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Thursday, September 19, 2013

NaturalNews: TEDx talks align with Monsanto, no talks allowed on GMOs or healing foods‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The TEDx organization that hosts "TED talks" has issued a letter stating anyone who talks about GMOs or healing foods is a "health hoaxer" spewing "pseudoscience."
The organization seems to have completely sold out to Monsanto, the biotech industry and corporate-backed junk science.
Here's the story and the shocking proof of TED's new stance against scientific progress:

Cancer clinics caught using irrational fear tactics to trick women into mastectomies:

Bottled water found to contain over 24,000 chemicals:

Where does food stamp money really go? More and more, it's criminal fraud:

Grow your own "miracle tree" for a backup source of food and medicine:

More news continues below...

Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: RSB discusses nullification for liberty. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments!. Listen in at

Today from
- Preparing for disasters while supplies last
- Health benefits of oranges and mango fruit
- Stop the FDA's sneak attack on organic egg farmers!

Cancer clinics use irrational fear to trick women into unnecessary mastectomies
(NaturalNews) More women than ever who have been diagnosed with breast cancer in just one breast are opting to have both of them cut off, apparently out of concern that the disease might end up spreading to the healthy breast if they leave it alone...

Bottled water found to contain over 24,000 chemicals, including endocrine disruptors
(NaturalNews) Widespread consumer demand for plastic products that are free of the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) has led to some significant positive changes in the way that food, beverage and water containers are manufactured. But a new...

Where federal food stamp money really goes: Criminal fraud
(NaturalNews) There is a biblical adage that deals with the concept of self-reliance which goes something like this: "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a single day; if you teach him to fish, you feed him for a lifetime." Unfortunately, the...

GM Golden Rice: Miracle or menace? Top activists speak out
(NaturalNews) Supporters of genetically modified crops have a new darling to advocate, this time under the name "Golden Rice." Touted as a miracle for starving countries, the saffron colored rice is designed to prevent blindness caused by vitamin A deficiency...

Antipsychotic drug researchers forced to retract study after switching 'before' and 'after' data
(NaturalNews) A Norwegian study that claims to have observed significant brain changes in mental patients who switched from so-called "first generation" antipsychotic drugs to second generation varieties has been retracted from the peer-reviewed journal...

Grow your own "miracle tree" and enjoy a natural medicine chest and hearty source of survival food rolled into one
(NaturalNews) Few plants offer such a complete range of benefits as Moringa oleifera with its outstanding nutritional, medicinal and detoxifying properties. Rich in all essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals along with formidable antioxidants...

Farmers' lawsuit against Monsanto headed to U.S. Supreme Court
(NaturalNews) A lawsuit challenging biotech giant Monsanto's genetically modified (GM) seed patents is heading to the U.S. Supreme Court. The St. Louis-based chemical company, known for its Round-up glyphosate herbicide and the patented ...

U.S. wind farms are decimating eagle populations
(NaturalNews) There is a saying in physics that goes, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." The same can be true for activist politics. While we're a fan of so-called "green technologies" - you know, renewable energy sources and...

Top five foods for fighting depression
(NaturalNews) Depression can catch up with the best of us. There will be down days where you're simply not feeling it at all. People tend to have different techniques in handling depression. One of the most common ways people do it is by eating. The surprising...

Emergency federal spending bill contains hidden provisions of Monsanto Protection Act
(NaturalNews) A complete shutdown of the federal government is looming -- to many Americans, this is actually a good thing -- and Congress is scrambling to pass a so-called "Continuing Resolution" (CR) that will ensure our traitorous overlords have enough...

TSA agent arrested for human smuggling ring
(NaturalNews) The lawlessness of individuals hired to work for the Transportation Security Administration knows no bounds, as the latest incident involving the hapless, feckless agency proves. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents recently...

Health benefits of okra
(NaturalNews) Okra is available the entire year in the southern lands, but for Americans, it is only available during summer. The appearance of okra is comparable to that of a grooved pepper, and it belongs to the same genus as both cotton and hibiscus...

Media whores become Washington prostitutes: TIME mag editor to join Obama administration
(NaturalNews) The symbiotic relationship between the so-called "professional media class" and the ruling class in the Obama administration continues to grow, this time as the top editor for TIME magazine, Richard Stengel, leaves his post of seven...

Despite roxarsone withdrawal, toxic arsenic still showing up in commercial turkey meat due to similar drugs
(NaturalNews) It seems as though the corporate food industry is engaging in yet another sleight of hand concerning the use of harmful growth additives in factory poultry. A new study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP...

