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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Rufe's Weather Outlook Update

Minimal impact for most this afternoon, far north still dealing with additional icing.
 The freezing line extends east-west from Lebanon to Saco. It may inch north 10 miles or so this afternoon, then settle a bit after dusk. Along the western Maine border temps may creep a degree or two above freezing after midnight. Showers of freezing rain or mist will dry up south by dusk, not until 11PM far north. Therefore less than 1/10” additional ice will accrete south of Route 2, 1/10”-1/4” north to Jackman to Greeneville, and another 1/4” north of that zone. Winds again not a concern.
 The next dose of rain will cross the southern threshold around 5AM tomorrow, advancing across the remainder of the service area by mid morning. Many towns inland will still be near the freezing mark thereafter some glazing is likely, however should not exceed 1/10”. Unlike today temps will slowly rise tomorrow while the rain falls. From Coburn’s Gore to Greenville a light mix of snow/sleet/freezing rain will launch, blending to light snow by early afternoon. This demarcation will settle south after dusk Monday night, ending a snow for all but the coast, a coating to 1”.  A hard freeze will set in Monday night, persisting through at least Christmas.  
de·mar·ca·tion also de·mar·ka·tion  (dmär-kshn)
1. The setting or marking of boundaries or limits.
2. A separation; a distinction
I added the above definition as I did not know the explanation:(  (rufe)

U.S. Government Purchase of Russian Helicopters for Afghan Air Force

Does anyone remember Barack Obama's great promise of the campaign of 2012? He did not make a promise to America nor to Americans. He did not make a promise to fellow politicians. Unlike so many of his promises, he is keeping this one. His promise was to Vladimir Putin of Russia. What is Obama doing to keep his promise to Putin? Everyone remembers the hot mike incident in 2012 when Barack Obama pleaded with Russian President Dmitri Medvedyev to give him time until the election. After the election, he promised Vladimir Putin, through Medvedyev, he would be more "flexible." Now we have seen this flexibility. 

Barack Obama is going to spend almost $700 million dollars of taxpayer money to buy Russian helicopters for the Afghan Air Force. But wait. Just like those TV commercials, this gets better. When Congress passed the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act, it had an interesting provision. Congress included, as a part of that law a prohibition on the United States buying helicopters from Rosoboronexport, the Russian manufacturer of the Mi-17 helicopter.

Unfortunately as always happens, when such laws are passed, Congress always gives the Regime an escape hatch. The law stated that Obama could buy from Rosoboronexport if the Secretary of Defense certified it was in the interest of National Security. And of course, the Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, a man committed to destroying the US military immediately signed off on that certification. Where do we even start with this one?
Congress is outraged over this with Senators and Representatives from both parties writing letters about this. Of course, this is Congress' fault for allowing a law to be written with such an escape hatch. More importantly, Americans need to be asking just what the hell the Obama Regime is doing.

Why are we spending $700 million dollars with a Russian arms manufacturer? Why are we even giving the Afghans these helicopters?

If we are going to give them helicopters, which we really shouldn't, then why not give them American made helicopters and put Americans to work?

Even if we are going to give the Afghans Russian helicopters, the ones we are giving them are an old Cold War design. There are hundreds of used MI-17 helicopters floating around the world. Why are we paying to give the Afghans brand new helicopters?

In the era of the Sequester, isn't there something better we can do with $700 million? American Medicare cancer patients are being turned away from hospitals and are being denied life saving treatment because of budget cuts. The American military is being gutted to the point of ineffectiveness because of budget cuts.

Or consider this. The United States Air Force is grounding 17 squadrons because of $591 million dollars in budget cuts. Our Air Force is not able to do its mission because it lacks the money to fly but we have the money to give Afghanistan $700 million dollars in Russian helicopters.

And this is where Barack Obama thinks we should spend our money? Most people reading this story will not have heard about it. Why?

Because the Obama Propaganda Media is moving in lock step to make sure there is no bad news that might damage Obama's presidency.

This is a story that should damage him and outrage every American.

