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Monday, October 7, 2013

Please Join MHPC for our 2013 Freedom & Opportunity Luncheon!‏



Featuring The Honorable William O'Brien
Former Speaker of the House of Representatives, State of New Hampshire

T H E    F R E E D O M   A N D    O P P O R T U N I T Y    A W A R D
Presented each year by The Maine Heritage Policy Center to the Maine citizen who has best demonstrated a core commitment to the principles of Freedom and Opportunity that serve to improve the economic well-being of this great State.

A n n o u n c i n g   t h e   2 0 1 3   R E C I P I E N T:
Mr. Gordon Colby

Friday, October 25, 2013
Portland Marriott at Sable Oaks | South Portland, Maine
11:30 a.m. Sponsor Reception
12:00 p.m. Luncheon and Remarks
Participation Levels
Sponsor – $2,000
Four Tickets to Sponsor Reception | Ten Luncheon Tickets, Premiere Seating
Host – $1,000
Two Tickets to Sponsor Reception | Five Luncheon Tickets, Prominent Seating
Luncheon Ticket and Sponsor Reception $250
Luncheon Ticket $175
Please respond by Monday, October 21, 2013
online at | email | call 207-321-2550
Proudly presenting The Honorable William O'Brien
Former Speaker of the House of Representatives,
State of New Hampshire
William L. O’Brien served as Speaker of the House of Representatives of New Hampshire from 2010 to 2012.  Leading the fourth-largest English-speaking legislative body in the world, O’Brien waged battles that few in positions of leadership are willing to do.  He presided over the passage of a budget 11 percent smaller than the prior budget, reducing overall spending by more than $1.2 billion.  In addition, the House with O’Brien at the helm passed a state budget that included no new or increased taxes or fees, reversed the past two terms budgets’ accounting gimmicks, and used responsible revenue estimates.
O’Brien’s stewardship of the House also resulted in the state returning $1 million in ObamaCare funds to Washington with instructions to use the money for debt reduction, and the passage of a bill blocking New Hampshire from implementing ObamaCare exchanges.
As Speaker, O’Brien ushered in reforms to help the economy grow unfettered by burdensome government interference.  During his speakership the House helped job creators by cutting taxes, fees, and surcharges, by creating tax credits and exemptions, and by relaxing unnecessary or duplicative compliance and reporting requirements.
O’Brien also repealed the state’s “card check” law, and passed a law to eliminate the “evergreen” requirement that all communities continue public employee contracts after they expired.  Additionally, he answered the demand for greater government transparency and accountability by passing legislation to make public records, such as the state checkbook, easily obtainable by posting them on state websites.
O'Brien obtained his Juris Doctorate degree from Suffolk University Law School and later received a Masters of Intellectual Property law degree from the University of New Hampshire School of Law.  He resides in Mount Vernon, New Hampshire with his wife of 40 years.
P A S T  F R E E D O M  A N D  O P P O R T U N I T Y  A W A R D  W I N N E R S
2004 | Mary Adams – Garland
2005 | Ray Richardson – Westbrook
2006 | Barber Foods – Portland
2007 | Paul LePage – Waterville
2008 | KeyBank Maine – Portland
2009 | David Crocker – Portland
2010 | W. R. Jackson, Jr., – Yarmouth
2011 | Dan Billings – Bowdoinham
2012 | Michael Duddy – Cape Elizabeth
T H A N K   Y O U  T O  O U R  S P O N S O R S
(To Date)
Susan Hamill and William Hamill
Respect Maine
Media Sponsor
Please respond by Monday, October 21, 2013
call 207-321-2550
For more information, contact Ms. Kate Clark or 207-321-2550

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The Maine Heritage Policy Center | PO Box 7829 | Portland, ME 04112
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ATF tries to block Fast and Furious whistle-blower from publishing book

ATF tries to block Fast and Furious whistle-blower from publishing book

by sophia

Via FoxNews Politics The ATF agent who blew the whistle on Operation Fast and Furious has been denied permission to write a book on the botched anti-gun trafficking sting "because it would have a negative impact on morale," according to the very agency responsible for the scandal. After first trying to stop the operation internally, […]

Friday, October 4, 2013

BrasscheckTV: Busted for growing vegetables without a license‏

You can ride motorcycles through
red lights in New York City...
But you can't grow vegetables in 
DeKalb County, USA. 
- Brasscheck

Criminal gardening
Private Property is now a Myth

The future of home grown food?

