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Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Truth About The Money Game; The Unmasking of Maine and Beyond: Introduction to the CAFR - Why You Can't Get Ahead (Govertment Insiders Behind The Curtain)‏

A great video, view HERE.

“There is massive fraud on the public by the institutions we thought we could trust.
Virtually every public entity is involved in hoarding and diverting public resources from public service to insider crony benefit and misuse.
This video explains why this is not only going on, but considered essential by the elite who want to keep you on a treadmill for their enrichment.
The message underlying this video is, demand an independent audit of the accounts (CAFR) of your city, county and state governments, school districts, courthouses, every public agency.
And most important, KEEP WHAT YOU EARN. – FIND A WAY.”
Find out more HERE.
Let your governors and legislators know…that we know!

NaturalNews: Science journal investigates flu propaganda scam by W.H.O.‏ plus more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Even the science journals are now investigating the total scam of the WHO's flu pandemic fear mongering. Here's what you need to know:

GMO soybeans are now threatening Mexico's honey sales. Remember when we warned about genetic pollution? It's here!

Women, beware! Mammograms are far more harmful than you think:

Europe embraces fresh, raw milk with 24-hour vending machines:

More news continues below...
Today on
- Why are electrolytes so important?
- Here's why astaxanthin is so impressive
- Recipes for making your own vitamin water!

BMJ investigation exposes Big Pharma as conspirator in WHO pandemic flu scam
(NaturalNews) The World Health Organization (WHO) is the subject of a new investigation aimed at uncovering what really took place during the 2009 global influenza pandemic, which led to tens of millions of people being vaccinated for so-called "swine...

Pollen from GM soybeans threatens Mexico's honey sales
(NaturalNews) A large part of Mexico's agricultural export is honey. They are ranked fifth worldwide for exporting the bees' food, but recently Germany rejected a batch of honey from Mexico. Pollen from genetically modified (GM) soybean plants was found...

Mammograms are more harmful than you think
(NaturalNews) Mammograms are widely touted as an effective breast cancer screening tool. But some research and experts suggest that it could be causing more harm than good. Increases cancer risk In undergoing mammograms, women are exposed...

UK school expels brothers for bringing cheese crackers to school, says they violate 'healthy eating' policy
(NaturalNews) In a shocking turn of events, a British parochial school has decided to expel two young brothers, one age six and the other four, for allegedly violating its healthy eating policy. Colnbrook C of E Primary School in Berkshire says six-year...

Europe embraces healthy raw dairy by unveiling fresh milk vending machines
(NaturalNews) As the U.S. government continues to wage war on raw dairy products, several European countries have done just the opposite by expanding access to the food through unpasteurized milk vending machines. Taking to heart findings from current...

Military-style guerrilla raid on Silicon Valley power substation puzzles Feds
(NaturalNews) Some say it could be just a fluke. Others say it might have been a dry run by terrorists. But nearly all analysts agree that, if it occurs on a wider scale, it could cripple the U.S. power grid. A report by the Los Angeles Times

Is your food living or dead?
(NaturalNews) Dr. George Malkmus said, "Our body is a living organism, comprised of living cells that were designed by God to be nourished exclusively with living (raw) plant-sourced foods." Is the majority of the food you eat on a daily basis living...

Rhode Island could be next state to legalize pot
(NaturalNews) Following a growing trend across the country, Rhode Island could be the next state to legalize marijuana for recreational use, if legislation recently proposed is passed and signed into law by the governor. A bill introduced by state...

North Carolina warns residents to avoid water and fish from contaminated Dan River
(NaturalNews) North Carolina has beautiful countryside, with the Appalachian mountains rolling through its western lands. A nice sprawl of rivers work their way through the state. Near the northern border winds Dan River. Once a serene river to fish from...

Tom Brokaw announces he has cancer; Doctors call it 'incurable,' despite natural cures
(NaturalNews) It was recently announced that former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw has multiple myeloma, a type of bone marrow cancer that the conventional medical industry says is incurable, though treatable. And while Mr. Brokaw has since...