Ask your Senator or Congressman why this outrage is being allowed and take a moment to share this story with your friends.

The only way we will ever stop Obama is if the American people know what he is doing

Another Government Program Shoved Down Your Tank: Warning Not to Use E15 Gas in Your Car: FOX Business

BBC: Mrs. Brown Christmas 2013

Mrs Brown's Christmas Card - Mrs Brown's Boys: Preview - BBC One Christmas 2013 



Mrs Brown Squeaks - Mrs Brown's Boys: Preview - BBC One Christmas 2013 


The People vs Winter

"When It's Winter Up In Maine..." The Wildest Snow Removal Vehicles Ever [w/ video] Boldride

Ah, winter. Snow falls gently from the sky and covers the countryside in a think blanket of…white crap that needs to be put somewhere else if you plan on driving a car or flying a plane anytime soon. Over the years, a lot of crazy people have come up with some insane, gigantic, widow-making snow removal equipment. Here’s a look at some of the most eye-opening versions of it:
Read All About It:

In the meantime, check out the videos below!

World's largest snow blower HD 




Giant Jet Train Snowblower * WARNING * LOUD NOISE *


School bus going through snow blower 



UP 4652 "Plow Train" by Wayne, Illinois on 2-2-2011 



PennDOT Tow Plow 



Dick Curless - Tomestone Every Mile 


Rufe's Weather Outlook Update

 12/22/13  6:30AM
 The freezing line is draped along the NH border, then cuts due east from Lebanon to Portland then hugs the coast down east to Port Clyde. It will not retreat appreciably today as hoped. However, rain showers will be very light south of Fryeburg, Lewiston to Rockland. Therefore less than 1/10” additional ice will accrete south of that zone and north of Portland –Lebanon. 

 Heavier icing will continue north through Lovell, Turner, Augusta to Belfast, up to an additional 1/3”. Along and north of Route 2 the heaviest icing will continue this morning, easing after 10AM yet not ending altogether until after dusk. Expect another 1/2” -2/3” ice today. North of Eustis to Dover-Foxcroft less than an additional 1/2” of ice is likely as more snow/sleet will blend, another 2”-4” through the day. As intoned for days, only a few tens of miles north to south will show marked differences in amounts and type of precipitation.  Please refer to new graphic for details.

 River flooding now appears unlikely as heavier precipitation will fall in the frozen form. Winds are not an issue. Thawing temps will finally arrive for nearly all Monday morning. At this time another dose of rain will overspread the state, most along the coast. At Coburn’s Gore to Greenville a light mix of snow/sleet/freezing rain will launch, blending to light snow. This demarcation will settle south after dusk Monday night, ending a snow for all, a coating to 2”, most north. A hard freeze will set in Monday night, persisting through at least Christmas.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Collusion or Just Plain Stupid‏

                       COLLUSION OR JUST PLAIN STUPIDITY??????

Recently, there was a legal question that came up because the Town Council was unfamiliar with our Town Charter.  Several citizens have read Section 6.05 (a) Amendment After Adoption and they all agree.  Below is the excerpt from our Town Charter.

It appears clear that ALL revenues received by the town from any source needs to be brought before the council for acceptance.  This will ensure all monies are accounted for and are properly disbursed in accordance with the Town Charters and all laws whether it is Federal or State.  This was the point of contention; Does the forfeiture fund received by the Police Department have to follow our Town Charter?

On October 1, 2013, Chief Brooks gave a very good presentation as to the United States Department of Justice:  Criminal Assets, Forfeiture and Money Laundering section and what these forfeiture funds could be used for.  These forfeiture funds can ONLY be used by the Police Department for law enforcement purposes.  Below  is an excerpt from Chief Brooks’ presentation clearly outlining what forfeiture funds can be used for??? 

However, the Town Attorney, Roger Therriault, has presented a letter to the Town Council (See Below) which contradicts our Town Charter.  In Attorney Therriault's, memorandum, he has stated the State Law MRSA Section 5824(3) requires approval by the legislative body of a municipality but he is not aware of any Federal requirements for the same.  This is a Town Attorney which does not even acknowledge our town's Charter and its requirements.  This is our town and we have a Charter the Town Council needs to follow.  

