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Thursday, December 19, 2013

TMB: China Defense Ministry Confirms Naval Confrontation‏

China Defense Ministry Confirms Naval Confrontation
By Bill GertzChina’s Defense Ministry on Wednesday made its first official comments confirming the naval confrontation between a U.S. warship and a Chinese naval vessel during a tense standoff in the South China Sea.

Podesta Apologizes to Boehner for Jonestown CrackBy Lachlan MarkayThe White House’s newest top adviser apologized on Wednesday for comparing House Republicans to members of a notorious suicidal cult after the comment drew fire from congressional Republicans.

Obama Poses with Controversial Separatist Leader
By Adam KredoThe White House is facing questions after a photograph surfaced of President Barack Obama smiling next to the leader of an authoritarian separatist group known for its past terrorism and what experts dubbed egregious human rights violations.

Iran Slams White House ‘Breach’ of Nuke Deal
By Adam KredoSenior Iranian officials lashed out at the Obama administration on Wednesday for what they called its “breach” of a recently signed nuclear accord, accusing the White House of taking its cue from “radical Zionist lobbies”—a position that Iran claims European negotiators agree with.

TSA Wants to Hire ‘Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business’
By Elizabeth HarringtonThe Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is looking exclusively for an “economically disadvantaged woman owned small business” when it awards its next $30 million contract for security training.

NLRB Expected to Clarify ‘Micro Union’ Decision
By Bill McMorrisNational Labor Relations Board general counsel Richard Griffin is expected to issue a new legal interpretation of micro unions, which could have major implications for unionization moving forward.

Jennifer Lawrence Is Just Ahead of the Nanny State Curve
By Sonny BunchJennifer Lawrence kicked up a bit of a fuss when a clip of her saying it should be illegal to say a woman is “fat” started making the rounds.

Whole Foods CEO: Obamacare Is Hurting Our Employees

By WFB StaffWhole Foods CEO John Mackey spoke with Fox News’ Stuart Varney Wednesday to discuss the negative impact Obamacare is having on the health food retailer.


by AmyElizabeth
Breitbart- Make no mistake about the anti-Christian leftists in Hollywood, the mainstream media, and GLAAD; the goal here is to put on a bitter Show Trial until A&E caves even further and yanks "Duck Dynasty" off the air. The problem for A&E and the political left, though, is that in today's world, the boys of […]

Lisbon School Committee Meeting December 16, 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Recap Town Council Workshop - December 17, 2013


Last night started off with a Workshop.  The council worked on improving the Council Working Rules.  Councilor Garrison worked extremely hard and condensed the Council Working Rules down to four (4) pages.  Councilor Garrison also introduced a change to the Council Working Rules to allow for input from the Public the last few minutes of every Workshop.  Councilor Pesce also got approved the addition of an Agenda item called “New Business”.   
This will allow the people to bring up any issues or concerns that were NOT on the agenda.  This will be limited to two minutes per individual.  These are important improvements for the people.

After the Workshop completed, the Town Council meeting began with the following Public Hearings.
    Finance Committee Ordinance Amendment
    Renewal Special Entertainment Permit – Coombs-Mountfort America Legion Post 158
    Renewal Special Entertainment Permit – Slovak Catholic Association
    Victualer’s License – Steve Goble d/b/a McDonalds

Consent Agenda were approved by a vote of 6-0.
    Minutes of December 3, 2013
    Minutes of December 10, 2013
    Special Entertainment & Liquor License – Coombs-Mountfort American Legion Post 158
    Special Entertainment & Liquor License – Slovak Catholic Association
    Victualer’s License – Steve Goble d/b/a McDonald

Council Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances –
    Backhoe Repair was discussed and then without tabling the issue asked Mr. Leighton to continue looking into the bid process and bring it back next meeting.

    Finance Committee Ordinance Amendment (Second Reading) was approved by a Vote of 6-0

    Regional Rail to Trail was discussed.  Councilor Bickford informed everyone that further dealings would be performed behind closed doors in order to protect the project.

    Council Working Rules were approved with the above cited changes by a Vote of 6-0

Other Business –
    Finance Director’s Report – The Finance Director reviewed the monthly Revenues and Expenses.

    Town Clerk Presentation – The Town Clerk gave an excellent power point presentation of the duties and responsibilities of the Town Clerk’s office.

    Employee Code of Conduct – This was discussed and ended with a Workshop being scheduled for January.