Programming your ketogenic diet
(NaturalNews) Ketogenic diets are all the rage as they have been shown in studies to reduce inflammation, improve metabolism and enhance brain function. Many individuals do not know how to successfully enter into and maintain ketosis. Natural ketosis...

UK government can now ban smoking in cars to protect children
(NaturalNews) British Members of Parliament voted through a House of Lords amendment to enable the UK Health Secretary to ban smoking in cars with kids inside. Not just Wales but all of Great Britain is reeling from the decision, trying to figure out...

Keep yourself, your pets and your home healthier with apple cider vinegar
(NaturalNews) Apple cider vinegar is an age-old remedy that has a surprising number of uses, and while ewhole books have been written on this amazing remedy, many of us are still unaware of just how usful apple cider vinegar (ACV) can be. The following...

Teens who use energy drinks more likely to smoke, use alcohol, take drugs
(NaturalNews) A new study has found that energy drinks may be a sort of gateway drug to smoking, alcohol and drug use for teens. The study, which was published in the January/February issue of the Journal of Addiction Medicine, found that nearly...

New York City douses parks with toxic Roundup hundreds of times annually: Is your city doing the same thing?
(NaturalNews) Spring is just around the corner, which for millions of Americans will mean bursting forth from hibernation into the lush green spaces of their local public parks and recreational areas. But if your town or city is anything like New York...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Not Only Do We Incur Locally But Also Worldly; GOPDD:Press Freedom in US falls 13 Spots in One Year Under Obama‏

Americans have grown up being taught that we are the land of the free. An absolutely critical component to maintaining that freedom is a free press. In a study recently conducted by the World Press Freedom index, some serious problems with freedom of the press in the United States were exposed.
America fell 13 positions in just one year, one of the most precipitous falls of modern times. We now rank behind many former Soviet states.
Much of the drop was attributed directly to the Obama regime’s war on whistleblowers. There have been more lawsuits filed against whistleblowers under Obama than in all of the previous administrations combined.
America now finds itself behind the former Soviet republics of Lithuania and Latvia, as well as former satellite nations of Romania, Poland and Czechoslovakia (Czech Republic and Slovakia). Ghana, South Africa and El Salvador now rank higher in press freedom than does the United States.
On Tuesday, Reporters Without Borders issued a statement saying, “Countries that pride themselves on being democracies and respecting the rule of law have not set an example, far from it. Freedom of information is too often sacrificed to an overly broad and abusive interpretation of national security needs, marking a disturbing retreat from democratic practices. Investigative journalism often suffers as a result.”
“This has been the case in the United States (46th), which fell 13 places, one of the most significant declines, amid increased efforts to track down whistleblowers and the sources of leaks. The trial and conviction of Private Bradley Manning and the pursuit of NSA analyst Edward Snowden were warnings to all those thinking of assisting in the disclosure of sensitive information that would clearly be in the public interest.”
There are 180 countries on the list, with the best rated nations being largely in Europe. Canada placed 18th.

More to follow here:

Connecticut, Cops, Collusion, Corruption and Coverups: The Unmasking of Maine and Beyond: Wolfgang Halbig Threatened for Questioning Sandy Hook

 Wolfgang W. Halbig, Former Florida State Trooper and United States Customs Inspector

AFP reports “School Safety Expert Threatened for Questioning Sandy Hook. Wolfgang W. Halbig doesn’t believe anyone was killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012, and he’s looking for some answers. So many answers, in fact, that he was paid a visit by some police investigators telling him to back off.

Mr. Halbig isn’t your average “conspiracy theorist.” He’s worked in public education as a teacher, dean, assistant principal, principal of an alternative school and as the Director for School Safety and Security for the Seminole County Public Schools, a school district of approximately 65,000 students. ” Read more HERE.

Dave Gahary, host of AFP’s ‘Underground Interview’ series spoke with Wolfgang about why he doesn’t believe the official story of the Sandy Hook Elementary School event, in this interesting interview (43:23).