So ask yourselves this question “Is our town attorney looking out for our best interest?”  

Can anyone explain why our Charter was not referenced by OUR TOWN ATTORNEY?   

It would appear the town attorney has provided our Town Council with bad information since he never referenced our Charter.  If we cannot depend on him for accurate legal advice maybe the town needs to look for another attorney.

According to our Charter, funds received after an approved budget must be approved by the Town Council and forfeiture funds are to spend for law enforcement purposes ONLY.  However, these funds still come under the jurisdiction of the Town Charter and the Town Council.  This is to ensure the integrity of the Council and the Town.  Chief Brooks must spend these funds in accordance with our Purchasing Policy and must have the approval of the Town Council.  This is in accordance with our Charter.  No one has the authority to ignore our Charter and do whatever he wants.

Larry Fillmore

Lisbon Qtr. 1 Honor Roll‏


Lisbon – Lisbon High School Principal, Kenneth Healey announced on Friday, December 20, the Quarter 1 Honor Roll for the school year 2013-2014:

Jacob Bremmer, Nicholas Corey, Sierra Crosby, Robert Dall, Paige Galligan, Claudia Lemieux, Colby Perron, Stefan Smith, Bryanna Sult

Joshua Bedell, Tucker Brannon, Dillon Clifford, Robert Paradis, Tabitha Porter, Quincy Thompson 

Monica Austin, Ashley Caron, Mia Durgin, Amanda Hazelton, Reilly Johnson, Arianna Kahler, Taylor Plourde, Hannah Stritch, Charles Sult, Mikayla Yanez

Kyle Bourget, Daniel Boyer, Stevie Charest, Connor Craig, Adam Desjardins, Patrick Dexler, BrieAnna Hartley, Kailyn Hill, Courtney Lawrence, Richard Sargent, Draven Walker, Johnny Yim

Jake Angelico, Alyssa Briglio, Brittany Brown, Cody Campbell, Nicholas Harrriman, Charlotte Mooney, Breeann Sautter, Deliah Schreiber, Adrianna White, Eric Yim

Christian Childs, Nicholas Huston, Alexis Rider, Breann Vachon

Olivia Botting, Jacob Fusaro, Bryant Hall, Jasmin Le, Kaylin Le, Mikella Kipri Steele, Kyle Welsh

Ryley Austin, Alesha Bard, Jessica Call, Elise Chase, Jasmine Clark, Selena Cordner, Devin Libby, Zoe Meagher-Touchette, Christopher Normand, Karli Rogers, Michael Yohe

Friday, December 20, 2013

Epic Holiday Greeting from Chuck Norris

 Chuck Norris wishes you a Merry Christmas with this epic split in true Norris fashion.

Lisbon HS Class of 2014 Announces Winners of Downeaster Project‏


 Lisbon High School senior, David Judd, one of the top fundraisers for the Class of 2014, assisted (pictured at left) Principal Kenneth Healey early Friday morning, December 20 before the holiday break with a deadline orientated task.  Healey had the opportunity to make the holidays a little brighter for some by  drawing the three lucky winners of the Downeaster Train Raffle project.  The first place winner of two round trip tickets to Boston was Steve Bard, father of one another senior, Tyler Bard; second place was a gift book of movie passes worth over $200 at Flagship Cinemas was Larry Harkins; and the third prize of a Ghiradelli chocolate gift basket was awarded to Sharon Blackman.   Photo by Monica Millhime.

