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Showing posts with label Economic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Economic. Show all posts

Monday, July 27, 2015

NaturalNews: BREAKING: Doctor found dead after feds raid his facility, seize promising cancer treatment "GcMAF"‏

It's now abundantly obvious that a full-scale war has been declared against medical progress and the pioneering doctors who are trying to save lives.
Three days before Dr. Bradstreet was found shot to death and floating in a river, U.S. government agents raided his facility to seize a substance called "GcMAF."
That substance, it turns out, is a pioneering treatment for both autism and cancer. It has an astonishing success rate (over 80% in some trials) and works by activating the body's own immune system to destroy tumors of all kinds.
It's legal in Japan but the FDA considers it a criminal substance and they're trying to destroy all knowledge of this extraordinary substance before the U.S. public finds out how easily and inexpensively cancer can be treated!
A must-read article: Read the full story here

CA State Rep. Mike Gatto believes the new state law making vaccinations mandatory for school children is unconstitutional, and he's not afraid to challenge it:
A study has found that exposure to even low levels of insecticides containing pyrethroids causes neurocognitive development deficits in young children:
Here are four natural options that aid in the treatment of diabetes:

The clean food movement is working. Mickey D's is suffering from a worldwide drop in sales and is closing more stores than it is opening:
A new report from the Centers for Immigration Studies states that there are 276 sanctuary cities in 43 states, safe havens for illegal aliens in defiance of federal law:
High fructose corn syrup, added to nearly every processed food, has been linked to abnormal heart growth, which leads to cardiac failure:
 Robert Scott Bell
Monday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 7-9PM EDT: RSB and Dr. Rashid Buttar discuss how detoxification from heavy metals can successfully reverse neuromuscular diseases. Then we will reveal the backlash by 118 top cancer doctors against the Big Pharma chemo cartel.
Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at »

California attorney and assemblyman challenges mandatory vaccination law as unconstitutional
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Marijuana growers are decimating California's ecosystem, killing fish, destroying forests and draining streams
(NaturalNews) As California continues to bake in the throes of a historic, multi-year drought, concerns over the state's remaining water supplies have risen dramatically. State and local officials have been working in tandem to create conservative...
Commonly used insecticides impair child brain development even at low exposure levels
(NaturalNews) A family of insecticides called pyrethroids are found in many common household items and unfortunately, they've been shown to harm human health. According to experts from the Institute of Research in Environmental and Occupational Health...
Top 4 natural remedies that help diabetes
(NaturalNews) Diabetes is a growing problem both here in the United States and all around the world. In America alone, it is estimated that nearly 30 million people have this condition which is caused by the pancreas either not producing insulin at all...
276 sanctuary cities have released more than 17,000 murderers, rapists and drug dealers back onto the streets of America - just so they can VOTE!
(NaturalNews) Hundreds of so-called illegal immigrant "sanctuary cities" have released thousands of criminal aliens over the past several months – some 50 percent more than previously revealed, according to a new ...
CNN blatantly lies to America, claiming there are no 'sanctuary cities'
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McDonald's begins closing restaurants across U.S. as clean food movement sweeps America
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Six powerful foods that taste better than junk foods
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High-fructose corn syrup increases risk of heart failure
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CDC slams Obama as an amateur 'Marxist' president for allowing disease-infested illegals to swam across the border
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Medical-industrial complex sees women as biological factories to churn out babies to be maimed and sold for profit
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Magnesium-rich drinking water may protect bones
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Death of American democracy: Federal judge tells Hawaiians they have no right to ban GMOs
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CAFR1: Market Rants post - CAFR1




This Wednesday is the FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) monthly meeting in which the determination is made for a interest rate increase. The announcement comes out at 2 PM Eastern time.

Interest rates have held at their lowest levels for several years. All have been watching for the first move by the Fed towards the 1st increase.

Well, the data they look at to make their determination, Unemployment, GDP, Durable Goods orders, etc. have almost fallen in line. The market chatter has been looking for the 1st increase to take place in September or October of this year. From the writing on the wall, and in my opinion, I give it a 60% probability the 1st increase will be announced tomorrow at 2 PM Eastern time.

At last months meeting, one member pushed to have the increase start last month. At this meeting the data that came out since the last meeting supports an increase.

Bottom line if they do so? Some of the wildest swings seen for quite some time in the interest rate futures, metals, dollar index, stock indexes, etc. US 30 Year Bonds could see a swing of 3 to 5 points to the downside . Silver a $1.25 to $2 swing to the upside.  Stock indexes to the downside, then a massive swing to the upside. All will be on a roller-coaster ride for sure.