Five misconceptions about losing weight
(NaturalNews) There are several misunderstandings about peoples' weight, reducing it and ideas about being healthy. There are a lot of myths that call for serious examination.

Weight loss myths or misconceptions


TED aligns with Monsanto, halting any talks about GMOs, 'food as medicine' or natural healing
(NaturalNews) Allow me to be the first to announce that TED is dead. Why? Because the group that organizes so-called "TED talks" has been thoroughly hijacked by corporate junk science and now openly rejects any talks about GMOs, food as medicine...

Grassroots movement affirming right of individuals to deny vaccines gaining momentum across US
(NaturalNews) Whether their respective governments recognize it or not, every human being on the planet possesses a fundamental, God-given right to choose his or her own medical care, including the decision of whether or not to be vaccinated. And a growing...

The Maine Wire: “As LePage makes final welfare debt payment, Dems lobby for more” plus 1 more‏

As LePage makes final welfare debt payment, Dems lobby for more
Posted: 18 Sep 2013 06:43 AM PDT
As Republican Gov. Paul LePage toured the state on Tuesday to celebrate the final hard-fought payment on a welfare debt owed to Maine’s hospitals, Democratic lawmakers gathered at the State House to lobby for an expansion of the same welfare program that caused the nearly half-a-billion dollar debt. The dueling events followed a high-tension session […]
This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now
Willette: BDN reaches new low with 9/11 editorial
Posted: 18 Sep 2013 06:12 AM PDT
Rep. Alex Willette (R-Mapelton) sent the following letter to the editors of the Bangor Daily News on September 13: To the Editor: Wednesday, the twelfth anniversary of the September 11, 2011 terrorist attacks, was a solemn day for Americans.  Therefore I was shocked to see that the official editorial opinion of the Bangor Daily News […]

TMB: Muslim Brotherhood Official, Former Clinton Foundation Employee Arrested‏

Muslim Brotherhood Official, Former Clinton Foundation Employee Arrested
By Adam Kredo
A senior Muslim Brotherhood official who, until recently, had been employed by the William J. Clinton Foundation was arrested in Cairo on Tuesday and charged with inciting violence.
By Alana Goodman
A supporter of Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, in a statement to the Washington Free Beacon, denied that a joke he made yesterday while introducing the Republican gubernatorial candidate at a rally was anti-Semitic.
By CJ Ciaramella
Atheists may not believe in God, but they do believe in the power of the Almighty Dollar.
By Mary Lou Byrd
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s decision to ask customers to no longer bring guns into his stores is causing a firestorm on social media, with many expressing their outrage and indicating they will no longer buy coffee at the popular chain.
By Adam Kredo
Rep. Frank Wolf’s (R., Va.) office publicly disclosed on Tuesday the name of the D.C. law firm said to be representing a CIA employee who is allegedly facing backlash for refusing to sign a non-disclosure agreement prohibiting discussion of the Sept. 11, 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya.
By Sonny Bunch
The big brew-haha* this morning revolves around the decision of Starbucks’ CEO to politely ask gunowners not to wear their six-shooters in his coffee shops.
By Robert Charette
While America was built upon the belief that all men are created equal, that creed is suspended in the liquor cabinet.
By WFB Staff
John Bohener was confident during the weekly Republican address that the House would pass legislation to defund Obamacare, and hopeful the Senate would follow suit.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Were The Taxpayers' Concerns Ever Considered During The Town Council Meeting? Dé·jà vu


                           LISBON’S COMEDY HOUR

At last night’s town council meeting, a lot of critical information was released.  All of it was hysterical to say the least.


 Lisbon Council Vice-Chairman Lisa Ward

 Town Attorney Roger Therriault

The first revealing information comes to us from Councilor Ward.  She informed everyone that the Town Attorney, Roger Therriault, our own legal beagle, stated that since Chairman LaRochelle receives no direct financial benefit from the purchase and demolition of the Worumbo Mill there is no conflict of interest

 Lisbon Council Chairman Fern LaRochelle

By the way, Chairman LaRochelle voted on the agenda items dealing with the Worumbo Mill instead of recusing himself as he had done during the two Public Hearings.  The mere fact he purchased the abutted property for a little more than half the asking price is no financial gain.  Apparently, Mr. Therriault does not understand if the property value goes up around your property so does your property and if the property value around your property goes down so does the value of your property.  Do you call this a financial gain or not?

Councilor Ward stated that the reason she voted to put the million dollar bond on the November ballot was because she did not hear an overwhelming support one way or the other at the Public Hearing.  She went on to say that those who were against the project were heard loud and clear. Councilor Ward was not convinced that this represented the majority of the people.  This is not word for word because I do not take shorthand but it is as close as I can remember.  

