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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

NaturalNews: They knew all along that Obamacare would cause millions to lose insurance‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and  NaturalNews readers,
Does the Obamacare fiasco ever end?
Today a top Democrat admitted that they knew all along that Obamacare would cause millions of Americans to lose their health insurance.
But they decided to lie to the public anyway, claiming you could "keep your existing insurance" if you wanted to:

A long-shot court challenge could potentially result in Obamacare being ruled illegal in 36 states:

The oceans can't produce enough food for an expanding population, warn scientists:

Chlorella found to decrease absorption of dietary fats:

A new global study reveals that Americans suck at math. No wonder most people don't grasp the national debt!

More news continues below...

Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Ty Bollinger covers the increasing threat to families posed by licensed oncologists targeting your children.  Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

Today from
- America's real prescription for holistic health (better than Obamacare!)
- Protect yourself from environmental toxins by supporting your liver
- Vegan chocolate goji superfood macaroons recipe

BETRAYED: Democrats now admit they knew all along that millions would lose their existing health plans
(NaturalNews) The degree of betrayal found in the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is finally coming to the surface... and it's intense. As a top Democrat admitted today, the Democrats knew all along that Obamacare would cause millions to lose health...

Disastrous rollout of Obamacare only the beginning of meltdown of Obama credibility
(NaturalNews) With each passing day, the law known as Obamacare disappoints, under-delivers, overwhelms and further exposes our nation's president as someone who simply cannot be trusted to tell us the truth. There are other elements to Obama's staggering...

Obamacare could be ruled illegal in 36 states, federal judge allows lawsuit to move forward
(NaturalNews) Supporters of Obamacare, including the president himself, say that once the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the law's individual mandate wasn't a mandate at all, but a tax, and therefore lawful under the Constitution, that was the end of it...

Oceans won't produce enough food for the world if current population trends continue, claim scientists
(NaturalNews) Data collected as part of the official 2013 Ocean Health Index (OHI) has been publicly released, and some scientists say it points to a challenging future for humanity. Based on the figures, the oceans of the world simply will not be able...

Revlon, supporter of the National Breast Cancer Coalition, uses cancer-causing chemicals in its cosmetics
(NaturalNews) Revlon, one of the largest cosmetic companies in the country, known for their supportive stance in breast cancer research, is talking the talk but not walking the walk. A survey put out by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics uncovered the...

Outrage as California cop who pepper-sprayed students awarded $38,000 for 'psychiatric suffering' he claims to have endured
(NaturalNews) The graphic video imagery of a University of California - Davis campus cop casually pepper spraying students in a sit-in demonstration outdoors has resurfaced again. It was featured on an a recent NBC News program, which announced...

Here's why people don't understand national debt: Americans rank almost last in math skills
(NaturalNews) It's no longer just a punch line on a late night comedy shows or a throwaway political sound bite: The fact that Americans are becoming completely stupid about all things mathematics is getting out of hand, and very serious. And it could...

Chlorella decreases absorption of dietary fats
(NaturalNews) You may have heard that chlorella is a nutritionally powerful superfood, but did you know that research shows it can also reduce the absorption of fat in the gut, thereby possibly decreasing the risk of heart disease? Chlorella, a food...

A broken ocean: The aftermath of Fukushima
(NaturalNews) While mainstream media appears to have almost forgotten that the Fukushima disaster ever happened and the aftermath of the damaged nuclear power plant continues to be downplayed by government officials, reports of spreading radiation, sick...

Police department to post pictures of Walmart EBT thieves who ransacked stores during EBT glitch
(NaturalNews) By now, millions of Americans have heard the story about how scores of people on food stamps attempted to rob a local Walmart blind when yet another government computer "glitch" wiped out the balances on their Electronic Benefits Transfer...

Brain cells use sleep time to 'flush out' toxins, restoring healthy brain function
(NaturalNews) A healthy brain requires plenty of restful sleep, not only to support proper memory retention but also for physical maintenance and detoxification purposes. And new research funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health further reinforces...

U.S. pharma company buys Irish company to shift profits offshore and pay lower taxes
(NaturalNews) Recently, Perrigo, a U.S. drug manufacturer agreed to purchase an Irish drug development company. This action will help Perrigo move its assets offshore, increasing the profits earned by the drug manufacturer while avoiding taxes that it...

