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Thursday, October 10, 2013

GOPDD: Uh Oh!!! Obama DOT Plans use of National Guard to close I-495 Capital Beltway tomorrow?


Truck Driver's Blues * Merle Haggard


President approves Dept. of Transportation proposal to counter anti-Obama Trucker protest Friday, October 11?
Somebody sent me this link through facebook. This is the only source I saw reporting this so I don’t know if it’s TRUE.
via redstate
Sources within the Department of Transportation have revealed that their plan to use National Guard resources to close federally funded Interstate Route 495, circling the nation’s capital, have been approved by unknown White House officials and will be implemented on Friday morning, October 11, in order to thwart the three day Trucker slowdown announced on the Capitol Beltway starting that date, using the federal government shutdown as justification.
The National Guard resources to be used to thwart the truckers will include rifle toting National Guardsmen called up from units that will be coming in from Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia. They will use Guardsmen on foot and using trucks, jeeps and armored vehicles, which will be stationed at all entrance ramps to the Beltway to block incoming traffic starting early Friday morning.
Calls to both the White House and the Department of Transportation to confirm this story were not answered at press time. Unless an announcement is made in advance, it appears the first notice of this new White House plan to punish House GOP members who have cited their Constitutional authority to approve – or not approve – all spending proposed by the White House and their Democratic allies in the Senate, will be early Friday morning.
Our DOT sources point to their Department’s website as justification for the paucity of information and our inability to confirm this story in advance, where they state, “during the government shutdown, some online content may not be updated on a regular basis…”
These sources at the Department of Transportation have advised off the record that the DOT proposal included the confident belief that the Capitol Beltway shutdown will successfully achieve the twin goals of thrwarting the trucker protest scheduled for a three day period starting on Friday, as well as deal another punishing blow to what they call “the crazy wing of the GOP” which refuses to capitulate to their demands to approve a budget that includes Obamacare funding.
Protesting “the corruption that is destroying America,” the “Truckers Ride for the Constitution” aims to tie up two of the three lanes of Interstate 495 circling the nation’s capital, with big rigs traveling no faster than the legal limit in two of the three lanes, an organizer told U.S. News & World Report. Fox TV news reported that they expect 10,000 or more truckers to continuously circle the beltway for the three day weekend, effectively shutting it down except for the third, passing lane they will allow for emergency vehicles.
The truckers hoped to enlist sympathetic motorists and will allow them to pass their slowed trucks if they display a sign on their car with the letters T2SDA which means “Truckers to Shut Down America,” their original name. Other sources connected to the truckers state that they will do nothing illegal, but had planned only to drive at the minimum legal speed limit, which would in fact tie up traffic around the busy interstate.
“Since Interstate 495 is clearly a federal roadway,” report our DOT sources, and “the federal government is now closed because of the crazy House of Representatives Republicans, it is within the purview of the federal government to add it to the list of government properties that are closed and may not be used by citizens.”
While the planned 495 roadway shutdown by National Guardsmen this Friday is presently planned to coincide with the three day truckers protest, another DOT proposal suggests that the White House has the authority to extend the highway shutdown past the proposed three day closure, and to other federally funded Interstate Highways, such as I-95 and I-66 in Northern Virginia.
Officials of the Freedom Leadership Conference, a gathering of conservatives in Northern Virginia, announced that they will schedule a speaker to lead a protest if these plans are carried through on Friday morning, at their scheduled function on Thursday, October 17 at the Fairfax, Marriott at Fair Oaks Shopping Mall at 7 PM.
The Conference this month is sponsored by the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy, whose President, Michael Thompson, will be the keynote speaker to address the Institute’s proposals for tax reform in Virginia to boost business and bring 80,000 new jobs to the Commonwealth. An example of a tax that inhibits the growth of business is the very unpopular “gross receipts tax” which Thompson will propose abolishing.
The second principal speaker at the conference one week from today is Michael O’Neill, the assistant general counsel of Mark Levin’s Landmark Legal Foundation, who will address Levin’s proposed “Liberty Amendments” detailed in the new bestselling book by the same name.
The Thursday evening, October 17 event is being billed as a “Conservative Change Conference.”
Ironically, the purpose of the Liberty Amendments to the Constitution is to constrain growing federal government power at the expense of the authority of the states and the freedom of the citizens, not the intent of the founding fathers, say supporters of the proposal. In that sense, the “change” the conference organizers speak of is actually a simple return to the original intent of America’s founding fathers.
Freedom Leadership Conference officials now state they will add a third speaker on the subject of what they call the President’s unauthorized power grabs during the supposed government “shutdown” during which nearly 85% of the federal government remains open and functioning, despite closing of the open air Monuments in Washington, DC, and other open air government grounds such as Gettysburg battlefield and historic Valley Forge, PA and other locations.
The Freedom Leadership Conference functions have been reserved for members only since they changed to a monthly function in late 2012, having started as an annual function fourteen years ago. Sponsored by a different conservative organization each month, there have now been over 60 sponsor organizations in the past 14 years.
Admission now is open to anyone interested, although only those who advance register will be admitted. Those interested in attending the free October 17 conference may reserve their tickets to the conference, which begins with a coffee, tea and dessert social at 7 PM, via the internet, HERE.
Previous stories about plans for the October 17 conference are headlined Mike O’Neill to speak on “The Liberty Amendments” Proposal of Mark Levin at October 17 Conference and the earlier article, Conservative Change Conference set for October 17, 2013: Michael Thompson to speak at Freedom Leadership Conference on new tax proposal for Virginia.
The Wednesday, November 13 Freedom Leadership Conference will be sponsored by Uniformed Services League, featuring a “Salute to Our Servicemen” (SOS) rally with keynote speaker, U.S. Congressman Scott Perry (R-PA), who is also a Colonel in the U.S. Army National Guard who has already served in Iraq. The November conference will also be an “open” conference (new attendees welcome) and also at the Fairfax Marriott at Fair Oaks Mall.