If they do not? The chatter from the meeting will probably indicate doing so where it will have the same effect but not as visceral.

Keep your eyes open tomorrow!


Sent FYI and truly Yours,

Walter J. Burien, Jr.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Just What We Need More Government Oversight ~ Worked Great For Amtrak Employees, Claim They Worked 40 hours plus In One Day

Timesheets for employees of Amtrak are riddled with abuse, according to a recent audit report, with cases of workers claiming over 40 hours of work in a single day.
The audit released by Amtrak’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) Thursday found examples of abuse in the overtime system, which totaled nearly $200 million in overtime pay last year.
“[Calendar Year] CY 2014 timesheet data revealed trends and patterns that indicate potential fraud, waste, and abuse in the reporting of overtime and regular time,” the audit said. “Some of these trends and patterns may be justified because of the complexity of union agreement rules, the nature of jobs, and the functions employees perform.”

Read more here.

REALITY What Really Is Going On Worldwide Jones: Emergency Alert, Global Elite Are Now Evacuating The US

Many economists and people of influence are telling us that the world’s economy is on the verge of implosion. Certainly all the QE and 0 or negative interest rates can’t keep us afloat forever. As Ron Paul pointed out recently, the market will one day raise interest rates and at that point implosion is inevitable.
Add to that the massive uptick of military exercises seen worldwide and Jones’ warning doesn’t seem so far-fetched.

Total Emergency Alert: Elite Now Evacuating

From the Greek-Euro crisis to gold’s sudden rise in popularity, the writing on the wall points to unavoidable economic doom.
On the eve of the Jade Helm military drill set to take place next month, Texas Governor Greg Abbott indicated his distrust of the Federal Reserve’s fiat monetary system in a move to repatriate $1 billion of gold back to his home state.
Countries such as China and Germany have made similar moves, with the German Central Bank, or Bundesbank, earlier this year saying it also has plans to repatriate 300 tonnes of gold from the New York Fed by 2020.
Just today, British hedge fund manager Ian Spreadbury, who handles billions in investment, revealed he warns his clients of the market’s “systemic risk,” and said he advises them to store “physical cash” due to its overwhelming volatility.

Ron Paul - final prediction, warning to americans 5/2015

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A Simple Sample Of Lisbon VIA Outline Format

A.  Division between Town Council and School Department
1. should be working together.
             a. conveniently Town Council eliminates budget advisory committee
             b.  holds all power in the laps of 7 people now, instead of having  more "eyes" on budget
2. Controlling Police Chief pulling the council puppets strings (a perpetual problem)

B.  Future of Lisbon and this country lays in the youth being educated through actually learning material
1.  Common Core mandates testing, testing, and testing. To the point that all across the State and Country, students have expressed concerns of added stress and anxiety because they have no time to learn material before being tested
      2.  Employment opportunities for High School graduates to work in Lisbon extremely scarce.

C.  Those fortunate enough to further education find jobs elsewhere.
1.  Limited employers in town puts greater tax burden on residents to "maintain status quo" of services with less monies to finance them
2.  Forward thinking and planning are none existent except for "deck the poles"  festival & activities etc.

Here's a tip for those on the Town Council: Start treating the Lisbon taxpayers with the respect they deserve, listen to their concerns and adjust accordingly, represent their interests as stated by them, not what you want, and then, maybe someday the damage done by your self-serving interests will be fixed.  It is up to you.

Lisbon taxpayer's you should leave your "comfort zones" and get to the Town Council meeting tonight where you  can express your concerns directly to the council during Audience Participation.  There are two places, one to discuss items on the agenda and another for "New Items".  This is the process currently mandated by Lisbon's governing body.  

Friday, May 8, 2015

Harvard Study: Social Security In Far Worse Shape Than Official Numbers Show

 Over the last 15 years, the Social Security Administration’s Office of the Chief Actuary has consistently underestimated retirees’ life expectancy and made other errors that make the finances of the retirement system look significantly better than they are, a new study by two Harvard and one Dartmouth academics concludes. The report, being published today by the Journal of Economic Perspectives, is the first, the authors say, to compare the government agency’s past demographic and financial forecasts with actual results.

 In a second paper appearing today in Political Analysis, the three researchers offer their theory of why the Actuary Office’s predictions have apparently grown less reliable since 2000: The civil servants who run it have responded to increased political polarization surrounding Social Security “by hunkering down” and resisting outside pressures—not only from the politicians, but also from outside technical experts.