 A must listen for all, to interview dynamics

The Maine Wire: Bowdoin College to Christians: Get Lost!‏

Bowdoin College to Christians: Get Lost!
Posted: 14 Feb 2014 08:53 AM PST
BRUNSWICK, Maine – Bowdoin College officials have banned a local lawyer and his wife from leading campus Bible studies with students after the couple refused to sign a non-discrimination agreement they say violates their Christian faith. “The college has terminated us,” said Robert B. Gregory of Damariscotta. Gregory, along with his wife Sim, are volunteers […]

(click on title to read much more)

As Foreclosue Fraud Tries To Get Swept Under Main Stream Media's Rug We Present A Win For This Homeowner: NEW MEXICO FORECLOSURE WIN - Bank of New York v Romero by Bradley Walker

Submitted by: ' Roger T. & Jim A.'

A North Carolina School's Recent Weather Closure Announcement Goes Viral

Now who said that Education can't be Fun, Entertaining and Creative?  We feel that this is a great example of the Administration utilizing technology to "get the word out" with a flare of ingenuity. Enjoy!  With over three million hits in two days apparently there are many people that appreciate it also.

Durham Academy Weather Announcement 



Durham Academy, independent day school for grades Pre-K - 12

Friday, February 14, 2014

Are Judges Corrupt and Bought-n-Paid For? AP: Report: Gov't success in immigration court drops

WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly half of immigrants facing deportation are now winning their cases before an immigration judge, their highest success rate in more than 20 years, according to a new analysis of court data published Thursday.
The U.S. government has been losing more deportation cases each year since 2009, according to the Transaction Records Clearinghouse at Syracuse University, which collects and studies federal prosecution records.
It does not say how many deportation cases Immigration and Customs Enforcement, whose lawyers represent the government in immigration courts, successfully appealed to the Board of Immigration Appeals. The government can appeal immigration court rulings to the Board of Immigration Appeals, part of the Justice Department.
Since the start of the 2014 budget year in October, immigration judges ruled in favor of immigrants in about half of the 42,816 cases heard, TRAC reported. In 2013 the government won about 52 percent of cases.
Immigrants in California, New York and Oregon have been most successful recently, while judges in Georgia, Louisiana and Utah have sided more often with the government, according to TRAC.
Immigration supporters accuse the Obama administration of deporting too many people, but Republicans say the president is too lenient on immigrants living in the country illegally.
Nearly 2 million immigrants have been removed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement under President Barack Obama.

 Continue reading more of this article here

Is Big Brother Out of Control? Infowars: Homeland Security to Activate ‘National License Plate Recognition Database’

UK version of spy system was used to target political activists
 Paul Joseph Watson
February 13, 2014

The Department of Homeland Security is set to activate a national license plate tracking system that will be shared with law enforcement, allowing DHS officers to take photos of any license plate using their smartphone and upload it to a database which will include a “hot list” of “target vehicles”.

 Image: License Plate Scanning Camera (Wikimedia Commons).
The details are included in a PDF attachment uploaded yesterday to the Federal Business Opportunities website under a solicitation entitled “National License Plate Recognition Database.”
The system will “track vehicle license plate numbers that pass through cameras or are voluntarily entered into the system from a variety of sources (access control systems, asset recovery specialists, etc.) and uploaded to share with law enforcement” in order to help locate “criminal aliens and absconders.”
In other countries that have activated license plate tracking networks, such as the United Kingdom, political activists have been targeted by having their vehicles added to a “hotlist” after attending protests. One example led to a man being questioned under anti-terror laws after he traveled to take part in an anti-war demonstration.
As the image above illustrates, the cameras are also used by local governments in Australia to keep records of people who violate parking restrictions. Critics of the system in Australia have condemned it as “a Pandora’s box for abuse of power, mistakes and illegal disclosure,” stressing that the technology allows authorities to record “your number plate at a certain time and location,” allowing police to “compile an extraordinary amount of data about you. This includes your name, address, contact details, driving history and license status.”
“Innocent people are increasingly being treated with suspicion due to the tiny chance that some offense may be committed,” writes David Jancik.