    Town Manager Report – The Town Manager spoke about only one large vehicle will be allowed to cross the Durham/Lisbon Bridge because of the concern involving weight issues.  He also spoke about the town splitting the cost of hand held readers with the Sewer Department.  Finally, the Code Enforcement Officer will be briefing the council on his duties in January.  There is a briefing by the School Department on Thursday, December 19, 2013 at Lisbon Community School on Strategic Education Plan.

Larry Fillmore

Frohes Weihnachten!!!!!!!

Rufe's Weather Outlook: Major pattern shift underway. Storm 2013 this weekend

 Major pattern shift underway, jet stream lifting north, introducing warmer storms. 

 Pulse #1:
 Snow will develop north Friday, several inches likely. Showers will for over much of the service area; only interior valleys collecting a bit of ice in the morning, less than 1/10” if that. Winds will be light. 

 Pulse #2:
 Rain returns Saturday with a period of light icing throughout the interior valleys, up to 1/10”. Extensive sleet then freezing rain appears likely along and north of a line from Bethel to Farmington to Newport. Perhaps one half inch will accrete. Again winds will be light.

 Pulse #3:
 After a lull a major storm tracks across northern Maine Sunday. Prior to dawn rain will blossom with sub freezing temps throughout all of the interior. Thawing will be slow to progress north. Therefore extensive icing is possible north of Fryeburg to Augusta to Bucksport, only snow Jackman and Lincoln north. One half to 2/3” accretions are possible. Precipitation will ease around midnight. Fortunately the inversion should be rather deep, preventing northerly gusts from exceeding 20 mph in the icy belt. 

 Please keep in mind that this event is still several days away and the alignment of the front will be critical. 

Further adjustments are likely. 

 The remainder of New England will receive rain, no concerns.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Rufe's Weather Outlook Update

 Weather Update
 A very active pattern right through the weekend.
 Light snow will spill across the SW corner of Maine around 3PM reaching the northern fringes of the service by 8PM. The first inch will accumulate 2-3 hours later. The snow will be fluffy, minimal adhesion to limbs and power lines. Snow will exit westernmost Maine by 6AM Tuesday, the Penobscot Bay region by 10AM. Amounts will range from 2”-4” far north to 7”-9” around Penobscot Bay. Graphic is attached. Gusts will not exceed 35 mph at the coast and 28 mph through dawn tomorrow. Gusty NW winds will buffet the entire service area during the day, 33-38 mph.
 Light snow will yield to rain along the coast Friday, light snow continuing inland. Pockets of freezing rain are possible from the Sebago Basin south with less than 1/5” ice. Wind not a concern.
 Freezing rain will resume Saturday morning over all but the immediate coast, the thawing line edging north to Route 2 to Bucksport by dusk then halting. Farther north will be the region of multiday icing. If this scenario plays out ice accretions will range from ½” to 1”, the worst case scenario. The snow/ice demarcation will settle south from midday Monday and beyond, with the coast receiving over 1.4” of rain. 

 The inversion should be rather deep, preventing northerly gusts from exceeding 20 mph in the icy belt. Please keep in mind that this event is nearly a week away: MUCH latitude still exists for modification.

The Wounded Warrior Project

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Wounded Warrior Project Landscape Calendar
Your generous, tax-deductible donation to Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) enables us to help thousands of injured warriors returning from the battlefield and helps provide assistance to their families.

Donate today and receive a free 2014 WWP Landscape calendar.
Each month includes information about how your donation will make a difference in the lives of injured warriors. The calendar also includes feedback from warriors regarding the WWP programs you help sustain with your gift. **Please allow 3 - 4 weeks for your calendar to arrive.
Click here to join the Advance Guard monthly giving program for $19 a month and receive a WWP blanket.

Our County Sheriff – Last Line Of Defense Vs Tryannical Federal Government‏

Constitutional Duty of the Sheriff | Last Line of Defense | Richard Mack (


Our County Sheriff – Last Line Of Defense Vs Tryannical Federal Government

by clyde
via The Free Patriot by: Rick Wells The globalists love to advertise their successes and their plans in cryptic ways to give little clues to us of what they’ve done, and what they are planning. They also need recognition of their evil in order to somehow be validated by the very one they oppress and […]

The Maine Wire: “A Response to MaineToday Media’s Attack on Free ME” plus 2 more‏

