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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Unitil Project Passed‏ !!!


At last night’s Special Town Council meeting, four of the Councilors voted to approve this project.  These Councilors were Roger Bickford, Eric Metivier, Mark Lunt and Gregg Garrison.  Councilors Dillon Pesce and Chris Brunelle voted against the project.

Prior to the vote was a lengthy discussion starting with Mr. Leighton providing a small briefing followed by question and answer period by the Councilors?   Mr.  Leighton stated first that Public Works personnel would not be doing the trenching and later stated that Public Works personnel would be preparing the trench for paving.    According to Mr. Leighton, Unitil will be responsible for the trenching and laying the gas line.  However, it is unclear as to why the Public Works personnel and backhoe would have to be on a standby mode.

Another curious point was, if this is a Unitil project, why was there no one from Unitil there to clarify any points, and there were numerous unanswered questions?  One would be why Unitil is doing the trenching but does not have to complete the work to satisfy the final trench so it can be paved without Public Works personnel having to ensure the work is done right.  Also, why is there no written Unitil proposal detailing the project and who is responsible for what? 

Also, there was no documentation from the Brunswick Housing Authority as to what they are responsible for.  It was stated that the Brunswick Housing Area was to pay half of the cost for paving but did not mention if the Public Works personnel are required to prepare the trench for paving if the Brunswick Housing Authority would split the cost with the town.  In other words, the Town could end up paying for preparing the trench for paving and then split the cost of paving with the town.  If this is the case, the taxpayers are getting screwed again.

Mr. Leighton was unable to answer all the questions asked by both the Council and the Public.  Mr. Leighton changed his story several times.  The Council will still have to go out for bid on the paving because it is over $5,000.00 which is required by the town Purchasing Policy.

I cannot explain why these four Councilors voted the way they did other than this project will provide a cost savings on heating the MTM Center, once completed.  I support the project but I am against approving a project when there are so many questions that remain unanswered.   I will submit a Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) for the documentation from Unitil and the Brunswick Housing Authority which should provide the answers to these questions.  I want to know who is responsible for what.

Larry Fillmore


Dot Fitzgerald said...

Larry, I don't know how you figured that one out. I was at Tuesday's meeting and I did not understand how the proposal was going how to work. i.e., who was going to do what? what we would be paying for? and why? what would Brunswick Housing Authority be paying for?
And you are right, why was someone from Unitil not there to explain their part and why the costs.
I was at their meeting at LES in February and we were told that there would be NO COST TO THE TOWN OF LISBON! ! ! !
BHA is getting a great deal on this!! !
On Lisbon's expense account.

If Ryan Leighton Leighton does not know how to write a proposal for a project, why are we, the Town of Lisbon keeping him on the payroll?

False Deluder said...

Again, Brunswick (BHA) is playing chess and the Lisbon Town council and those representing our interest are playing checkers. Wait. Who am I kidding? They are not even at the table. BHA 2 -- Lisbon 0