BrasscheckTV: The 'disappeared' energy solution ~ Dan Nocera: Personalized Energy ‏

This scientist had a plausible technology
for turning every home into its own power
plant...including creating the energy needed
to power your car. 
It was green, it was safe, it was sustainable
- and then Harvard hired him for big money
and now he's stopped talking about it. 
- Brasscheck
 Home made electricity
Your home will be your power station and gas station

 This changes everything 
What if you could produce all the power you needed for your home - and for you electric car?

That would certainly change things for the better, wouldn’t it?

Better for your pocketbook and personal independence and better for the environment.

So when are we going to get it?

The day after all the utility bonds are paid off I’m afraid, but maybe not.
- See more at:

Obama the Itch in Obamacare Glitch

Folks We Are In Big Trouble

NaturalNews: Obamacare enrollees' private data turned over to law enforcement and IRS

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The website turns out to be a Trojan Horse that gathers emails, passwords, social security numbers, private banking details and other information you would normally want to keep private.
This information is then cross-referenced to your computer's IP address. From there, all your web surfing habits are tracked by IP and recorded along with your social security number.
The Obamacare exchanges then promises to take any information you provided them and "turn it over to law enforcement" and IRS auditors.
This is not a joke. This is how the government has tricked millions of people into self-incrimination. See the proof in my feature story: has suffered a critical data failure and is now asking everyone to reset their passwords or even create new accounts with new passwords:
Japanese doctors have been ordered to cover up mass radiation sickness across Japan, home of the Fukushima catastrophe:
Check out these 10 foods to halt diabetes:
Banks are now stockpiling cash due to concern about financial panic beginning Oct. 17
And the Social Security Administration has now openly admitted its continued existence depends entirely on an endless spiral of debt
P.S. Did you know that all Natural News email subscribers get a 5% discount in the Natural News Store? Use discount code nn1013 at
More news continues below...