A Response to MaineToday Media’s Attack on Free ME
Posted: 16 Dec 2013 01:48 PM PST
The editors of the Portland Press Herald refused to publish the following response to an article which appeared in MaineToday Media’s various newspapers on Dec. 5.  By J. Scott Moody – As the CEO of The Maine Heritage Policy Center and lead author of our Free ME initiative, I take strong exception to Colin Woodard’s […]
Maine Senators push first responder exemption from health care law
Posted: 16 Dec 2013 06:57 AM PST
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Maine Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King last week joined forces behind a bill that would exempt emergency first responders from certain requirements of the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare. Obamacare forces employers with more than 50 full-time employees to provide health insurance to employees who work more than […]
This is what transparency looks like under the Alfond-Eves Regime
Posted: 16 Dec 2013 06:27 AM PST
Transparency and accountability are core functions of government. Democracy does not equal self-government when elected officials can thwart routine journalistic inquiry into the activities of government. The following story paints an alarming portrait of what passes for transparency and accountability these days in Augusta. * * * The saga began on May 8 when top […]

TMB: Ten Commenters Who Will Make Your Jaw Drop‏

Ten HealthCare. gov Commenters Who Will Make Your Jaw Drop
By Bill McMorrisThe glitch-prone HealthCare. gov and its sister Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) site have attracted trolls, cheerleaders, and scores of alleged computer programmers since the site’s blog went live on June 21.

China Conducts Second Flight Test of New Long-Range Missile
By Bill GertzChina’s military conducted the second flight test of its newest long-range missile that is capable of hitting targets in the United States with a nuclear warhead, according to defense officials.

Russia, Egypt Ink $2 Billion Weapons Deal
By Adam KredoRussia has agreed to provide Egypt with more than $2 billion in military equipment under a new major arms deal, according to Russian language press reports.

Clinton Global Initiative Tied to Romanian Economic Criminal
By Brent ScherFormer President Bill Clinton canceled a $275,000 speaking engagement at an organization with ties to the Clinton Global Initiative, whose founder has a history of committing economic crimes, the day Clinton was scheduled to speak after the founder was convicted of economic espionage.

China’s State Media Blame U.S. for Near Collision of Warships
By Bill GertzChina’s state media on Monday said the recent near-collision between a U.S. guided missile cruiser and a Chinese navy ship in the South China Sea earlier this month was the result of threatening actions by the U.S. warship.

Congresswoman: Require Feds to Disclose Security Breaches on
By Elizabeth HarringtonA bill in the House of Representatives would require the federal government to tell Americans if their personal information has been stolen while using Healthcare. gov.

Teaser for Christopher Nolan’s Latest Film: ‘Murica’
By Sonny BunchOkay, it’s actually called Interstellar. But it definitely feels like a plea for America to remember that it’s great. No?

Fmr UBS CEO: Obamacare Has Been a Disaster

By WFB StaffFormer UBS CEO Joe Grano appeared on Fox News Monday, calling Obamacare a “disaster” and its raising costs “not sustainable”.

Mainstream Media Attacks Multivitamins‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The mainstream media is suddenly trashing multivitamins again in a massive, coordinated smear campaign.
But all they've really pointed out is that cheap, low-grade synthetic vitamins are harmful to your health:

An oppressive new vaccination mandate law is about to go into effect in California. Attorney Alan Phillips explains why this law is a terrible intrusion into basic American freedoms:

Watch out: One Obamacare exchange has been caught automatically debiting the bank accounts of new enrollees:

If you smoke cigarettes, you are smoking plastic, bleach, pesticides and fiberglass, too:

more news continues below...

Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Dr. Rashid Buttar and RSB discuss solutions for brain recovery after vaccine injury. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

Today on
- Biotech industry delivers critical blow to organic farmers
- Does colloidal silver make antibiotics irrelevant?
- Winter's medicine chest: Here's what you need

Obamacare exchange site caught automatically debiting citizens' bank accounts
(NaturalNews) If a corporation rolled out a new web-based service like the federal and state governments have rolled out Obamacare exchanges in such an "epic fail" manner, they would be lucky if they stayed in business a week. But because the Affordable...

California's New Vaccine Exemption Law - Above the Law?
(NaturalNews) California's AB 2109 was passed into law in 2012 and takes effect January 1, 2014. The new CA law (

New Harvard paper slams FDA, says agency 'cannot be trusted'
(NaturalNews) A prominent Harvard University professor has compiled a new report that slams the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its failure to honestly and ethically approve new drugs. Set to be published in a special issue of the Journal...

Woman shrinks thyroid nodules with pure nutrition, not meds
(NaturalNews) I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. I manage it completely naturally, and my thyroid is producing the proper amounts of T3 and T4 thyroid hormones on its own, without medication. However, since this is an autoimmune disease, the thyroid antibodies...

Smoking plastic, pesticide, bleach and fiberglass - The four killers that Big Tobacco never mentions
(NaturalNews) Have you ever wondered why cigarettes don't go out in heavy wind and why they burn so evenly, all the way from one end to the other? Could it be that plastic particles are woven into the rolling paper to make your nicotine delivery device...