Much more to read here:

TMB: The Hillary Papers and the Death of the Mainstream Media‏ and more

Column: The Hillary Papers and the Death of the Mainstream Media  
By Matthew ContinettiThe school of literary criticism known as reception theory holds that a text should be studied in light of its effect on its contemporaries, that a reader should be aware of the “horizon of expectations” in which a text is produced.

Union-Backed Groups Spend Hundreds of Thousands Attacking Cotton, Jolly
By Lachlan MarkayProminent Democratic groups backed by some of the nation’s largest labor unions made large independent expenditures on Tuesday attacking Republican candidates in Arkansas and Florida.

Lawmakers Call for GAO Audit of Cover Oregon Failure
By CJ CiaramellaRepublicans called for a federal audit of the beleaguered Cover Oregon website Wednesday after allegations of criminal fraud surfaced recently.

Wireless Threat
By Bill GertzObama administration security officials say President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are not strongly opposing a South Korean plan to use Chinese telecommunications gear in an advanced wireless network, thus increasing concerns of cyber spying espionage against U.S. military forces in the country.

USDA Gave $303,890 in Wool Loans to Couple Who ‘Owned No Sheep’
By Elizabeth HarringtonThe U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) gave $303,890 in wool loans to an Iowa couple that “owned no sheep.”

‘Robocop’ Review
By Sonny BunchRobocop, it seems, is the go-to property for Hollywood studios interested in handing millions of dollars to foreign directors interested in attacking America.

Marvel vs. DC
By Sonny Bunch(Warning: Nerd-post ahead.) Growing up, I was always more fond of Marvel than DC. Sure, I enjoyed Batman as a concept but I had a hard time getting into the books: I was a Spider-Man sort of kid.

Barber on Dems Cashing Out By Opposing Keystone Pipeline

By WFB StaffThe Washington Free Beacon’s Ellison Barber joined Fox News Thursday to discuss a recent Free Beacon report that found some Democrats who oppose Transcanada’s Keystone XL Pipeline have thousands of dollars invested in Transcanada’s competitors.

NaturalNews: California rice shows almost zero lead, cadmium - why the difference?‏ Plus More

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
I just finished testing USDA Organic, Non-GMO rice varieties grown in California, where environmental regulations are quite stringent.
Guess what? They show virtually zero lead, cadmium and mercury. Total heavy metals are extremely low.
So why is this U.S.-grown rice so much lower in heavy metals than the rice protein being imported from Asia?

New York City sprays its city parks with Roundup herbicide. Is your city doing the same thing?

Monsanto now indoctrinating children and teens via the 4-H club:

A newly-developed hemp oil could be the best cooking oil ever developed!

P.S. We've just reached one million likes on Facebook! Thank you, Facebook fans, for making Natural News one of the most popular websites in the world! See our posts every hour at:

More news continues below...

Valentine’s Day Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST:  Dr. Frank King and RSB discuss the power of love and answer a listener question about edema. Listen in at

Today on
- Train your child's palate (to appreciate healthy foods)
- Jumpstart your morning with a sensational shower
- Holistic dentistry will make you smile

New York City douses parks with toxic Roundup hundreds of times annually: Is your city doing the same thing?
(NaturalNews) Spring is just around the corner, which for millions of Americans will mean bursting forth from hibernation into the lush green spaces of their local public parks and recreational areas. But if your town or city is anything like New York...

Arkansas residents continue to suffer one year after Exxon oil spill
(NaturalNews) Residents in Mayflower, Arkansas, have been sick, coughing and with chronic headaches. Many are leaving their neighborhood and moving somewhere safer. When one of ExxonMobil's pipeline's burst about a year ago, a major oil spill overtook...

4-H youth club partners with Monsanto: World's youths in danger of pro-GMO indoctrination
(NaturalNews) Monsanto, considered by some to be the world's most-hated corporation, has negotiated a partnership with 4-H, a popular worldwide agricultural youth organization. 4-H has more than six million members in 80 countries, anywhere from elementary...

Twitter, Facebook really do make people stupid, says science
(NaturalNews) 2014 exists in an era when technology allows us to instantaneously access vast amounts of information; however, this advancement has apparently caused our intellect to dwindle, resulting in a population of people unable to think analytically...