Read more.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


The following are the steps to purchase equipment/vehicles in our community:

 1.  Department Heads puts items on the Capital Improvement Plan.

             2.  Department Heads place an approximate cost to it.

             3.  During the budget process, Department Heads lobby for these items to

                  be included in the budget.

             4.  Town Council approves purchases in the proposed budget.

             5.  Department Heads request permission to solicit a bid on the item.

             6.  Once the Department Heads have the bid, they request permission to

                  purchase the item from the Town Council.

             7.  Once the Town Council approves the purchase of the item, the town

      seeks financing for the item.

 8. The town secures financing and enters into a contract spreading out the

      payments over years at an additional fee.

This is one of the reasons; the town is currently in a financial situation it is in.  If the funds were approved during the budget process, and approved for purchase at the bid price, why do we need to finance the purchase?  Financing the purchase means that the taxpayers are going to have to pay an additional payment and pay interest for the duration of the loan.  Right now, according to the town, the taxpayers are forced to pay $63,950.00 in Interest on $273,050.00 Principal.

What is even worse is that the town reused the same money and puts the town into debt further.  In the example above, once financed the town only pays the principle and Interest for the first year.  Example:  Bid was for $54,000.00 and the first years installation is for $4,000.00 the remaining $50,000.00 remains in the General Fund to be used for the next purchase or should I say the next financed item.

The people you can thank for this brilliant concept, are former Town Manager Stephen Eldridge, former Chairman Michael Bowie and former Finance Director Jessica Maloy.  This year alone, the town has a debt service of $156,757.00.  This method of paying for everything through financing, except in the case of an
emergency, has to stop immediately.  Once the funds have been approved for an
item it needs to be purchased in full.  Because the town is under contract for
purchases already financed; the only way to recover is through attrition.

The Town Council needs to put an immediate stop to this procedure and direct the Town Manager there will be no more financing of equipment/ vehicles except in emergencies.  Emergencies are determined by the Town Council and the Town Manager.

Call your Councilors and the Town Manager if you agree. Put us back on track!

Larry Fillmore

Saturday, March 7, 2015

WND: Here's the tab for the Obamas' lavish lifestyle

While you've been scraping to save for that once-in-a-lifetime trip to Disney World you promised the kids, Barack Obama has been regularly jetting his family around the world for multimillion-dollar vacations.

On your dime.

Finally, someone has tallied the bill ... Read the latest now on

Friday, March 6, 2015

Bought Movie - (EXTENDED!)

GREAT NEWS! — Free BOUGHT Movie Viewing Extended!

If You Haven’t Seen The BOUGHT Movie Yet — 
We’re Giving You Another Week To Watch And
Share With Everyone You Care About…

We admit it. (…We’re SUCKERS!)

After being seen by over 100,000 people, we’re also having VERY passionate viewers who’d really like to get the word out to family, friends and colleagues — that just haven’t gotten around yet to SEE THE FILM.

And then there’s those who’ve requested to watch BOUGHT - and just hadn’t carved out the time, and others who only really get that time on the WEEKENDS…. so after team debate, we’ve decided to grant your requests!

The BOUGHT Film will remain LIVE and streaming FREE — through next weekend!

Though you will need to take this extended-window seriously, as the “free-streaming” WILL come to a close Sunday evening, on March the 15th!


We Hope this helps! And thanks for watching…

And Learn The Truth About Vaccines, GMO’S & Big Pharma

Jeff Hays
Jeff Hays Films
"Movies that Make Movements"


You’re about to see how Wall Street has literally “BOUGHT” your and your family's health. 

The food, vaccine, drug, insurance and health industry are a multi-BILLION dollar enterprise... focused more on profits than human lives. The BOUGHT documentary takes viewers deep “inside the guts” of this despicable conspiracy… 

Featuring exclusive interviews with the world's most acclaimed experts in research, medicine, holistic care and natural health... Bought exposes the hidden (and deadly) story behind it all.