Today from
- The plot to control (and reduce) the world population
- The complete guide to colon cleansing
- Healthy Halloween treats and recipes
Don't miss The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT, Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments, or listen in at

Warning: Enrolling in Obamacare allows government to link your IP address with your name, social security number, bank accounts and web surfing habits
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Obamacare exchange suffers critical account failures, asks everyone to change passwords or register new accounts
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Head fake! Is only an empty shell MOCKUP of a working Obamacare exchange?
(NaturalNews) As the days of glitches, snafus, down-time and critical errors mount up, evidence is mounting that the Obamacare exchange is not actually a fully-formed online application. More and more, it appears to be a mockup of...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Truth About the Health Care Bill - Michael Connelly, (Retired Constitutional Attorney)

Snopes says this is correctly attributed…
A retired Constitutional lawyer has read the entire proposed health care bill.  Read his conclusions and pass this on as you wish.  This is stunning!
Please take the time to read this and forward it out as you see fit. Thanks! 

Well, I have done it! I have read the entire text of proposed House Bill 3200: The Affordable Health Care Choices Act of 2009.  I studied it with particular emphasis from my area of expertise, constitutional law.  I was frankly concerned that parts of the proposed law that were being discussed might be unconstitutional.  What I found was far worse than what I had heard or expected.
To begin with, much of what has been said about the law and its implications is in fact true, despite what the Democrats and the media are saying.  The law does provide for rationing of health care, particularly where senior citizens and other classes of citizens are involved, free health care for illegal immigrants, free abortion services, and probably forced participation in abortions by members of the medical profession.
The Bill will also eventually force private insurance companies out of business, and put everyone into a government run system. All decisions about personal health care will ultimately be made by federal bureaucrats, and most of them will not be health care professionals.  Hospital admissions, payments to physicians, and allocations of necessary medical devices will be strictly controlled by the government.
However, as scary as all of that is, it just scratches the surface.  In fact, I have concluded that this legislation really has no intention of providing affordable health care choices.  Instead it is a convenient cover for the most massive transfer of power to the Executive Branch of government that has ever occurred, or even been contemplated.  If this law or a similar one is adopted, major portions of the Constitution of the United States will effectively have been destroyed.
The first thing to go will be the masterfully crafted balance of power between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. Government.  The Congress will be transferring to the Obama Administration authority in a number of different areas over the lives of the American people, and the businesses they own.
The irony is that the Congress doesn't have any authority to legislate in most of those areas to begin with!  I defy anyone to read the text of the U.S. Constitution
and find any authority granted to the members of Congress to regulate health care.
This legislation also provides for access, by the appointees of the Obama administration, of all of your personal healthcare direct violation of the specific provisions of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution information, your personal financial information, and the information of your employer, physician, and hospital.  All of this is a protecting against unreasonable searches and seizures. You can also forget about the right to privacy.  That will have been legislated into oblivion regardless of what the 3rd and 4th Amendments may provide.
If you decide not to have healthcare insurance, or if you have private insurance that is not deemed acceptable to the Health Choices Administrator appointed by Obama, there will be a tax imposed on you.  It is called a tax instead of a fine because of the intent to avoid application of the due process clause of the 5th AmendmentHowever, that doesn't work because since there is nothing in the law that allows you to contest or appeal the imposition of the tax, it is definitely depriving someone of property without the due process of law. 

Don't laugh it could get worse!

Submitted by: 'Bucksnort'

NaturalNews: Predatory medicine: Court rules Amish girl to be poisoned with chemo against her will‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
In an inexcusable violation of human rights in the name of "predatory medicine," the Akron Children's Hospital in Ohio has gone to extraordinary lengths to force an Amish family to surrender their 10-year-old girl to toxic, poisonous chemotherapy against their wishes.
This is "gunpoint medicine" because the parents are now being threatened with arrest if they do not comply. Meanwhile, the No. 1 side effect of chemotherapy is, of course, more cancer.
I called the Akron Children's Hospital to ask if they would release the names of the doctors who led this legal effort to deny an Amish family their parental rights, and instead of getting answers, I was screamed at with profanity by their public relations person.
Join Natural News in protesting this medical insanity and these "predatory pediatric medicine" actions of the Akron Children's Hospital:

We've just announced a new round of donations to the 522 GMO labeling campaign in Washington, plus the Institute for Responsible Technology. Read details here:

P.S. Did you know that all Natural News email subscribers get a 5% discount in the Natural News Store? Use discount code nn1013 at

Head fake! Is only an empty shell MOCKUP of a functioning Obamacare exchange system? The evidence seems to point to the possibility that it's all a lame hoax:

Government shutdown insanity! Jogger fined $100 for jogging through a "federal" park during so-called shutdown. Exercising on public lands is now a crime under Obama:

And Gestapo-like Yellowstone park rangers roughed up a bunch of senior citizens, screaming at them to stop "recreating" in a national park. Seriously... it doesn't get any more stupid than this. The Obama administration is trying to ban photo-taking on public lands!