Losing your job because of Obamacare is actually good for you, says Democrat lawmaker
(NaturalNews) The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has announced that the equivalent of roughly 2 million full-time American workers will vanish from the U.S. economy by 2017 as a result of Obamacare, and one Democrat lawmaker from Minnesota says this...

New hemp oil could be a powerful cooking alternative
(NaturalNews) A recently developed hemp plant may prove to provide the ideal cooking oil; watch out, olive oil. The University of York reported that they have developed a hemp plant that contains a significantly higher quantity of oleic acid. The new...

Mysterious underwater 'fairy rings' are not the work of aliens
(NaturalNews) There has been much speculation about some mysterious underwater "fairy rings" that have been spotted off the coast of Denmark. Besides the fairy angle, some have suggested that perhaps they are the work of aliens. Others have had a more...

Cities consider switching from corrosive salt to natural beet juice for de-icing roads
(NaturalNews) It would seem as though they are better suited for filling a lunch plate than being spread all over our roads. But beets, and particularly beet juice, are proving to be a highly effective alternative to pollutive salt rocks for de-icing...

Cannabis compound relieves pain from osteoarthritis
(NaturalNews) Pain from osteoarthritis leaves many debilitated due to stiff and swollen joints. While prescriptions are readily available for osteoarthritis sufferers, they often leave patients with the choice of living between two worlds: If they take...

Researchers say your body odor should be your new ID
(NaturalNews) Ever share a cab, an elevator or some other small space with someone who has an odor? Well, in the near future, our body odor will not need to be quite that pungent in order for us to be identified through technology. Just a hint of a smell...

Woman's legs make up two-thirds of her body
(NaturalNews) She's been told before, "You're all legs!" She, more than anyone else of course, knows that. Her name is Brook Banker. She's a 5'11" model. She has 47-inch legs. In all, her legs make up roughly two-thirds of her body, which is incredible...

Ad Calls for End to Taiji Dolphin Drive Hunt
(NaturalNews) Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project, a project of Earth Island Institute, today ran an advertisement in the New York Times calling for an end to the bloody dolphin hunts in Taiji, Japan. The ad includes a link to the Dolphin Project website where...

Lawmakers introduce bill to restore 'Net Neutrality' rules
(NaturalNews) It is one of those pieces of legislation that should be unnecessary, but as it happens, it is being welcomed, especially by online publishers, bloggers and other producers of news and opinions that might be considered unruly by the...

The future of Bitcoin is in the hands of clueless regulators
(NaturalNews) In recent months, we've begun to pay more attention to the alternative currency phenomenon that is Bitcoin, but as time goes on - and despite more coverage of the currency and its uses - most Americans still don't know much about it, and...

How drinking coffee can give you a long, happy life
(NaturalNews) People joke about how drinking coffee has created a culture of caffeine junkies, people who are basically zombies without their cups of Joe. But the reality is that while some people will take anything to excess, moderate coffee consumption...

California-grown Lundberg rice shows near-zero heavy metals; case closed on 'naturally occurring' excuse for lead in rice products
(NaturalNews) Immediately after Natural News shocked the natural products industry by revealing significant levels of heavy metals in rice protein products, several of the...

Global cancer rates to skyrocket by 70% over next 20 years as conventional medicine fails
(NaturalNews) The overall number of new people who will develop cancer in a given year is expected to nearly double over the next two decades, claims a new report put out by the World Health Organization (WHO). Analysts at the international governing...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Personal Liberty Digest: Bill Before Arizona Senate Would Force U.S. To Get Local Sheriffs’ Permission To Enforce Federal Law


