Latest Hard Metal Pricng

Sunday, August 5, 2012


> Hard time has befallen all and we are no different. We have 300 members 
> and only 11 shows up at a meeting. We have home cooked meals on Friday 
> nights for $6 which is open to the public.That’s less than a pack of cigarettes and only 15 to 20 
> show up to enjoy the fine meal. On Wednesday afternoon all types of 
> chicken legs> Are served. The same few show up for those in support of the post. We have 
> been struggling for years.

> The womens auxiliary have been supporting us with suppers and helping pay the post 
> bills. It’s always the same few that show up in support of the post. To 
> them we sincerely thank. So finally we are throwing in the towel selling 
> our post home. Sad as it is we know, even in war, every once in a while we 
> have to retreat regroup and try again. We are not given up our charter so 
> we will regroup in another place. No one knows it better than us(veterns of foreign wars) that war 
> is hell and given up our post home from lack of support from our neighbors 
> is just like war…pure hell. 
Phillip Webber Sr.
Lisbon, Maine

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