Lisbon – Members of the Lisbon High School Class of 2014 were able to deposit close to $700 to their Project Graduation account thanks to the generous donation of two tickets to Boston compliments of the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority.  Students held a raffle for the tickets and other items as a fundraiser.   Committee members attribute the success of their project to the community support from Food City, Lisbon Federal Credit Union, and the Lisbon Transfer Station for allowing students the opportunity to sell tickets on the weekends.  “Over the last four years, we have been very fortunate to have community sponsors like Northern New England, and so many others, supporting our student endeavors to defray the costs associated with their graduation,” shares Senior Class Advisor, Monica Millhime.    “Parents continue to be the driving force in assisting and supporting students with their fundraising projects.  We are fast approaching our graduation date of May 30, and thanks to the galvanized efforts of parents and our community, students continue to raise money for graduation.” FMI on other events and programs at Lisbon High School, email or visit us on Facebook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.

Lisbon's New AP/AD‏


Pictured (l-r):  Superintendent Richard Green and D. J. Thorne.  Photo by Monica Millhime.

Lisbon – Lisbon School Department Superintendent, Richard Green, recently announced the appointment of D. J. Thorne as the new  Philip W. Sugg (PWS) Middle School Assistant Principal / Activities Director.   “D. J. brings with him a diversified background and passion for working with students and their families on various levels,” shares Green.   Graduating from the University of Maine at Farmington in 2002, Thorne  taught and coached in the Lisbon District.  Prior to accepting the position at PWS, Thorne taught at Lisbon Community School (LCS) and Philip W. Sugg.  “We knew Mr. Thorne had great potential when he was hired to teach fourth grade in Lisbon in August 2002, shares mentor and Principal at LCS, Carlene Iverson.  “We are extremely appreciative that he has remained in Lisbon to become an administrator. So many more students will benefit from his genuine caring and deep commitment.”  Thorne is the son of Shirley and Roger Belanger of Corinna and Ron and Rose Thorne of Warren.  FMI on programs and other events visit and like us on FaceBook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.  

GOPDD: DO IT: A&E List of Advertisers – Hit the Network Where it Hurts – The Wallet!

by sophia
Clash Daily
I went to bed mad and I woke up still fuming at this culture of cry babies who throw tantrums when they hear someone else dare stand for the courage of their conviction and it happens to differ from theirs.  Especially when it comes from the party of the left– the self proclaimed[…]

"As such, here is a preliminary list of A&E sponsors/advertisers.  We will work on getting contact info to add to this as well.  In addition, I’ve read that when you buy Duck Dynasty “gear” make sure it is the Duck Commander brand and NOT the Duck Dynasty brand as A&E owns that as well.
Sensodyne: 1-866-844-2797
T-Mobile: Twitter @TMobile / 1-877-453-1304

Samsung: (PR department) / Twitter @samsungtweets / 1-800-726-7864

Motorola: Twitter @motorola / 1-800-734-5870 / 1-847-523-5000
Walgreens: Twitter @walgreens / 1-800-925-4733
IHOP:  1-866-444-5144 / Twitter @IHOP / 1-818-240-6055
Macy’s: (PR Department), 212-705-2434 / @Macys / 1-212-494-3000
Nokia: Twitter @Nokia / 1-888-665-4228

Microsoft: Twitter @microsoft / 1-800-642-7676

Verizon: Twitter @verizonwireless / 1-800- 837-4966
Bass Pro Shops: Twitter @Bass_Pro-Shops / 1-800-494-1300 or 1-800-227-7776
Progressive Insurance: 1-440-461-5000 /
You can also contact A&E directly at         "

GOPDD: Charlie Daniels: ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star’s Suspension is ‘Sorry Day’ in USA

by sophia
Breitbart On Thursday, country music singer Charlie Daniels weighed in on the Duck Dynasty controversy. Daniels said it was a "sorry day in America" when A&E can indefinitely suspend Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson and trample on his civil rights for "expressing heartfelt religious opinions." The network suspended Robertson this week for comments to GQ that were […]

Rufe's Weather Outlook Update: Word is that this storm could be as bad as (or worse than) the Ice Storm of ’98. Lets hope not…..

Weather Update
12/20/13  6:30AM

 First minor rain/snowfall:
 Snow will develop Rangeley to Lincoln shortly with several inches by dusk. Light rain will blossom a bit later throughout the remainder of the service area; freezing for a few hours north of Fryeburg to Newport amounting to 1/10” if that. Winds will be light. Precipitation will wane at night as the freezing line settles south. 