Des Moines resident leads charge to remove fluoride from Iowa capital
(NaturalNews) It has been in the public water supply of Iowa's capital for more than 50 years. But fluoride could very soon become a thing of the past in Des Moines, thanks to the valiant efforts of one dedicated resident who is busy educating city and...

How the vaccine industry keeps itself "immune" from the Constitution
(NaturalNews) Vaccinations are created to help people develop immunity to disease, right? So why are more and more families reaching out and saying that vaccines are giving their children neurological damage and autism? While investigating...

New FDA guidance on factory farm antibiotics too little too late; 'Requirements' completely voluntary
(NaturalNews) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finally taken what appears, at least on the surface, to be some formidable action with regard to the widespread problem of antibiotic overuse in factory farm animals, having recently issued...

PPI drugs proven to cause vitamin B12 deficiency
(NaturalNews) Those who rely on pharmaceuticals to treat GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), peptic ulcers or other digestive issues from too much stomach acid are negatively impacting their B12 levels. This usually results in fatigue and leads to...

How to manage your food intolerances
(NaturalNews) Some people experience adverse reactions after consuming certain foods. This can sometimes be a recurring reaction when a person ingests the food. The actual symptoms may vary from person to person and depend on various factors but often...

Dementia epidemic looms as number of sufferers expected to more than triple by 2050
(NaturalNews) More people than previously thought are believed to be suffering from some form of dementia, says a new report issued by Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI). The latest estimates reveal that as many as 135 million people globally will...

Kefir is a great natural source of probiotics and protein
(NaturalNews) Kefir is a thick, yogurt-like drink made by fermenting milk with kefir grains. It originated in Russia and is characterized by its creamy texture, tart taste and fizzy effervescence. Kefir remains popular in Eastern Europe, where it is commonly...

Lance Armstrong bribed fellow cyclist with $100,000 to throw the victory, says whistleblower
(NaturalNews) The legend that was cyclist Lance Armstrong continues to unravel, as new information from a whistleblower reveals a deeper level of deception than was previously known. A report in the New York Post says that a retired Italian...

Mainstream media attacks multivitamins in yet another example of quack science catapulted into the news by pharma interests
(NaturalNews) Today the mainstream media is gleefully reporting findings they mistakenly believe show all multivitamins to be worthless at preventing disease. "Case Closed: Multivitamins Should Not Be Used," ...

Should you smooch your pooch? Reasons why it may not be a great idea to kiss your pets
(NaturalNews) It is a well-known fact that pet owners are generally happier and healthier than folks who do not share their lives with companion animals. For example, children who grow up in families that own pets are less likely to suffer from infections...

Saving the Kind Barber and His Street Cats‏

To love at all is to be vulnerable.

- C.S. Lewis -

Saving the Kind Barber and His Street Cats

With two hefty sacks of cat food in her arms, Manuela Wroblewski can't stop smiling as she whisks toward the familiar shop. Hussein, the Turkish barber, clasps his hands in gratitude as he eyes the bags of food and the two hurry over to the tiny food dishes lined up in the alley. Soon the sound of kibble clinks against the bowls and several stiff tailed cats begin to appear. But Hussein was in trouble after diminishing customers caused him to lose his lifelong barber shop in Turkey. Things were looking quite dire for this lovely man and while he didn't express any worry for his own future, he was in knots over what might happen to the street cats he feeds each day. He probably hadn't even dreamt that people from half way around the world would help. { read more }

Be The Change

Stay vulnerable in love: life opens up through that which feels true and kind. 

Timely Reminder, Charity Scams & Good Guys

A timely reminder before the Holidays and our generous spirits open up our wallets…   How many ways can you spell G R E E D?   
SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT BEFORE YOU MAKE CONTRIBUTIONS:   As you open your pockets to do a good thing and make yourself feel good, please keep the following facts in mind:
The American Red Cross
President and CEO Marsha J. Evans'
salary for the year was $651,957 plus expenses
It is called the March of Dimes because
only a dime for every 1 dollar is given to the needy.
The United Way
President Brian Gallagher
receives a $375,000 base salary along with numerous expense benefits.
CEO Caryl M. Stern receives
$1,200,000 per year (100k per month) plus all expenses including a ROLLS ROYCE.
Less than 5 cents of your donated dollar goes to the cause.
CEO and owner Mark Curran profits $2.3 million a year.
Goodwill is a very catchy name for his business.
You donate to his business and then he sells the items for PROFIT. 
He pays nothing for his products and pays his workers minimum wage! Nice Guy. 
$0.00 goes to help anyone! 
Stop giving to this man.
Instead, give it to ANY OF THE FOLLOWING
The Salvation Army
Commissioner, Todd Bassett receives a small salary of only
$13,000 per year(plus housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar organization.
96 percent of donated dollars go to the cause.
The American Legion
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary
Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.
Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
The Disabled American Veterans
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
The Military Order of PurpleHearts
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary
Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
The Vietnam Veterans Association
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.
Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
Make a Wish: For children's last wishes.
100% goes to funding trips or special wishes for a dying child.
St. Jude Research Hospital
100% goes towards funding and helping Children with Cancer who have no insurance and cannot afford to pay.
Ronald McDonald Houses
All monies go to running the houses for parents who have critically ill Children in the hospital.
100% goes to housing, and feeding the families.
Lions Club International