Use eucalyptus oil to breathe easier, kill germs, and more
(NaturalNews) One of the few essential oils most people can identify by smell alone; eucalyptus is very popular because of its effectiveness and range of uses. Originally from Australia, where it was first used by the aborigines, the locals started distilling...

Natural News Store launches Ginseng Synergy, a harmonious blend of six ginseng varieties from across the globe
(NaturalNews) Today we're announcing what I consider to be a breakthrough immunomodulating, adaptogenic tincture that's now available for the very first time. ...

RATE SHOCK: Obamacare causing 539% increase in health insurance costs for Texans (see proof)
(NaturalNews) It is crucial for the White House that the website continue to fail, because once the site actually starts functioning, Americans are going to be hit with such devastating rate shock that the Obama administration may...

TMB: IG Report Criticizes VA for Preventable Deaths of Veterans‏

By Lachlan Markay
Three patients in a Veterans Administration (VA) hospital in Memphis died last year due to negligence by hospital staff, according to a report released last week, underscoring congressional overseers’ concerns about VA accountability.
By Bill Gertz
The oldest nuclear bomb in the U.S. arsenal is being modernized with a precision-guidance kit and more modern safety features, Pentagon and Energy Department officials told Congress on Monday.
By Elizabeth Harrington
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has approved over 80 percent of young illegal immigrants who have applied for its Deferred Action program, an administrative version of the DREAM Act.
By Adam Kredo
Human rights groups are expressing outrage over what they called a shocking “surge” in executions in Iran following the weekend hangings of some 20 inmates.
By Ellison Barber
Administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Marilyn Tavenner refused to release the number of people who have enrolled in the federal exchange through the website during congressional testimony Tuesday.
By CJ Ciaramella
The first thing Mozie, 47, sees every day when he walks into his apartment in a square, brick building on P Street is a wall full of 8×11 sheets of paper, each memorializing a different D.C. resident, most of them from the Shaw neighborhood, almost all of them young, black, and male. Each paper includes a name and a brief description of the deceased.
No Country for Old Men vs. The Counselor
By Sonny Bunch
I re-watched No Country for Old Men last night, in part because I’ve been somewhat befuddled by the disparity in the reactions to that film (90 percent fresh from top critics on Rotten Tomatoes) and The Counselor (20 percent fresh).
Obama Supporter Forced to Switch Insurance Due to Obamacare
By WFB Staff
Former Democratic staffer Sue Klinkhamer has a problem and it’s called Obamacare.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Where IS Waldo?

Route 196 Master Plan ~  Camouflage Road Signs
Positively needs Changing

Snow Job

TMB: Government ‘Mining’ Social Media for Information on Health Behavior‏

Government ‘Mining’ Social Media for Information on Health BehavioBY Elizabeth Harrington
The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is “mining” Facebook and Twitter to improve its social media footprint and to assess how Tweets can be used as “change-agents” for health behaviors.
Drone Strike Kills Two Al Shabaab Terrorists in SomaliaBY Bill Gertz
A U.S. drone strike in Somalia killed two terrorists of the al Qaeda-affiliated group al Shabaab, including a leader of the group, a U.S. official said.

Fmr. IAEA Official: Iran Could Soon Be Able to Build Nukes in Just Two WeeksBY Alana Goodman
Iran has passed the “point of no return” in its nuclear weapons program and could soon have the ability to enrich enough missile-grade uranium to build a bomb in just two weeks, the former deputy director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency told reporters on Monday.
Reports: Syrian Electronic Army Claims It Hacked Obama Campaign Electronic PlatformBY Adam Kredo
The Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) claims to have hacked President Barack Obama’s electronic platforms, including the website, the president’s official Twitter feed, and his campaign’s official email account.
Israel to Release Next Round of PrisonersBY Adam Kredo
Israel is set to release on Tuesday another 26 convicted terrorists from prison in a bid to keep stagnating Middle East peace talks moving forward, Israeli prison authorities announced early Monday.