This particular case has to do with zoning idiocy and the little Napoleons who run government at the local level.

On the other hand, this is where we could be headed if the Monsanto-written, Obama-approved and Congress-passed "food safety" bill is actually enforced.

Read closely, the new laws prohibits you from growing and consuming your own food without government approval. To "keep you safe" of course.

Yes, it's insane.

What else is new?

NaturalNews: Unintended consequences of Obamacare destroying American jobs, businesses‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
It was sold as a big dream: We'll have "affordable" health care for everyone, and all the businesses will smile while they buy health insurance for all their workers!
What we got instead was a coercive new law that essentially holds the entire nation hostage for "ransom money" -- those mandatory health insurance premiums we're all being forced to buy now (at inflated prices).
And where does this money go? A lot of it ultimately ends up in the hands of Big Pharma, for their monopoly-protected medications that keep people chronically ill.
Hey, what's not to like? Read what went wrong:

Here's a list of some of the unintended consequences now being seen thanks to the Obamacare rollout:

Medical insanity: Prozac prescriptions rise sharply... for family pets!

Hungry? There's a new food staple to feed the world: flour made from insects! It's called "power flour"

Check out these ten foods that help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and dementia:

More news continues below...

Today from
- Does (breast cancer fundraising) PINK stink?
- A modern master cleanse
- Simplicity in life: Sovereignty in the home and health

Don't miss The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments, or listen in at

Obamacare subjects entire nation to ransom demands of coercive government
(NaturalNews) You've probably noticed I'm not covering pure politics anymore here on Natural News, but I am covering Obamacare and health issues quite intensely. And when it comes to Obamacare, you can't separate the insane politics from the Affordable...

Unintended consequences of Obamacare devastating American jobs and workers
(NaturalNews) I'm not naive enough to believe that politics is anything but a blood sport, but it would be nice to have national media organizations whose editors and reporters remembered that their responsibility, first and foremost, is not to be shills...

Medical insanity: Prozac prescriptions rise sharply in family pets
(NaturalNews) The culture of prescription drug addiction in America seems to be spreading to the pet population, as an increasing number of pet owners opt to medicate their furry family members into behavioral compliance with mind-altering mood medications...

Academia rolls out insect-based flour to feed malnourished populations in developing countries
(NaturalNews) Reality dictates that there is actually more than enough food on this planet, not to mention vastly more food-growing potential, than we have all been led to believe by social engineers and the mainstream media. And yet the academic sector...

Ten foods to help reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's
(NaturalNews) The incidences of dementia and Alzheimer's in the United States are anticipated to increase along with people's longevity. A study indicated that the direct and indirect medical costs in the country may be expected to double by the year...

Jail time for selling raw milk is greater than jail time for raping children
(NaturalNews) The American system of justice is indeed in major need of overhaul when, in one place, you can get a month in jail for raping a child, but in another, you can get several months in jail for daring to sell milk that wasn't government approved...

Yet another Obamacare lie exposed: No, many people won't be able to keep their doctor
(NaturalNews) Obama once said upon the unfolding complexity of the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare), "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan." And later, "... nothing in this plan will require...

Home remedies to cure dark circles, puffy eyes
(NaturalNews) A lot of women these days put up with dark circles under their eyes or puffy eyes. Underlying factors that cause this condition include inherited traits, cigarette smoking, inadequate hours of sleep, improper diet, excessive alcohol drinking...

If you are what you eat, then are YOU cooked, processed and dead?
(NaturalNews) How much of what you eat has been heated to over 118 degrees? Exactly which ingredients in your favorite foods are synthetic and made in a laboratory to preserve or "spice up" your dishes? Did you know most "added" and "fortified" vitamins...

Understanding the phytochemical power of turmeric
(NaturalNews) Sometimes called Indian saffron, turmeric is an ancient ayurvedic medicine that has been used for centuries throughout Indonesia and Southeast Asia. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant with a long history of use both medicinally...