 The Main Event:
 The rain begins in earnest between 2-4PM tomorrow, the freezing line draped from Fryeburg, Auburn to Bucksport, icing north of that. Snow will fall Rangeley north. The freezing line will settle south to Lebanon, and Route One by dawn Sunday, to slowly retreat north during the day. The heaviest precipitation will occur 6AM -2PM, ending by midnight Sunday. Expect 1.2”-1.7” melted water equivalent, most north. If all ice, very serious: more sleet north, and more liquid south. The zone throughout the western interior to Bangor is very much threatened. The ice/snow demarcation will be situated from Jackman to Lincoln. 6”-12” of wet snow/sleet is likely in that corridor. Extensive icing is likely farther south to Fryeburg to Augusta to Bucksport, potential of 1/2” to 1”. Up to one half inch of ice is possible farther south to the Sebago Basin, Auburn and Camden. The coast will be spared. River flooding possible if ice jams form.

 Fortunately the inversion will be deep, preventing northerly gusts from exceeding 20 mph inland. Thawing temps for all but the far north will be followed by a hard freeze Monday night through at least Christmas. 

 With such a tight thermal gradient there is much leeway for error.
 The rest of New England will receive significant rain, no wind.

The Maine Wire: Medicaid expansion fight unfolds in polls‏

Medicaid expansion fight unfolds in polls
Posted: 19 Dec 2013 01:18 PM PST
  The Maine People’s Alliance, a liberal advocacy group, claimed on Thursday that its latest robotic poll of 434 Mainers shows strong support in swing districts for expanding eligibility for the medical welfare program. According to the MPA’s robo poll, 69.9 percent of respondents said they favor Medicaid expansion, while 28.8 percent said they opposed. […]

TMB: What’s Really at Stake in the Inequality Debate‏

Column: What’s Really at Stake in the Inequality Debate
By Matthew ContinettiIt’s a funny thing about the inequality debate that has consumed the American intelligentsia for the past several years: The individuals who are most interested in identifying, describing, diagnosing, and addressing the phenomenon of income inequality are the individuals least affected by it.

Hagel Calls Chinese Naval Action ‘Irresponsible’
BY BILL GERTZDefense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Thursday criticized the Chinese navy for the near collision between the U.S. guided missile cruiser USS Cowpens and a Chinese naval vessel in the South China Sea.

Senate Breaks With White House on Iran
By Adam KredoA bipartisan group of senators filed a new Iran sanctions measure on Thursday afternoon, just days after the White House and its Democratic allies successfully killed a similar measure.

Obama Administration Knew of Security Risks Before Launch
By Elizabeth HarringtonDocuments provided to the House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform reveal that the Obama administration knew of security vulnerabilities within prior to Oct. 1, but launched the website anyway.

Russia Experts: Obama Should Do More to Pull Ukraine Back into EU Orbit
By Daniel WiserThe Obama administration has opposed Ukraine’s rejection of a trade deal with the European Union (EU) but could still do more, experts say.

Review: ‘American Hustle’ and ‘Inside Llewyn Davis’
By Sonny BunchAmerican Hustle, David O. Russell’s latest, is in part a madcap heist film. It is in part a critique of American bureaucracy and the scams inherent in the system. And it is, in part, a virtuosic piece of filmmaking filled with verve.

Die Hard Is Not a ‘Christmas Movie’
By Sonny BunchThere’s been quite a bit of #NerdRage surrounding Die Hard. Specifically, people are upset that Katie Notopoulos pointed out that saying Die Hard is your favorite Christmas movie is both a bit smug (we get it, you’re special and way too cool to say, I dunno, A Christmas Story) and also factually inaccurate. Because, folks, it’s not a Christmas movie.