Monday, December 16, 2013

Lisbon Students Share During the Holiday‏

Fifth grade students, (pictured l-r) Madison Ryder and Emma Tapley, two of the newest  junior volunteers at Lisbon Community School, offered assistance during recess to sort donations to the Maine Toys for Tots Campaign with LCS Assistant Principal, Ryan Patrie at left).  Photo courtesy of Monica Millhime.

Lisbon – The spirit of giving during the season is alive and well in Lisbon.  Students, staff and families of Lisbon Community School, Philip W. Sugg Middle School, and Lisbon High School partnered with the Town of Lisbon with the Annual Giving Tree program and the United States Marine Corp. for the Maine Toys for Tots campaign.  

 “Student volunteers in the community of Lisbon Schools met to decide on the projects they wanted to assist with during the school year.  Collecting toys during the holiday season was again at the top of the list for activities this year,” shares Monica Millhime, Community Resource Coordinator for Lisbon Schools.  “Students started recruiting toys in the community and the word spread quickly,” shares Assistant Principal Patrie.

FMI on projects and partnership opportunities throughout the year, email or call 754-0021.  

Like us on FaceBook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.

Lisbon Student Death‏

Lisbon - The students and staff at the Lisbon High School are mourning the loss of one of their students who was killed in an unfortunate automobile accident. The Lisbon Crisis Response Team (CRT) has developed an Action Plan to assist students, parents, staff, and community members with this tragic loss. Counselors from the Lisbon School Department are currently supporting students and staff.  Tri-County Mental Health Services is also available for anyone requiring support after regular school hours. They can be reached at (207) 783-4680.  On behalf of the Lisbon School Department, we would like to extend our sincerest appreciation for the outpouring of support we have received.  

Editor's Note:
We All would like to express our sincerest of condolences and offer prayers to all families involved during this most difficult period in time.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Hope For A Change In The Council Working Rules


The proposed changes to the council working rules is going to determine how effective this council will be for the coming year.  Councilor Garrison has done a great job condensing the current council working rules in this draft.  However, the major issue with the proposed and the current council working rules is people are required to speak on agenda items without first having the sponsor explain the reason for the change and to hear the discussion by councilors.  This requirement is a waste of time because if the people are allowed to speak after the agenda item has been briefed by the sponsor and discussed by the council and before the vote; there would be no need for Audience Participation.

In order to correct this situation, paragraph 6(C) the last sentence would have to read “The chair will allow questions from the public during this time however no debate or discussion of collateral issues shall be permitted.”  Councilors should encourage their constituents to participate in local government and be receptive to the people’s concerns and questions.   As the current and proposed council working rules are written; the right of the people to speak after understanding what the sponsor is trying to do have been eliminated.   This situation eliminates input from the people and can lead to all the facts not being presented prior to the council voting on an issue.  It is imperative that all the facts be presented in order for councilors to make meaningful decisions.

As a result of the current and proposed council working rules, the people have no way to get their questions answered.  The proposed council working rules has even gone as far as eliminating Audience Participation Response; not that they ever provided a response to our questions.  Since the proposed council working rules, has eliminated Audience Participation Response what is the value of having Audience Participation?  This small change to paragraph 6(C) will enable the people to get some answers and for councilors to hear their constituents concerns .

As it stands right now and with the proposed change, the people have no options in order to get questions and concerns answered but to submit Freedom of Access Acts (FOAA).  This program has put an additional workload of the town staff.  This could be reduced significantly or even eliminated by changing the council working rules to allow people to participate in agenda items as they are being discussed by the sponsor and council.  I never had a need for this program until the council working rules no longer allowed the Public to participate during agenda item discussions. 

Let’s start the year off right and begin the healing process for our community.  One simple change will restore local government back to the people.

Larry Fillmore