Ward 2 only
Votes at the MTM Center
16 School Street
Polls Open 7am to 8pm
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Lisbon recall vote looms
By Darcie Moore, Times Record Staff
LISBON — Residents of Lisbon Falls will head to the polls Tuesday to decide if District 2 Town Councilor Michael Bowie will retain that position.Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Marion T. Morse Center, 16 School St. Voters will receive ballots listing just one question: “Shall Michael Robert Bowie be recalled from the office of Town Council?”
The recall referendum results from a citizen petition filed Nov. 5. The four complaints against Bowie listed on the recall petition relate largely to his service as Town Council chairman. His term as chairman expired on Dec. 7, when town councilors elected Mark Lunt as their new leader.
Although Lisbon has two voting wards, only registered voters in District 2, Lisbon Falls, will cast ballots Tuesday to determine whether Bowie will continue to represent them on the Town Council.
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Lisbon Falls recall election Tuesday
LISBON — Voters in District Two, Lisbon Falls, will be going to the polls on Tuesday for a special citizen-initiated recall election of veteran Town Council Chairman Michael Bowie, as permitted under the town charter.
The recall petition was submitted to the town by School Street resident Dorothy Fitzgerald, chairman of the Recall Committee.
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