‘Is This Heaven?’ ‘No, It’s Buffalo Trace’BY Sonny Bunch
I spent the weekend in Lexington, Ky., to celebrate a wedding (congrats Moira and Reid!). The one non-wedding thing I wanted to do while I was in town was to check out the Buffalo Trace distillery, the home of my beloved Old Weller Antique, the 107 proof ambrosia that makes life worth livingA Country For Old BrosBY Robert Charette
This is the year bros went mainstream. No longer viewed as the Axe-sprayed armpits of the nightlife scene, we’re the subjects of think pieces examining our literary habits and demographic trends. But have you ever seen an old bro? Pardon my existential crisis, but what happens when bros age? Do years of Beast Ice and N.O.-XPLODE cause my kind to self-immolate?
Even MSNBC Agrees: Obamacare Rollout ‘Disastrous’
BY Washington Free Beacon Staff
Thomas Roberts and MSNBC contributor Jonathan Alter, both prominent liberal figures, discussed the failed Obamacare launch Monday morning. Roberts remarked that the rollout has been “disastrous.” Alter agreed with Roberts and foreshadowed doom for Sebelius when she testifies before Congress this week.

Middle School Boys Soccer Results, 10/28/13, PWS vs Gardiner‏

PW Sugg's Greyhounds triumphed over Gardiner's Falcons in an away game  
rematch ending 2-1.
The 'Hounds took control of the field from the first sound of the  
whistle and worked hard against a tough Falcon defense. The first goal  
was made when Halfback Ben LeClair (10) made a crisp pass to the sure  
footed Striker Jonah Sautter (15) who put Lisbon on the scoreboard  
just 2 minutes after play began. Sautter scored again after working  
through a tired opposing defense with a shot from just inside the 18  
to end the half at 2-0. After the break the Falcons again attempted to  
work the ball forward only to find 'Hounds like Halfback Captain  
Steven Martin (12) repeatedly denying their advances. It wasn't until  
the final 4 minutes of play when the frustrated Falcon offense finally  
found the back of their opponents net and ended the possibility for a  
The Greyhounds final game of the season will be a rematch at home  
against Oak Hill on Wednesday, October 30.

Monday, October 28, 2013

BrassCheckTV: Do we really need Government?‏

Two of the most dangerous
superstitions that plague 
That government is good and
government is necessary.
Here's an alternate view.  
- Brasscheck

Do we need government?
Probably not
 This is for all the people who don't think we would have roads, protection, or anything else, without "taxes" (i.e., mass extortion) and the "guidance and management" (i.e., violent domination) of "government" (i.e., a parasitical ruling class).

Questioning one of the world's deepest superstitions

Larken Rose dismantles one of the world's deepest and most dangerous superstitions: that human being need "governing" in order to be safe and prosperous.

Governments are, in fact, the greatest source of violence and criminality on the planet. Organized crime can't hold a candle to them.

And what do we get in return?

A whole lot less than you think.

Secret Governments Are Killing America; GOPDD: Bob Woodward: ‘Secret government’ at the root of problems

 Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward
via Politico
by Caitlin Emma
Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward said Sunday a huge “secret government” and a government on “automatic pilot” has led to many of the concerns now making headlines.
“They need to review this secret world,” he said of the Obama administration on “Face the Nation” on CBS. “You get to a point where it’s what do you worry about? Secret government.”
National Security Agency spying both domestic and abroad and the disastrous rollout of the Affordable Care Act are the results, he said.
“We have an incredibly powerful government that gets on automatic pilot,” he said. People aren’t checking all of the boxes and the administration didn’t properly “practice” Obamacare.

Rufe's Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  windy. See discussion. Showers/flurries north. highs 43-54 N/S.
Tuesday; quiet and dry. Lows 22-30 N/S. highs 38-48 N/S.
Wednesday; quiet and dry.  lows 23-31 N/S. Highs 43-52 N/S.
Thursday; breezy pm, rain late. Lows 27-35 N/S. highs 47-56 N/S.
Friday;  am rain, breezy. Lows 46-52 N/S. highs 56-65 N/S.
Saturday; quiet and dry. Lows 42-48 N/S. highs 50-58 N/S.
Sunday; am showers. Breezy pm. Lows 34-41 N/S. highs 42-51 N/S.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Lisbon Town Manager Stephen G. Eldridge


Right off the bat, I want to apologize for the length of this article but it cannot be helped.  This needs to be said in its entirety.  On September 17, 2013 at the Town Council meeting, one of the agenda items was the “winter sand bids”.  The Town Manager presented the winter sand bids.  Councilor Pesce said and I am quoting from the minute of the meeting.  “Councilor Pesce pointed out that the sieve testing results were not submitted with Premier’s bid and that he just received them today.  Mr. Eldridge said the testing company was at fault, the Premier Development submitted their sample but the testing company requested another one, and that this one was received late today so it was added to the agenda.  Councilor Mason asked that the reason for the delay be verified.  Councilor Pesce said because he just received this information that he was not comfortable making a decision tonight and requested this item be moved to the next agenda.”  Councilors Garrison, LaRochelle, Mason, Lunt and Pesce voted to table this item until the next meeting.