A bill before the Arizona State Senate would make it a crime for Federal officers to attempt to enforce Federal law in the State without first receiving written permission from the County sheriff where the action is to occur.
According to the Arizona Daily Star, Senate Bill 1290 would require a Federal agent to obtain a county sheriff’s consent before arresting or searching anyone who’s the target of a Federal investigation or apprehension attempt in Arizona. The bill provides exceptions for crimes that are witnessed while in progress, for agents who are State-certified peace officers and for U.S. Customs and the Border Patrol.
Sponsored by Republican State Senator Judy Burges, the bill is intended to ensure elected sheriffs are able, under the law, to protect their constituents if the Federal government attempts an operation that “supersedes” the authority of the sheriff.
Richard Mack, former sheriff of Graham County in the State’s rural southeastern quadrant, argued persuasively for the bill before a Senate panel, according to the Daily Star.
“[W]e allow bureaucrats from Washington, D.C., to come in and supersede his [the sheriff’s] authority, and to do whatever they want in his county, and they can say nothing about it? …We’re asking that the federal government do something they should already be doing: verifying their work and what they’re doing with the sheriff as a check and balance so that atrocities committed in the 1990s especially by the federal government at Ruby Ridge and Waco and other places …This will be normal activity and will continue if we don’t have somebody locally telling the federal government, ‘You can’t do that,’” he said.

FreedomOutpost: Constitutional Sheriffs Are Liberty’s Brightest Light

 If you are a lover of liberty in America today, you probably have gotten used to hearing and seeing “bad news.” 
I’m sure that you would agree that we live in an age of lawlessness and corruption. We have a central government that has become everything that our Founders feared. Indeed, Washington, D.C. has become a black hole of consolidated power that is bent on enslaving, impoverishing and destroying the very people it is duty bound, before the Almighty, to protect. 
Rather than defend our God-given rights, our government has become the abuser of those rights. 

Rather than upholding law, government uses the “color of law” to break the law. 
Our state and local governments, which are duty bound to interpose on our behalf and protect us from this lawbreaking, far too often assume the role of the tyrant’s local commissar. They inflict further evil upon us by trading our liberties and our property for grants and perks that are funded by our tax monies in the first place. In this way, the people are double victims. 
But there is some good news, and I would like to share it with you.
I recently attended a meeting of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. These sheriffs and peace officers might just be the brightest light that shines today for the cause of liberty and justice. 

Headed by former Sheriff Richard Mack, these officers are dedicated to the protection of the God-given liberties of the people they represent. They are a serious band of brothers, who recognize that they have taken an oath before God and that oath does not obligate them to obey courts or agencies that operate outside of the Constitution. Rather, they are committed to following the Constitution which is the Supreme Law of the Land. 
Moreover, they recognize that the rights they are duty bound to defend have a divine origin. They are part of God’s created order and are fixed and unchanging. They are not subject to the will and the whims of courts and bureaucrats. 
On January 24, 2014, the CSPOA published a resolution which declared, among other things, that “no agency established by the U.S. Congress can develop its own policies or regulations which supersede the Bill of Rights or the U.S. Constitution, nor does the executive branch have the power to make law, overturn law, or set aside law.”
The resolution also declares that certain abuses of the citizenry will not be tolerated including “arrest of citizens or seizure of persons or property without first notifying and obtaining the express consent of the local sheriff.” 

This resolution deserves the support of all lovers of liberty. These sheriffs and peace officers, having recognized their duty under God and the Constitution, are bravely stepping forward to do that duty and to defend your rights. They are deserving of your commendation and your support. I am asking you to give them your prayers, your encouragement and your financial support. 
You can do this by visiting their website at 
You should also ask your local sheriff to join this effort. 
Learn more about your Constitution with Michael Anthony Peroutka and his “Institute on the Constitution”.