More news continues below...

Today from
- 4 household toxins poisoning your family
- Chemtrails and chemotherapy: more alike than you might suspect
- 5 tips for buying superfoods on a budget

Don't miss The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: While Super Don tries to enroll in Obamacare, the pretend shutdown continues and the fictitious debt ceiling approaches, we'll let you know how to survive the end of monopoly medicine. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments, or listen in at

Head fake! Is only an empty shell MOCKUP of a working Obamacare exchange?
(NaturalNews) As the days of glitches, snafus, down-time and critical errors mount up, evidence is mounting that the Obamacare exchange is not actually a fully-formed online application. More and more, it appears to be a mockup of...

Shutdown insanity: Jogger fined $100 for exercising at Valley Forge National Park
(NaturalNews) Don't look now, folks, but your country is slowly, quietly - but surely - slipping away from you as it is increasingly being governed by a punitive, capricious ruling class who despises you and seeks to punish you at every turn, just to...

Shutdown goes Gestapo: Senior citizens roughhoused by federal employees at Yellowstone
(NaturalNews) The punitive nature of the Obama regime's actions in closing down taxpayer-funded monuments and parks continues to get out of hand, as this report demonstrates. Some of the nation's "Greatest Generation" were already humiliated and abused...

American individuals, states show defiance against Obama's contrived selective shutdown of government parks
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Truckers for the Constitution to shut down D.C. roads, arrest violators of oath of office
(NaturalNews) The rumbling sound that will be heard around the nation's capital in a few weeks could be one of the most terrifying heard in Washington, D.C., in quite some time, for it will represent more than just another angry American demographic....

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Rite Aid deliberately dumped hazardous waste across California landfills, declares judge
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Natural News announces new donations to GMO labeling initiative 522, Institute for Responsible Technology
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Court rules Amish girl to be forcefully poisoned with chemotherapy; Akron Children's Hospital now practicing predatory medicine
(NaturalNews) Just weeks after an Ohio court ruled that medical authorities could not force chemotherapy upon a 10-year-old Amish girl against the wishes of her parents, an appeals court overturned the rule, allowing the hospital -- which profits from...

Obamacare shutdown theater: President holds entire nation for ransom with contrived closings
(NaturalNews) The government "shutdown" is a hoax. It is pure theater designed to make life as miserable as possible for Americans while the government keeps collecting taxes, racking up debt expenditures, running foreign wars and doing all the unconstitutional...

WND Exclusive: Titanic Obamacare hits iceberg of reality

Overwhelmed, but by demand or ineptitude?

author-image Garth Kant
 WASHINGTON – The first reviews are in, and so, far, Obamcare is a lot like “new” Coke. Few product roll-outs in history have had more problems.
Even some of its strongest supporters are the most scathing critics of the way Obamcare has been introduced to the public.
When President Obama and Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius compared the Obamacare website problems to a glitch in an Apple product roll-out, Washington Post columnist Ezra Kelin responded, “But the Obama administration doesn’t have a basically working product that would be improved by a software update. They have a website that almost nobody has been able to successfully use.
“If Apple launched a major new product that functioned as badly as Obamacare’s online insurance marketplace, the tech world would be calling for (Apple CEO) Tim Cook’s head.”
Klein’s column was titled “Obamacare’s website is really bad.”
The administration claims the website running the federal health-care exchange (serving 36 states that do not have individual exchanges) has been overwhelmed by demand and had 9 million visitors in its first four days.
But the administration refuses to say, or cannot say, how many people have actually enrolled in Obamacare.