Five easy steps to choosing safe foods
(NaturalNews) People prefer organic foods for varying reasons, such as quality and price, and because they are known to be healthy. In the United States, organic foods are cultivated and gathered without using artificial fertilizers, synthetic pesticides...

Scientists shocked to find common shrub naturally producing therapeutic doses of painkiller opioids
(NaturalNews) Deep in the heart of Africa grows a daintily elegant shrub that, beneath its surface, contains a powerful substance long used as a medicine in pain management. And researchers from France were shocked to learn recently that this shrub, known...

Make your own maple-pecan vegan 'ice cream'
(NaturalNews) Most store-bought ice cream is packed full of chemical additives and mysterious ingredients. Why not avoid all of those health-depleting compounds by preparing your own tasty frozen treat instead? That's right, just because you want some...

BPA found to promote breast cancer in new study
(NaturalNews) A study published in this month's Environmental Health Perspectives found that perinatal exposure to toxic bisphenol-A (BPA) is linked to breast cancer later in life. Although literally hundreds of studies have shown BPA is poisonous...

Got pain? Alleviate it long-term with safe natural remedies
(NaturalNews) Pain is one of the most common ailments (millions of people report experiencing chronic or acute pain on a monthly basis), yet medical science has yet to offer a non-toxic painkiller good for long-term use. Natural pain relievers may trump...

Berry intake helps overweight women have healthy hearts
(NaturalNews) A diet rich in berries can help mitigate the heart-damaging effects of being overweight, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Turku, Finland, and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition...

Continued shutdown, paralyzed politicians reveal just how close the U.S. government is to total collapse
(NaturalNews) Anyone looking for evidence of the impending total failure of the U.S. government need look no further than the shenanigans taking place right now in Washington D.C. To summarize: • As the nation hurtles toward an inevitable debt...

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Unmasker4 Maine and Beyond: Congressman Mike Michaud Votes Against Funding For Veterans Benefits: But the List Grows: U.S. Reps. Michael Michaud, Chellie Pingree Join House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) To Defeat Funding For Veterans Benefits

U.S. Reps. Michael Michaud, Chellie Pingree Join House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) To Defeat Funding For Veterans Benefits

“WASHINGTON, D.C. – Amid the shutdown turmoil in the nation’s capital city, 33 House Democrats crossed party lines Tuesday night to support a GOP measure to restore funding for veterans benefits for fiscal year 2014.
The resolution failed (264 – 164) to get the two-thirds vote threshold required for passage in the House under a suspension of the rules. Reps. Michael Michaud and Chellie Pingree joined House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to help defeat the resolution.
In response to Michaud’s vote against funding for veterans affairs, the Maine Republican Party questioned whether the Congressman’s loyalties lie with national Democrats or Maine’s veterans.”
Read more HERE.
Source: Maine Wire

Congressman Mike Michaud Votes Against Funding For Veterans Benefits

For Immediate Release: October 3, 2013
Michaud casts vote denying funding for Veteran’s Affairs
AUGUSTA – The Maine Republican Party today issued a statement questioning Congressman Mike Michaud’s leadership and priorities in light of his vote against the funding of veterans’ benefits in favor of partisan gridlock and a federal government shutdown.
“Mike Michaud has claimed support of Maine’s veterans as hallmark of his Congressional term,” said Jason Savage, executive director of the Maine Republican Party. “But this vote contradicts everything the Maine people think they know about Congressman Michaud.”
“Thirty-three Democrats in the House broke rank with their party leaders and had the courage to vote to provide funding for veterans’ benefits in the face of this government shutdown, but Mike Michaud was not one of them,” said Savage

Savage said it is time that Maine people, especially Maine veterans and their families, get some answers, “What are Maine veterans to think about Mike Michaud’s recent political turn?  Are our veterans as important to Mike Michaud as helping his partisan leadership team to score a few political points?  How can voters expect Mike Michaud to effectively lead our state if he won’t even buck his partisan leaders to help Maine veterans?”
“Let’s hope that Mike Michaud somehow musters the courage and conviction to stand with Maine veterans in the future, even if it means bucking his party leaders,” concluded Savage. “This recent vote against veterans is certainly not a profile in courage – Maine deserves better.”
The roll call referenced above, roll call 506, can be found at the following link:

Remember in November, Your Vote Still Counts, if they count your vote. 