Ellison Barber: Obamacare P.R. Campaign Earns a ‘Fail’

By WFB Staff

Reporter for the Washington Free Beacon Ellison Barber said the Obama administration’s healthcare enrollment P.R. campaign has been a total failure Thursday in Fox News.


by clyde
robertson 2010
via Breitbart
In 2010, Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson publicly explained his position on homosexuality in a sermon he preached at the Berean Bible Church in Pennsylvania.
In the segment of the sermon posted by TMZ, he stated:
First they say there is no God. Get Him out of your mind. Then they say bow down to bird, animals, and reptiles, and each other. And the first thing you see coming out of them is gross sexual immorality. They will dishonor their bodies with one another, degrade each other. Is that going on in the United States of America? Look around…Boy is there some immorality going on around here.
He continued, citing Romans 1:26:
Therefore because they do not make it worthwhile to maintain the balance with God, He gave them over to shameful lusts. Women exchanged natural relations and were inflamed with lust for one another. And the men were inflamed with lust for each other. Women with women, men with men. They committed indecent acts with one another, and they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversions. They were full of murder, envy, strife and hatred. They are insolent, arrogant, God-haters. They are heartless, they are faithless, they are senseless, they are ruthless. They invent ways to do evil.
He stated, “That’s what you have 235 roughly after your forefathers founded the country. So what are you going to do, Pennsylvania? Just run with them? You’re going to die.”
Robertson’s position on homosexuality has never changed, nor has it been a secret. It may shock some, but it is also well within the tradition of fundamentalist Christian preaching on the subject. The fact that A&E suddenly acts surprised when Robertson says things he’s been saying for years is just more evidence that Robertson’s suspension is a knee-jerk, disingenuous attempt to avoid the slings and arrows of the politically correct.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Personal Liberty Digest: Lesbian Libertarian Camille Paglia Slams ‘Fascist’ Politically Correct Culture That Punishes ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star’s Right To Free Speech

 December 19, 2013 by  

Count on Camille Paglia to turn her progressive, myopic, ivory-tower echo-chamber colleagues red with indignant rage anytime she opens her mouth to speak the simple truth.
Paglia weighed in on the sanctimony-fueled uproar that “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson’s “suspension” from the massively popular A&E show generated Thursday, as the openly gay professor, intellectual and pop culture critic tore into the pervasiveness of politically correct timidity throughout American culture on an appearance on the Laura Ingraham radio show.
Paglia, author of the 1991 landmark Sexual Personae (the book that made Andrew Breitbart realize what a waste his Tulane education had been), hewed to the same fierce defense of free speech that has kept progressive critics – nearly all of whom lack the academic chops to assail her thinking on the merits – throwing off-the-mark ad hominem spears at her for two decades.
“I speak with authority here, because I was openly gay before the ‘Stonewall Rebellion,’ when it cost you something to be so,” said Paglia. “And I personally feel as a libertarian that people have the right to free thought and free speech.”
 In a democratic country, people have the right to be homophobic as they have the right to support homosexuality – as I 100 percent do. If people are basing their views against gays on the Bible, again they have a right to religious freedom there … to express yourself in a magazine in an interview. This is the level of punitive PC, utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist, okay? – that my liberal colleagues in the Democratic party and on college campuses have supported and promoted over the last several decades. It’s the whole legacy of the free-speech 1960s that have been lost by my own party.”

Read it all:

Lisbon Town Council Meeting December 17, 2013

GOPDD: America must wake up and Save our Country…

NaturalNews: How to alleviate arthritis pain‏ and more...

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Looking for natural ways to alleviate arthritis pain? Check out this list:

Allergies and cancer are on the rise due to GM foods:

What's the best water to drink? Filtered? Spring water? Mineral water? Get some answers here:

Learn about the hidden dangers of the mosquito spraying of U.S. cities:

more news continues below...

Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: LIVE remote broadcast from Vitality Bistro with Erin Elizabeth – non-drug approaches for curing Lyme disease with real food and dietary supplements. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

Today on
- Are your kids getting enough protein?
- Dog rescue and adoptions: Pros and cons
- Tumor-causing chemicals in food wrappers leach into your food

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GOPDD: Duck Dynasty’s Star Phil In Trouble With Gay Mafia‏

 by AmyElizabeth