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~ “A Conspiracy so gruesome, It’d Make HITLER Blush…”

~ “Your health is now brought to you by Wall Street. If you thought they hurt us with the banks, wait till you see what they’re are doing to our health care…” 


~ “Every mother and father should watch and share for the well-being and safety of our children…”

~ “Bought does a fantastic job of raising vital questions about our food, our health and the too big role big business has in our government…”

~ “I wished I would have seen this movie before I had my children almost 25 years ago…”

~ “The corruption of our system is devastating to observe, this movie makes you want to stand up and join a revolution! “

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Lisbon’s Financial Fiasco Follies

 Chief David T. Brooks

By Peter Reuter, Special to The Lisbon Reporter

Once again the time has arrived when we find ourselves in  undoubtedly the most reverent of seasons, Budget Season.  Every taxpayer already has a license to pursue the prey of choice, ie. Municipal department.  Taxes are levied on the people’s property, personal & estate, which afford the community to carry on with normal business as usual actions.  

But what happens when no one is ‘minding the fort’ and looking out for the best interests of the community, its people?  When the past management establishment elected and hired to do so were inflicted with a very contagious social and economical disease called GREED.  You get exactly what Lisbon is experiencing right now.   

Monies from the Federal and State levels have all but disappeared that were flowing into each municipality like spring thaw after a hearty winter of snow.  Those dollars, in most cases, were desperately counted on to balance the often over budgeted municipal balance sheets.  Now towns are struggling to manage with the same services they were afforded in past years. Change must occur to correct the deficit created by not making sound economic choices.

Through lack of financial fortitude Lisbon has had to dip into the Undesignated Fund account to make up the difference for a multiple of past years. Leaving it depleted to less than a favorable level.  Lately departments have had to make significant cuts to their operational budgets and employee rosters in order to keep the financial responsibility in somewhat of an order.  For that, infrastructural suffrage have occurred.  Roads, bridges, equipment and other items have not be improved or expanded as needed.

When you look hard into the Municipal Budget of Lisbon at all the departments that have had to make cuts, one department stands out like a black and blue eye where no cuts have been made.  In fact it has been increased each and every year.  But in order to ascertain that fact you just about need to have a PHD in forensic auditing. All because the TRUE and ACCURATE accounting of the POLICE DEPARTMENT has been spread out and hidden, on purpose to confuse the people.  This has permeated and promulgated the budget each year with significant protection of your duly elected officials.

It is REFRESHING to hear that the new Town Manager has recognized this and is in the process of correcting.  Once the taxpayers learn of the TRUE EXPENSE of the Police Department, then perhaps we all can hope for a change.  Maybe Lisbon could be a more affordable community for the retired residents and appeal to people to move in to make it their home.

Lisbon Town Manager, Mrs. Diane Barnes has made significant progress in the administration process and expenditures side of things. Namely digressing from one of the 'Good Ole Boys Club' members, the previous Town Attorney.  With the challenges that she is facing we all need to lend her support at meetings or whenever we see her.  Her intentions are honorable and admirable. Something Lisbon has been lacking in recent years.

The residents have spoken loud and clear when presented with the opportunity to improve things.  A couple of examples would be the vote on the addition to the High School Gymnasium, Track, and not purchasing Worumbo Mill. And let us not forget the opportunity to vote on the School Budget each year.

Isn’t it about time we have more of say on the Municipal side of the Budget?

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Do You Think Lisbon's Revaluation Process Is JUST?



The Maine Constitution states that “All taxes upon real and personal estate, assessed by authority of this State, shall be apportioned and assessed equally according to the just value thereof.”  According to brochure handed out at the Revaluation Workshop by the Maine Revenue Services, the firm (doing the revaluation) will review local sales that are considered “arm’s length” transactions and create pricing schedules for land and buildings.  As a result, all properties will have an assessed value for tax purposes, typically based on current cost of construction and local market sales. 

All of this is pretty straight forward and should render an apportioned and assessed equally value of each individual’s real and personal estate.  However, one would think that real and personal estates that are foreclosed on would have to be included in the formula to ensure all property values are equal and just.  Foreclosed property definitely has an impact on the fair market value of the same property in the same area.  So why is foreclosed property not included in creating pricing schedules? 

The same is true for property listed as “Slum and Blight”.  It is impossible to say that equal property; one in a “Slum and Blight” area has the same fair market value of property not in a “Slum and Blight” area.  According to the State, “All properties will have an assessed value for tax purposes, typically based on current cost of construction and local market sales.”  Two buildings constructed the same but in to different areas of town cannot have the same local market sales value if one is in an area designated as “Slum and Blight”. 

Can someone explain why foreclosures and “Slum and Blight” properties are NOT included in the formula for determining our real estate taxes?  According to the Maine Revenue Service, our taxes are supposed to be determined by apportioned and assessed equally according to the just value  

Without including all factors in the formula, how can our taxes be equal and just? 

Larry Fillmore