NaturalNews: U.S. government paralyzed over debt, Obamacare and who to blame‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The U.S. government is now paralyzed over unlimited debt spending, Obamacare failures and who to blame for it all.
Rather than trying to do what's right for the American people, most of the politicians in Washington are simply trying to make sure the *other* party takes the blame for all the failures!
But the big failure will hit them all: the financial demise of the government itself when the debt spending end game arrives.
Here's my take on what's really happening beyong the popular headlines:

My latest episode of "Secrets To Health" with GAIAM TV has just been released. Check out "Fake foods exposed" and watch the 1-minute teaser here:

Will Obamacare fines be seized directly from your bank accounts? The experience of one potential customer seems to confirm this will begin happening in January:

Russia is considering a total ban on GMOs!

Cell phone use linked to 300% increased risk of brain cancer in latest study:

More news continues below...

Today from
- How to eliminate heavy metal toxins more affordably
- Probiotics work double duty as antidepressants, too!
- Create your own kitchen sprouts with 50x the anti-cancer potential of broccoli

Thursday October 3, 2013 on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: How does the unaffordable Affordable Care Act and the Federal slim-down portend the collapse of the U.S. government? Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at

Continued shutdown, paralyzed politicians reveal just how close the U.S. government is to total collapse
(NaturalNews) Anyone looking for evidence of the impending total failure of the U.S. government need look no further than the shenanigans taking place right now in Washington D.C. To summarize: • As the nation hurtles toward an inevitable debt...

Obama administration deliberately blocked access to veterans' memorials in order to make shutdown appear worse
(NaturalNews) It is a tactic that President Obama has used before, in collusion with Democratic leaders in the House and Senate, during the sequester: Make the cuts as painful as possible on the American people and blame nonexistent Republican obstinacy...

Shock: Obamacare fines to be seized directly from Americans' bank accounts
(NaturalNews) As more Americans wade into the complicated, confusing mess that is Obamacare and its health insurance exchanges, they are beginning to learn how punitive, punishing and threatening the law is going to be. If the very recent Facebook...

Russia considering total GMO ban
(NaturalNews) The Russian government has ordered all relevant agencies to examine whether or not to continue imports of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into the country. According to reports, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev ordered the...

Strong link found between rheumatoid arthritis and vitamin D deficiency: Study
(NaturalNews) New evidence has emerged that vitamin D deficiency might not only be a cause of rheumatoid arthritis but also worsen the severity of the disease. In a study published in the journal Nutrients in June, researchers from the University...

300% Increased brain cancer risk for long-term users of cell phones and cordless phones, new study reveals
(NaturalNews) A Swedish study on the use of wireless phones, including cell phones and cordless phones, has uncovered a link between electromagnetic radiation exposures and the risk of malignant and non-malignant brain tumors. Cell phones and cordless...

Monosodium glutamate induces kidney, liver damage in study on rats
(NaturalNews) Enough MSG will destroy your vital organs. A study conducted by the Lab for Development-Aging, Neurodegenerative Diseases (Lab de Desarrollo-Envejecimiento, Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) in Guadalajara, Mexico, found that high concentrations...

Why doctors and parents are considering mercury detox to treat autism
(NaturalNews) Over the last 15 years, the autism diagnosis rate has increased from 1 in 10,000 to an alarming 1 in 250. There are many speculations about the cause of this startling increase. Research studies show a definite correlation between the increase...

Three super juices that revitalize your health
(NaturalNews) You may have already heard that drinking fresh, organic fruit and vegetable juices can be beneficial to your health. But there are some kinds of juices that are particularly powerful. Here they are!

Beetroot juice


Five reasons cacao gives you superhero health
(NaturalNews) Cacao has been a super food secret that's been revealed more and more lately. Cacao is the essential ingredient of chocolate. It can be purchased as a powder or nibs and mixed into coffee or milk to get the maximum polyphenol flavonoids...

Follow in the footsteps of greatness by rediscovering the astonishing healing benefit of flax
(NaturalNews) Mahatma Gandhi once observed, "Whenever flaxseeds become a regular food item among the people, there will be better health." An almost perfect edible, flaxseed has been known throughout history as an exceptionally versatile plant. Not only...