Lisbon Town Councilor Dillon Pesce

Our youngest councilor has the ability to see right through our Town Manager trying to pull a fast one.  The bid for Premier Development was not complete in accordance with the Request for Procurement (RFP).  Councilor Pesce recognized this and tried to make sure everyone was provided a fair playing field when submitting bids for town projects.

At the October 1, 2013, the saga continues and here is what took place, again from the minutes.  “Mr. Eldridge said this item was tabled at the last Council meeting.  Ryan Leighton said RFPs were sent out to Carl Huston Excavating, Copp Excavating, Dube Gravel, Premier Development, and Pat Cry Trucking.  Bids were received from Carl Huston Excavating, Dube Gravel, and Premier Development.  He recommended Premier Development at $4.49 per yard.”

“Councilor LaRochelle said all of them have presented the criteria for sand.  Mr. Leighton said yes, they have all presented passing analysis of the materials they intend to sell us.  Councilor LaRochelle said so your recommendation is the low bid from Premier Development at $4.49 per yard.  Mr. Leighton said low bid, closet pit to the shop.”

“Councilor Pesce said for the Premier Development test; it is on the back of Carl Huston’s bid and I don’t see anything filled in, like any sort of company that did the test.  Mr. Leighton said Shaw Brothers.  I contacted Premier Development and it was Shaw Brothers.”

“Councilor Pesce said I don’t have anything filled out on the bottom, nothing on the top.  And the project is ETTI when it was submitted by Premier, so I don’t think this is filled out as it should be.  All the others have very detailed companies with names and signature sand this one does not.”

 “Councilor Ward said is that because this was the same one we used last year.  Mr. Leighton said yes.  Councilor Ward said how many years have we used them.  Mr. Leighton said last year was the first year.”

“Councilor Ward said did we have some issues last year.  Mr. Leighton said there were some questions when we first started hauling and they started taking material from a different stockpile and the material was fine.  This year the material is better than what was presented last year.”

“Councilor Pesce said I think we should look at Carl Huston or Dube Gravel just because this is the second round with this and it still isn’t filled in.”

Once again, Councilor Pesce recognized the fact that Mr. Eldridge, Mr. Leighton, Councilors LaRochelle and Councilor Ward were trying to pull a fast one.  Awarding the contract to Premier Development was not in the best interest of the town on so many different reasons.

Now I am going to provide information which has been obtained by several reliable sources.  I cannot verify all of it at this time.  The other day I was at the Transfer Station and I noticed they were delivering the winter sand and it looked like high quality sand.  I asked about the sand and was told that Premier Development originally delivered the sand and when it was tested it failed two times.  A decision was make to reject Premier Development and go with Carl Huston.  Apparently, the sand was from Carl Huston’s pit.  How they could deliver the sand before it was approved by the council is another mystery.  I have been told that this will be on the next Town Council agenda.

I am amazed how easy Mr. Eldridge and Mr. Leighton can manipulate several members of the council with the exception of Councilors Pesce and Lunt.  It sure is easy to see which councilors are members of the “Good Old Boys” network and which truly have the best interest of the town at heart.  Councilor Pesce is very young in age but very wise when it comes to dealing with the truth.  Councilor Pesce has the ability to see when Mr. Eldridge is trying to pull a fast one on the council.  Councilor Pesce is always looking to do what is best for this community.  Councilor Lunt on numerous occasions puts the best interest of the community at heart.

Lisbon Town Councilor Mark Lunt

The community should be proud of these two councilors and encourage other councilors to follow their lead.

Larry Fillmore

Friday, October 25, 2013

Lisbon Class of 2014 Promotes Downeaster, Donuts & Candles‏

  Lisbon Class of 2014 fundraising committee members (pictured standing l-r) Paula Caron, Shantal MacWhinnie, (seated l-r): Sierra Crosby and Robert Dall are galvanizing efforts with other members of the class to raise awareness and promote sales for their fall/winter fundraisers benefiting their Project Graduation.  Photo by Monica Millhime.

