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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Recap of Oh Hum Lisbon Town Council Meeting 08072012


At last night’s town council meeting it was business as usual.  There was little to no excitement during the actual meeting but at the workshop it was a sham.  I will devote an entire article to the highlights of the workshop.

Our local citizens serving abroad to protect our rights.
Will we have the balls enough to protect theirs when they come home?

The Town council approved a bid for the Library Air Conditions to be installed in the library in the amount of $12,565.00.  They had budgeted $20,000.00 for this project.  I wonder where the extra $7,035.00 will be going.

The council also approved a bid for the Wood Trailer Replacement for $48,000.  They had budgeted $50,000 so where is the extra $2,000 going.

Mr. Richard Gross from the Androscoggin County Charter Commission provided an excellent presentation on the proposed Androscoggin County Charter which will be voted on in November.  If you would like to review the proposed charters go to 

Richard Gross                     
(all photos provided willing by Coucilor Cote)
Some of the interesting points are:

The make-up of the new Commission will be increased from three Commissioners to seven.  The first election will be in 2014.

Establishes term limits for Commissions and Budget Committee members.

An excellent Recall procedure which I felt should be adopted throughout the county.  It is simple and to the point.  The number of signatures required is 10% of the number of votes cast for the office in the last election and the decision is determined by majority vote and not by some unobtainable goal like 30% of the total number of qualified voters who cast votes for Governor in the most recent gubernatorial election like Lisbon.

You mean like the one for Nasty Norma???Where David T. Brooks circled the voting place like a shark looking for a fresh kill.....

The council also discussed which roads to repair first; this discussion ending with the council asking the town engineer to provide additional information prior to making a decision.

The council approved the nominations of Curtis Lunt and Karen Paradis as Associate Member of the Planning Board.

Stay tuned for the recap of the workshop.

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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