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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

NaturalNews: Two Dozen Medical Studies Confirm Vaccine Link To Autism

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
In the faith-based dogma known as "modern science," all vaccines are assumed to be 100% safe regardless of their composition (ingredients) or side effects.
There is no such thing as an "unsafe" vaccine, if you believe the pro-vaccine propaganda.
But how do they know if they refuse to examine the evidence of harm?
Today, we bring you news of two dozen medical studies that provide damning evidence of the link between vaccines and autism. This is evidence the vaccine pushers desperately try to convince you doesn't exist, but you can read about it yourself right here:

With the launch of Obamacare exchanges today, the government's Obamacare website has quietly removed any mention of "free" health insurance. So much for that bogus promise, eh?

Here are two very important films that need your support to get completed. They stand to help shape the future of medicine:

Economic epic fail: Growth of food stamps 75 times greater than growth of jobs under Obama administration:

Acupuncture for depression? Scientific studies show it's just as good as counseling:

More news continues below...

Today from
- The problem with your toilet (huh?)

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