Lisbon - Members of the Lisbon High School Class of 2014 are all-aboard for a fast-paced, fun-filled whirlwind of fundraising projects benefiting their project graduation plans.    Students will embark on sales of a chance to win a round-trip ticket to Boston on the Amtrak Downeaster; donuts sales from Benoit’s Bakery in Lisbon; and online sales of Yankee Candles. Raffle tickets for the Downeaster are $3 each or a book of 5 for $10;  a voucher for a dozen of Benoit’s donuts is $10; and Yankee Candles may be ordered (and delivered directly to homes) by visiting   

Students will be canvasing the local community at the Lisbon Transfer Station on Saturdays and Food City on Sundays promoting all programs and will be one of the participates at the annual Holiday Expo at Lisbon High School, 2 Sugg Drive in Lisbon on Saturday, November 30.  FMI contact Class Advisor, Monica Millhime at 754.0021 or email  Visit the Lisbon High School Class of 2014 Facebook page for the latest updates. 

Lisbon HS New Staff‏

Lisbon High School Administrators Welcome New Staff

Lisbon - Lisbon High School Principal, Kenneth Healey and Assistant Principal/Activities Director, Nicholas Gannon (pictured far right) welcomed the new school staff at a recent district-wide assembly.  “We are delighted to have the wealth of knowledge these new hires bring to our students in the Lisbon Schools,” commented Principal Healey.   Pictured (l-r) Healey; Shari Jordan, Guidance Counselor; Gretchen Ward, Mathematics; Sara Brown, Mathematics; Lindsay Wells, Science; Laura Sotherland, School Nurse; and  Assistant Principal, Gannon.  Not available for photo, Amy Sewick, Guidance Counselor; Delora Hutchinson, Science; and Robert Moriarty, English.  FMI on school events and volunteer opportunities email or call 754.0021. Visit us on FaceBook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools for the latest updates on the programs and projects within the Lisbon School District.   Photo by Monica Millhime

Lisbon Senior Jenna Clifford Volunteers Internationally‏


Lisbon – During the summer months, most teenagers spend their time off from school working extra shifts at their places of employment, enjoying the beach, spending time with friends, and relaxing with their favorite pastime activity.  Over the summer, Jennifer Lynn Clifford, a member of the Lisbon High School Class of 2014, and a young adult Lisbon volunteer, embarked on a journey of passion, commitment and dedication by volunteering her summer in Ghana, Africa.

  Jenna, participated in a youth trip through the Free the Children group.  Group members built a school along the coast in a small village of Asemkow,  a few hours from the capitol Accra, (population 800 people).  Jenna and other members of the group broke ground for a third school building.  Volunteers made and carried cement for the two standing buildings scheduled to open in September.  Students also worked on a bathroom and sanitation project, broadened their cultural horizons in the Ghanaian world, and joined young girls from the community on their water walks.   Students witnessed first-hand how much of an issue clean water is  in the region.  

Volunteers witnessed children as young as three carrying water three times a day.   Jenna saved and worked toward bringing this trip to fruition with her own fundraising efforts over the past four years.  “ I wanted to strengthen education globally and by doing so I hope to increase an appreciation for education in my home community,” shared Jenna.  Jenna, is the daughter of Christie Clifford of Lisbon Falls and Dan Clifford of Sabattus.  FMI on more projects and events by Lisbon student visit us on Facebook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools or call 754.0021 or email

Lisbon Middle School New Staff‏

Lisbon Administrators at Philip W. Sugg Middle School in Lisbon Falls, welcomed students and new staff members for the 2013 2014.  Principal Darren Akerman (far left), along with Interim Assistant Principal/Activities Director, Donald Thorne greeted parents and students during the schools Open House on August 27.  New and transitioned staff were ready for students the first day of school thanks to the galvanized efforts of the faculty and parent volunteers.  The school has been so welcoming, shares Principal Akerman.    I am honored and excited to be part of Philip W. Sugg Middle School and the Lisbon community.  The attendance at our Open House was amazing, and I look forward to a dynamic learning experience for our students.

FMI on events and other programs in Lisbon Schools visit us on Facebook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools or call 754.0021 or email

Lisbon PWS Spaghetti Dinner November 7‏


Lisbon parent and school volunteer, Susan Violette and children Justin and Jennifer, are served a delicious, culinary favorite of spaghetti and all the fixings during last year’s PWS Middle School’s Spaghetti Dinner and Auction benefiting the Camp Kieve program for students.  Parent volunteer servers (pictured l-r)  Cathy Normand, Julie Cordner and Jeannette Fusaro.  Photo by Monica Millhime.