If you think the timing is wrong for quitting cigarettes, you are wrong - Now is the time!
(NaturalNews) I bet you didn't know that nicotine in commercial cigarettes is up to 35 times stronger than it was in the 1950's and early 1960's, before Big Tobacco (Marlboro and Kool) started using ammonia to free-base it. That is the number one reason...

The health benefits of colloidal oatmeal
(NaturalNews) Colloidal oatmeal is very finely ground oatmeal that has been added to water. Though it might sound like a fad product, this milky-white colloid has been around for hundreds of years and contains just as many health benefits as regular oatmeal...

EPA now operating as a rogue government agency, hiding in shadows, terrorizing Americans
(NaturalNews) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was set up relatively recently - in 1970 - under President Nixon, ostensibly to protect the environment and human health. Instead, the nation's foremost regulatory agency has become one of the most...

Six natural ways to heal acne with quick results
(NaturalNews) Skin problems like acne can affect almost everyone. This is most prevalent among adolescents because of their fluctuating hormones. Acne can develop not only on the face but also on the scalp, chest and back. This usually occurs due to lack...

Desperate DHS hunts for teen recruits at high school hacking competitions
(NaturalNews) The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has turned to high schools in what looks to be an increasingly desperate bid to recruit hackers, as a way to stay a step ahead of competitor nations like China and Russia that routinely...

Fake food deceptions exposed by Health Ranger in Secrets To Health, Episode Two, launched by GAIAM TV
(NaturalNews) Episode Two of the popular, newly-launched show "Secrets to Health" with the Health Ranger and Ed Group has just been launched by GAIAM TV. The episode is available now for all GAIAM members and exposes the fake ingredients used in everyday...

Obamacare exchanges hit with over 50 percent fail rate; feds claim the worse the glitches, the bigger the success!
(NaturalNews) All across America yesterday, people were running into frustrating technical problems because the online Obamacare exchanges are full of glitches. Over fifty percent of the exchanges demonstrated critical failures, CNN reported. This is...

BrasscheckTV: The financial "services" industry is not your friend‏

I've been waiting for over thirty years
for someone to write this book. 
It's not the full story, but it's an important
beginning. Essential viewing. 
The financial "services" industry is 
not your friend. 
From our friends at Real Econ TV. 
- Brasscheck
 “Financial Industry” Flim Flam
Book: “Pound Foolish”


 Pound Foolish:
Exposing the Dark Side of the Personal Finance Industry

For the past several decades, the personal finance industry has convinced Americans that we are the sole masters of our financial fates. Even as stagnating wages and rising costs of necessities have eaten away at many families' bottom line, voices within the industry chant that enough grit, the right advice, and the latest tools will cure what ails their financial lives. In Pound Foolish, journalist and former financial columnist Helaine Olen argues that, instead of an elixir, the American people have been sold a bill of goods.

Olen critiques the personal finance industrial complex and makes the case that our systems and structures for achieving financial security are broken or badly damaged, and that profiteers have exploited the desire to for personal financial control and turned it into a profit center for their own benefit.

The New America Foundation's Asset Building Program held this conversation with the author as she shares her story of America's love affair with personal finance and the challenges we all face in dealing with and talking about money.


Helaine Olen
Author, Pound Foolish: Exposing the Dark Side of the Personal Finance Industry
Blogger, "Where Life Meets Money,"

Justin King
Federal Policy Liaison, Asset Building Program, New America Foundation

 Exposing the Dark Side of the Personal Finance Industry
 This is a book I’ve been waiting for for at least the last thirty years.

Thank goodness someone - in this case Helaine Olen - wrote it.

There’s a lot more to be said, but this book is a very important start.

The idea that the average person can “invest” their way into a healthy retirement is and always has been a sick joke.

When you invest, you’re competing with Wall Street. Even people who spend their entire lives, 50 to 70 hours a week full time, working on Wall Street have trouble developing profitable portfolios.

What chance does an uninformed amateur who who barely pays attention to the markets and doesn’t really understand what’s going on have?

The financial services industry exists to skin you and every word that comes out of its mouth should be treated with maximum skepticism.

