of services they can render, how long do you think our great American health care system can prevail under such dire conditions? Doctors and nurses will leave the health care profession in droves, leaving the immense health care burden to the few remaining. 

Our great American health care, which is the model of the entire world, will crumble like a deck of cards. No longer will a justifiable union protest be tolerated by bureaucrats in Washington. Those same bureaucrats that asked for your union vote last November, will be giving you the “change” you voted for. Only this time the “change” ... I. E.: mega $$$$'s from your union paycheck will go to hire more bureaucrats in Washington to run the national socialized health care system.

The cost of health care that is written into every union contract could be reduced drastically if tort reform were written into a health care reform bill that would cause all the ambulance chasing attorneys to back off. Remember .... you, the public, pay for the h u g e personal protection insurance cost that each doctor must pony up each year in self defense, against these dastardly money mongers. Why isn't this being written into any health care reform bill? Simply ..... because most of the Senators and the President are Lawyers ! Another issue that is not being addressed by any health care reform bill before the congress, is why competitive health care coverage cost, by the insurance companies, are not  currently allowed, because health insurance business cannot be done over state lines. 

We can buy competitive automobile insurance over state lines, comparing the costs from one company to another ..... and purchasing the type and cost of auto insurance we want .... why not health insurance? If this were allowed, the cost would immediately come down at least 20%. But you know and I know, there are those people in the individual state legislatures that are lining their pockets with profits from this kind of competitive blockage. If this was not so, then ask the Governor of your state why his/her state does not allow this type of competition? 

Another part of the reform of health care is long term, or catastrophic health care. This is where the government can, and should become involved. If the government would provide for care in this kind of health crisis, then the private insurance companies could lower even more the cost of coverage they offer the every day needs of health coverage the American society now enjoys.  Like, maternity coverage for instance, or that broken leg that happened during a skiing accident, or that youngster needing tonsils removed. 

Think this over very carefully Mr. And Mrs. union a n d non union worker. What has Nancy Pelosi done for you recently?

This is a time in America when the union worker must stand shoulder to shoulder with his/her non union working brother and sister. Write, or better yet, email, and if you can't do either, call the toll free number of the two senators in Washington from your state, and tell them that if true health care reform is going to become a reality, then no public option can ever be tolerated!

    C. C. Bondermann .... simply a concerned American