 Lisbon -  Generations of Lisbon families, school staff and Lisbon volunteers attend the annual spaghetti supper and auction at Lisbon’s Middle School, Philip W. Sugg, 4 Sugg Drive in Lisbon Falls in support of sending students to the leadership workshop at Camp Kieve.   Mark your calendars for Thursday, November 7 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. to attend the dinner at the PWS Cafeteria.  Tickets are $6 per person; $3 for children 10 and under; or $20 for the family four pack.  Over 50 raffle items and lots of silent auction items including Bruins’ tickets, lobsters and VIP seats at the Lisbon Schools’ fifth and eighth grade graduations and other items donated by friends, family and local businesses.  All money raised benefits the seventh grade trip to Camp Kieve for a week next year.  Tickets are available at the door.  FMI call 353.3055 or visit us on Facebook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.

Lisbon – Athletic Boosters’ Holiday Expo Nov. 30

Dedicated Lisbon parents and Athletic Booster members Christie Clifford, Boosters’ Vice President; Tonia Keating and Corrie Bremmer, Boosters’ President shopped for some of the newest items the Boosters’ Club had to offer at last year’s Holiday Expo at Lisbon High School.  Photo by Monica Millhime.

The annual Lisbon High School Athletic Boosters Holiday Expo and Craft Fair is scheduled for November 30th from 9am-2pm at the Lisbon High School cafeteria, 2 Sugg Drive, Lisbon Falls.

Lisbon Greyhound apparel and merchandise, themed gift baskets, jewelry, handmade crafts of all kinds, baked items, many different shopping options from LOCAL vendors and much, much more!!

Enter the raffles for a chance to win some great items!    There will be refreshments including assorted chowders, hot dogs, baked goods and drinks available.  Come support local artisans and business owners.  Come support our student athletes and get some unique gifts for loved ones.  FMI contact Kelly Austin, 353-0949 or email  Check out the latest school events and programs on Facebook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.

Middle School Boys Soccer Results, 10/17/13, PWS vs Monmouth‏

The Lisbon Greyhounds were defeated by the formidable Monmouth  
Mustangs in a tough shutout match ending 0-4 on a chilly Monmouth  
The first half had the Greyhounds scrambling to penetrate the Mustang  
defense with little success. Monmouth, while having some difficulty  
was able to make the most of a few good opportunities and score.  
Monmouth's Midfielder Avery Pomerleau (8) was the thorn in Lisbon's  
side that scored the Mustangs first 3 goals with Forward Mason Dann  
(18) putting in 1 more just two minutes before the end of the half.  
Greyhounds rallied after the break to regain control of the field  
denying any additional goals from the opposition but aside from some  
excellent plays like those made by Wingmen Scott Smith (4), Noah  
Austin (8), and Striker Jonah Sautter (15), Lisbon just couldn't get  
close enough for many decent shots on goal.
The [3-7] Greyhounds will have their penultimate game away at Gardiner  
for a rematch with the Falcons on Monday, October 28.
—Coach Reeves

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bullying Is Alive And Well In Lisbon, don't think so, Well Read On Comrades!!!!!


It is truly amazing how our Town Manager is paid close to $100,000 tax dollars and totally ignores our Charter, provides false information to the council, does not keep the residents informed and cannot even provide our Town Council with current information.  The only function our Town Manager does is to provide false information to the council which results in illegal contracts, and striping the citizen’s right to free speech.  The Town Manager keeps information from the people resulting in secretive meetings.

In this day of electronic information being passed in order to keep people informed, the town maintains an electronic bulletin board and a web site.  Both of these devices’ sole purpose is to provide the residents of Lisbon with current information.  However, last Tuesday there was a Town Council Workshop which did not appear anywhere on these devices.  The web site has an “Event” calendar in which all the meetings are generally posted.  The last few months there have been several meetings that did not appear on this calendar.  These are secret meetings because the Public has no knowledge they are being heldThis is like the pre-meetings held by the council illegally in the Town Manager’s office prior to Town Council meetings/workshops or even better holding meeting at “Chummy’s”.

I attended last Tuesday nights' council workshop and the Town Manager provided both the council and the audience with a packet containing several listings of all the road/streets in town and there condition in 2006.  I am sure; we all realize that the condition of these roads has changed in the past seven years.  Trying to make a decision, utilizing data that is seven years old, is irresponsible to say the least.  But what is even more disturbing is the Lisbon Town Council accepted this seven year old information in the first place.  The Town Manager should ALWAYS provide current information to the council.  How our Councilors’ can make any responsible decision without current data is beyond me.