Middle School Boys Soccer Results, 10/03/13, PWS vs Richmond‏

In a high energy struggle for dominance that had both teams working  
from beginning to end, the PWS Greyhounds ended with a 0-2 score  
against the visiting Richmond team. The Greyhounds displayed dramatic  
improvement in skill and determination since their last face off but  
only Richmond holding the team scoreless in the first half. 
Greyhounds posed an almost impenetrable defense with fullbacks like Reece Rustad  
(14) and Elijah Spiro (17) breaking numerous attacks and Keeper Levi  
Levesque (1) denying many excellent shots on goal. Richmond wouldn't  
find the back of the net until 14 minutes into the second half of the  
game off of the foot of Nate Kendrick (7) and then Zack Small (28)  
putting another goal in 5 minutes later for the Richmond victory.
The [2-4] Greyhounds next match will be a home game on Tuesday,  
October 8 against Gardiner.

Final Draft Of Route 196 Master Plan October 8th, 7:00pm Lisbon Community School

Rt. 196 Master Plan meeting on Tuesday, October 8th at LCS at 7:00 pm? FINAL Draft

Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  breezy north and dry. Highs 66-77 north to south.
Friday;  quiet and dry. Lows 45-50. Highs 65-73 N/S, cooler coast.
Saturday; quiet. Isolated showers. Lows 45-52 N/S. Highs 63-70 N/S, cooler coast.
Sunday; foggy with showers. Low 47-52. Highs 58-69 N/S, cooler coast.
Monday; rain develops, heavy at night? Lows 53-58. Highs 63-70 N/S.
Tuesday; am rain, breezy coast? Lows 50-55. Highs 60-68 N/S.
Wednesday; quiet and dry. Lows 44-49. Highs 58-67 N/S.

Thanks 'Rufe'

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Recap Town Council Meeting - October 1, 2013


At last night’s town council meeting, it was business as usual. 

Under Council Orders, Resolutions and Ordinances, the following is a summary.  The following items were approved by a vote of 7-0:  Fuel Bids; Agency Liquor Store Relocation - Bootleggers; New Agency Liquor Stores – Food City, Lisbon Gulf and Rite Aid.  The Winter Sand Bid was passed by a vote of 5-2 with Councilors Pesce and Lunt opposed.

Also included was a briefing by Chief Brooks of $71,750.78 in forfeiture funds received from the Treasury Department to the Lisbon Police Department.  Chief Brooks read from both the Department of Treasury and Department of Justice as to the federal guidelines that outline expenditure of these funds.  These funds cannot be utilized by the town and can ONLY be utilized by the Police Department.  There is a long list of approved utilizations but the bottom line is these funds are to be used by the police department to upgrade equipment and furniture; update and improved training in an effort to improve the professionalism of our police force.  These improvements are designed to reduce or eliminate crime in our community.  The federal guidelines clearly state these funds are NOT to be utilized to substitute our local tax dollars.  I appreciate Chief Brooks providing this information to us all.  I am not sure as to why these guidelines were not outlined in Chief Brooks’ memorandum to the council or why it was listed as an agenda item when there were no options available for the Town Council. 

Under Other Business, Mr. Leighton announced that the Androscoggin River Trail would finally begin construction during the middle of October.  Mr. Eldridge announced the Upper Dam Project has been complete; the annual audit has been complete; the Town Office will be closed October 11th for painting; there will be a workshop on possible Charter Changes; and the Water Department would like to change the number of years from 15 to 20 years.

Under Councilor Communications there were several dates to remember:

    8 October 2013 at LCS at 07:00 PM Amanda Bunker will present the final rough draft to the route 196 Master Plan.

    28 October 2013 there will be a workshop with the School Facilities Committee.  Date and Time were not known at this time.

Larry Fillmore

Driver's License Online A Scam, Warns Secretary of State

  • AUGUSTA, Maine — The state’s Bureau of Motor Vehicles — the only place where Maine drivers can get or renew their driver’s license — has received complaints recently about websites scamming people out of money by claiming they can provide the same service.

    “These websites charge customers, but do not actually issue credentials,” Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap said in a press release warning residents about the scam. “The company implies that a credential can be ordered through the website for a fee; however, once payment is made the customer is simply directed to the BMV website.”

    A new Maine driver’s license can only be obtained through the Bureau of Motor Vehicles at its various offices and mobile units or through AAA New England locations.

    More to read here.