Please watch the video tape when it becomes available.  

 Councilor Pesce

 Councilor Lunt

 Councilors Garrison and Bickford

I suggested that she call for a show of hands to determine how many people in the audience was for, against or undecided but she failed to do this.  By the vote, I would say the only two councilors who were paying attention at the two Public Hearings were Councilors Pesce, and Lunt because they voted against putting it on the ballot.  But as far as the council recommending this bond, Councilors Pesce, Garrison and Lunt voted against the bond.  

One of the questions asked during the Public Hearing was if the bond included the 5 lots owned by Miller Industries.  The answer was they were not sure if these lots, which contain Mercury, were going to be part of the final deal or not.  The council does not know if they can exclude them during the deal.  There are so many issues still undecided and yet they want US to TRUST them to make all the right decisions.  

This is ludicrous to play with a million dollars of taxpayers’ money without knowing all the fact first.  It appears that Chairman LaRochelle received his great deal in return for dumping the mill properties on the town to clear up.  Remember that after the mill fire, the insurance company paid Miller Industries a very large settlement.  Did they reinvest any of this money in Lisbon?  

Three years ago they offered to demolish the mill and Dale Crafts and Gina Mason pushed to leave it up.  Now they want the taxpayers of Lisbon to pick up the tab for eye soar to our community.  There are too many unknowns for the taxpayers to gamble on this project. 


 Planning Board Chairman Don Fellows

Mr. Don Fellows spoke on behalf of the Planning Board and the Route 196 Master Plan.  He is in favor of the mill coming down because it is an eye soar to the community.  I agree with Mr. Fellows that it needs to come down but not at the expense of the taxpayers.  

Mrs. Miller and Miller Industries should be responsible for bringing down the mill or restore it but that choice is complete up to them.  By the way, Mrs. Miller and Miller Industries allowed the Real Estate Listing to expire.  Does that mean the property is already under contract or is there a deal pending?

The final bit of information came from Chairman LaRochelle who wants everyone to believe the council can be TRUSTED to make the right decisions for the people.  He wants to compare the Campus Commons to the Worumbo Mill project.  So let’s take a look at the two.  Campus Commons was done behind closed doors; the town sold the property for $1.00 with over a million dollars of Federal Grant monies attached.  4 Campus Avenue was valued at $265,050.  Now Chairman LaRochelle believes that the Worumbo Mill falls into the same category. 

First, we are not selling town property but purchasing property from a private business.  Next, the Millers offered three years ago to demolish the mill, behind closed doors, and the council asked them NOT to do this.  Why wasn’t this brought to the people then?  Now, the council is bringing this to the people because the council cannot swing a deal behind closed doors as they have in the past.  Next, there are contamination issues with the Worumbo Mill property that is well documented.  Common Campus had no issues in this area.  Finally, does the town of Lisbon really want to set a precedent by getting into the Real Estate business?  Comparing these two projects is like comparing apples to oranges. 

If nothing else demonstrating your incompetence is entertaining.

Larry Fillmore 

BrasscheckTV: The Naval Yard news you'll never hear‏

What is the overwhelming similarity 
among all crazed mass shooters?
The mass media is well paid to make
sure you never know. 
- Brasscheck

Another Big Pharma drugged up killer?
It took nine months to get the facts
about the Colorado shooter

Naval Yard news you'll never hear
Here are the top five Big Pharma drugs most often linked with irrational violence.

This is NOT comprehensive list, just the top five list.

Question: If 90% of more of these crazy mass shooter gunmen are on these drugs, why is the solution to the problem banning private gun ownership.

Clearly this guy should not have had firearms. His first offense with one should have been his last.

1) Varenicline (Chantix)
The anti-smoking medication Chantix affects the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, which helps reduce craving for smoking. Unfortunately, it’s 18 times more likely to be linked with violence compared to other drugs — by comparison, that number for Xyban is 3.9 and just 1.9 for nicotine replacement.

2) Fluoxetine (Prozac)
The first well-known SSRI antidepressant, Prozac is 10.9 times more likely to be linked with violence in comparison with other medications.

3) Paroxetine (Paxil)
An SSRI antidepressant, Paxil is also linked with more severe
withdrawal symptoms and a greater risk of birth defects compared to other medications in that class. It is 10.3 times more likely to be linked with violence compared to other drugs.

4) Amphetamines: (Various)
Amphetamines are used to treat ADHD and affect the brain’s dopamine and noradrenaline systems. They are 9.6 times more likely to be linked to violence, compared to other drugs.