The Town Engineer rattled off a dozen or more road/streets he is recommended discontinuing.  I apologize for not providing the list but it was just too fast for me and neither the Town Manager nor Town Engineer had a listing prepared for the council.   Again, for $100,000 annually, one would have expected a handout to both the council and the audience.  The Town Manager continues to provide information to the council that is not complete or is not current.

The Town Council, with the guidance of the Town Manager, eliminated the right of the citizens to speak at any workshop.  Apparently, this was done so that no one can contradict the Town Manager or challenge any documents/information provided.  The only reason to go is to listen to bad information being passed by the Town Manager and soaked up by the Council.  It is the same way at Town Council meetings.   I have been told on numerous occasions that I should not criticize what the council is doing.  It is the desire of the Town Council to eliminate any criticism of their decisions, regardless if the decisions are illegal or not.  This Council and especially the Town Manager can never admit to anyone they are wrong on anything.  This speaks volumes for the character and integrity of both the council and the Town Manager.

Look at what they have done to “Public Hearings”!!!!  Citizens have been denied the right to speak during the last two Appeals Board meetings by Chairman Morgan-Alexander.  The Town Manager was provided a legal review by a lawyer from the Maine Municipal Association (MMA) which is the town’s governing body which clearly stated the Public has a right to speak on these issues.  However, the Public still is not allowed to speak at any Appeals Board Hearing.  This is another example of bullying and denying the residents of Lisbon their right to free speech.  

The citizens of Lisbon have been bullied every time we challenge the actions of the Town Manager and the Council.  I personally believe that all the poor decisions of the council are a direct result of the Town Manager passing bad or incomplete information to the council.

Larry Fillmore 

BrassCheckTV: Government by bullies‏

What's the difference 
between the Federal
government and the Mafia? 
- Brasscheck
What's the difference between Brooks and the Good Ole'Boys Club?

Government bullies
What's the difference between
the Federal government and the Mafia?

Gov't Bully to Citizen Activists: Lie or Face Crippling Fines 


The Mafia makes better marinara sauce
Washington' DCs Public Disclosure Commission...

Who are they and what's their job?

To block free speech so politicians, national and local, can continue to carry on like the arrogant, thieving bastards they are.

If you're a big corporation, you're free to bribe and steal and do just about whatever you want.

If you're a citizen, they're going to do everything they can to make life difficult for you.

More info about this case:

BrassCheckTV: When the US went off the tracks for real‏

How did we go from the "land of the
free and the home of the brave" to
a drone strikes, Guantanamo and
the total surveillance of the NSA.
It's been a long process, but
these two put the pedal to the metal.  
- Brasscheck

When the US went off the tracks for real
The Reagan-Bush Years
 In the revealing PBS video documentary The Secret Government, host Bill Moyers exposes the inner workings of a secret government much more vast that most people would ever imagine. Though originally broadcast in 1987, it is even more relevant today. Interviews with respected top military, intelligence, and government insiders reveal both the history and secret objectives of powerful groups in the hidden shadows of our government.

"The National Security Act of '47 gave us the National Security Council. Never have we had a National Security Council so concerned about the nation's security that we're always looking for threats and looking how to orchestrate our society to oppose those threats. National Security was invented, almost, in 1947, and now it has become the prime mover of everything we do as measured against something we invented in 1947."

Pay Attention to rhetoric at about: 19:00 minutes from then Senator John Kerry! 

The Secret Government - The Constitution In Crisis (PBS 1987)


The Secret Government - 1987

Bill Moyers got it more right than he realized back in 1987.

That was nearly 30 years ago if you're counting.

A master of deceit and treachery, the son and grandson of traitors, George H. W. Bush, Sr. leveraged his CIA and drug business contacts into a complete subversion of the Constitution.

The last 30 years - Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama - have been all about keeping this criminal enterprise on track while simultaneously training the weapons of war on American citizens.

The Secret Government - 1987
Bill Moyers got it more right than he realized back in 1987.

That was nearly 30 years ago if you're counting.

A master of deceit and treachery, the son and grandson of traitors, George H. W. Bush, Sr. leveraged his CIA and drug business contacts into a complete subversion of the Constitution.

The last 30 years - Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama - have been all about keeping this criminal enterprise on track while simultaneously training the weapons of war on American citizens.

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via ijreview By Michael Miller
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