Read more at  

WASHINGTON – The first reviews are in, and so, far, Obamcare is a lot like “new” Coke. Few product roll-outs in history have had more problems.
Even some of its strongest supporters are the most scathing critics of the way Obamcare has been introduced to the public.
When President Obama and Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius compared the Obamacare website problems to a glitch in an Apple product roll-out, Washington Post columnist Ezra Kelin responded, “But the Obama administration doesn’t have a basically working product that would be improved by a software update. They have a website that almost nobody has been able to successfully use.
“If Apple launched a major new product that functioned as badly as Obamacare’s online insurance marketplace, the tech world would be calling for (Apple CEO) Tim Cook’s head.”
Klein’s column was titled “Obamacare’s website is really bad.”
The administration claims the website running the federal health-care exchange (serving 36 states that do not have individual exchanges) has been overwhelmed by demand and had 9 million visitors in its first four days.
But the administration refuses to say, or cannot say, how many people have actually enrolled in Obamacare.


Middle School Boys Soccer Results, 10/08/13, PWS vs Gardiner‏

PW Sugg's Greyhounds lost to Gardiner's Falcons in a riveting home  
field match ending at 2-4.
Falcons dominated the first half setting the tone early with player  
Burke scoring 3 minutes into the game and followed up by  2 more goals  
from Bointer of Gardiner. The half ended without a single Greyhound  
goal however when they returned after the break it was the 'Hounds who  
would dominate the field. Striker Jonah Sautter (15) quickly found the  
back of the net in the first minute of play in the second half. As  
play continued deep in Falcon territory, an excellent corner kick from  
Right Wing Capt. Dylan George (5) found the foot of Left Wing Noah  
Austin (8) who nimbly put the ball in the net just 4 minutes later.  
Gardiner responded with another goal of their own again from Bointer  
with Sautter attempting to return the favor with a PK that was saved  
by the Falcon Goalie.
The [2-5] Greyhounds will next face the Hall-Dale Bulldogs in a home  
field rematch on Thursday, October 10.

Monday, October 7, 2013

‘Truckers for the Constitution’ Plan to Slow D.C. Beltway, Arrest Congressmen

by Amy
via usnews By Steven Nelson Tractor-trailer drivers will intentionally clog the inner loop of the Washington, D.C., beltway beginning on the morning of Oct. 11, according to a coordinator of the upcoming "Truckers Ride for the Constitution" rally. Organizers of the three-day ride want to call attention to a litany of trucker frustrations and express […]

Rev. Billy Graham's Dire Warning: America is drowning in a 'sea of immorality'

Thanks to Obama: Rev. Billy Graham’s dire warning: America is drowning in ‘sea of immorality’

by Amy
via washingtontimes World-renowned Rev. Billy Graham, 94, said President Obama’s campaign promises for “hope and change” are little more than meaningless cliches and the reality is the nation is facing a dire future, about to collapse on its own immorality. Mr. Graham made the statements to Newsmax in an interview about his latest book, “The […]

Extended Weather Outlook October 7th to the 13th

Extended Outlook
Today:  showers, isolated thunder, see discussion. Highs 63-71 N/S, cooler coast.
Tuesday; quiet and dry. Lows 45-50. Highs 55-67 N/S.
Wednesday; quiet and dry. Lows 35-43 N/S. Highs 62-72 N/S, cooler coast.
Thursday; quiet and dry. Lows 40-45. Highs 66-74 N/S, cooler coast.
Friday;  quiet. Showers far south? Lows 45-54 N/S. highs 64-69.
Saturday; quiet and dry. Lows 40-48 N/S. highs 55-66 N/S, cooler coast.
Sunday; quiet and dry. Lows 38-45 N/S. highs 58-65 N/S, cooler coast.

Thanks 'Rufe'

Obamincomics Amber Alert website down due to shutdown, The Mooch ‘Let’s Move’ site up‏



Amber Alert website down due to shutdown, The Mooch ‘Let’s Move’ site up

by Amy
Oh Come On The Mooch's Let's Move Program Has Done Far More For The Kids Then That Silly Amber Alert. NOT!!! By Joe Newby via examiner Sunday, the Amber alert website, the national missing-child warning program, was taken down, citing the partial government shutdown. But, the website for Michelle Obama’s pet project against childhood […]

Amy | October 7, 2013 at 2:59 pm | URL:
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