5) Mefoquine (Lariam)
A treatment for malaria, Lariam has long been linked with reports of bizarre behavior. It is 9.5 times more likely to be linked with violence than other drugs.

Survey Concerning Capital Projects‏

We are trying to demonstrate that there is a significant want 
for a new track facility in Lisbon. Please take a second to 
answer the one question in this survey. We are just trying to 
get a feel of how people think  with reference to this. Please 
pass to anyone you feel would be interested.

Recap Town Council Meeting September 17th, 2013


At last night’s town council meeting, there were some surprising occurrences.  We actually saw the presents of real councilors for the first time.  Most impressive was Councilor Dillon Pesce, who finally put his foot down when all the documentation was not present and led a successful tabling of the Winter Sand contract.  Councilor Mark Lunt followed suit and voted “NO” on several motions.  This is the first sighting of REAL COUNCILORS being present on the council.  It was very refreshing to see real councilors.  I personally am very proud of Councilor Pesce and Councilor Lunt for sticking to their guns and not going along with the rest of the council.  I hope more councilors follow suit so we can have a real council.

  •  The question of whether to put the million dollars bond on the ballot?  The vote was 5-2 with Councilors Pesce and Lunt voting NO.
  • The recommendation by the council on the million dollar bond?  The vote was 4-3 with Councilors Pesce, Garrison and Lunt voting NO.  Chairman LaRochelle voted yes on both.
  • The question to put the water tank bond on the ballot or not?  The vote was 6-1 with Councilor Mason voted NO.
  • The recommendation by the council on the water tank bond?  The vote was 5-2 with Councilors Mason and Garrison voted NO.
  • The questions to put replace the water main on Frost Hill and Old Lisbon Rd?  The vote was 7-0.
  •  The recommendation by the council on the water main on Frost Hill and Old Lisbon Rd.  The vote was 7-0.
  • The Warrant for November?  The vote was 6-1 with Councilor Pesce voting NO.
  • The MMA Voting Delegation Credentials?  The vote was 7-0 for Primary Mr. Eldridge and Alternate Mrs. Maloy.
  • The Lisbon Community Federal Credit Union Account Resolution-Davis Cemetery?  The vote was 7-0.

The Finance Director provided an update on Revenue and Expenses for the year.  The Town Manager provided an update on three projects.  The Library received a $400.00 grant; the Upper Dam work is continuing and Knight-Celotex will be finished in 5 weeks.

Councilor Communications, I will cover in my next article because it is too funny to write here.

Larry Fillmore

Natural News breaking stories for Wed. Sep. 18th‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
I can't say any of us are surprised at this, but the recent mass shooting in D.C. was carried out by an ex-Navy reservist who we now know was being "treated" with psychiatric drugs.
This makes yet another devastating example of video games + psychiatric drugs + mental detachment leading to a tragic event that could have been prevented:

A huge grassroots movement is gaining steam for individual rights over vaccine choice. Learn more:

Help take action to block the FDA's imprisonment of free-range chicken!

Trader Joe's is now stripping all part-time workers of health care benefits. Why? It's Obamacare, of course, continuing to ravage the U.S. economy and cost people jobs and benefits:

Even the labor unions are now freaking out over Obamacare and begging to have it repealed:

More news continues below...

Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Ty Bollinger and RSB go outside the box on sugar addiction, vaccines that cause cancer and genetically modified babies. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

Today from
- Do you choose cancer, or does cancer choose you?
- Ulcer relief with cabbage and natural herbs
- Homemade probiotic Dijon mustard recipe

Grassroots movement affirming right of individuals to deny vaccines gaining momentum across US
(NaturalNews) Whether their respective governments recognize it or not, every human being on the planet possesses a fundamental, God-given right to choose his or her own medical care, including the decision of whether or not to be vaccinated. And a growing...

Trader Joe's strips all part-time workers of health care in yet another Obamacare rollout fiasco
(NaturalNews) The closer we get to the "official" roll-out of Obamacare, the more we are finding out, in the words of Nancy Pelosi, what's in the law. Some of the worst predictions about it have already come true. Premiums for millions of Americans...

Take action to block the FDA's imprisonment of free-range chicken
(NaturalNews) In the name of protecting the public against the spread of E. coli and salmonella, the Food Safety Modernization Act was passed into law January 4, 2011. But in reality, the law gives the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sweeping new powers...

Curcumin supplementation is shown to halt the progression of diabetes in pre-diabetics
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South Carolina man charged with 'marijuana trafficking' for growing natural medicinal herb for his ailing wife
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Labor union bosses now freaking out over Obamacare law they pushed for: Full repeal on the way?
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