Submitted by: Todd Comber
If you are a lover of liberty in America today, you probably have gotten used to hearing and seeing "bad news."
I'm sure that you would agree that we live in an age of lawlessness and corruption. We have a central government that has become everything that our Founders feared. Indeed, Washington, D.C. has become a black hole of consolidated power that is bent on enslaving, impoverishing and destroying the very people it is duty bound, before the Almighty, to protect.
Rather than defend our God-given rights, our government has become the abuser of those rights.
Rather than upholding law, government uses the "color of law" to break the law.
Our state and local governments, which are duty bound to interpose on our behalf and protect us from this lawbreaking, far too often assume the role of the tyrant's local commissar. They inflict further evil upon us by trading our liberties and our property for grants and perks that are funded by our tax monies in the first place. In this way, the people are double victims.
But there is some good news, and I would like to share it with you.
I recently attended a meeting of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. These sheriffs and peace officers might just be the brightest light that shines today for the cause of liberty and justice.
Headed by former Sheriff Richard Mack, these officers are dedicated to the protection of the God-given liberties of the people they represent. They are a serious band of brothers, who recognize that they have taken an oath before God and that oath does not obligate them to obey courts or agencies that operate outside of the Constitution. Rather, they are committed to following the Constitution which is the Supreme Law of the Land.
Moreover, they recognize that the rights they are duty bound to defend have a divine origin. They are part of God's created order and are fixed and unchanging. They are not subject to the will and the whims of courts and bureaucrats.
On January 24, 2014, the CSPOA published a resolution which declared, among other things, that "no agency established by the U.S. Congress can develop its own policies or regulations which supersede the Bill of Rights or the U.S. Constitution, nor does the executive branch have the power to make law, overturn law, or set aside law."
The resolution also declares that certain abuses of the citizenry will not be tolerated including "arrest of citizens or seizure of persons or property without first notifying and obtaining the express consent of the local sheriff."
This resolution deserves the support of all lovers of liberty. These sheriffs and peace officers, having recognized their duty under God and the Constitution, are bravely stepping forward to do that duty and to defend your rights. They are deserving of your commendation and your support. I am asking you to give them your prayers, your encouragement and your financial support.
You can do this by visiting their website at
You should also ask your local sheriff to join this effort.
Learn more about your Constitution with Michael Anthony Peroutka and his "Institute on the Constitution" and receive your free gift.


Lisbon Town Council Meeting Agenda February 18, 2014

7:00 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules



A. Special Entertainment Permit - Sandra Harkins d/b/a Railroad Restaurant & Pub




2014-26 ORDER −A. Special Entertainment Permit & Liquor License - Sandra Harkins d/b/a Railroad Restaurant

B. Minutes of February 4, 2014


2014-27 ORDER −Executive Search Proposals

2014-28 ORDER −Killatainment request use of Town Property for filming

2014-29 PROCLAMATION −Happy 100th Birthday to Lisbon's Gold Post Cane Recipient


A. Route 196 Master Plan Sub-Committee Presentation

B. Library Department Presentation

C. Parks Department Presentation

D. Finance Committee Role in upcoming budget process

E. Discussion on FY2015 Budget Challenges & Opportunities







2014-30 ORDER −To Adjourn

Lisbon Town Council Meeting February 11, 2014

Lisbon School Committee Meeting February 10, 2014

Recap Town Council Workshop Meeting - February 11th ‏ 2014


At last night's Town Council Workshop, there was a presentation by Mr. Ryan Leighton.  Mr. Leighton outlined the responsibilities of the Public Works Department, Solid Waste, Sewer Department, Technology Department and finally the Town Engineer’s office.  This presentation was informative and very well done by Mr. Leighton.

One of the highlights of the presentation was when Mr. Leighton announced that the replacement of the Police Department servers was not charged to the Police Department budget.  Instead, this cost was charged to the Technology Department.  I am sure this was done to reduce the amount taxpayers are forced to pay for the enormous Police Department.  There are several other costs that are not in the Police Department that are solely used by the Police Department.  

How can anyone tell how much it costs the taxpayers to operate any department when all costs are not charged to that department?
Next, the Council had a discussion on which of the three organizations, which had provided presentations, as to what they will do for the town in search of a new Town Manager.  The majority of the councilors chose Eaton Peabody Consulting with Municipal Resources coming second and no one really voicing their support of the Maine Municipal Association (MMA).  There were some unanswered questions pertaining to the total cost by each organization and timelines.  The Interim Town Manager, Mr. Dale Olmstead was asked to contact each organization and seek the missing information prior to Tuesday’s Town council meeting.  The Council will vote on the issue at that time.

Larry Fillmore

[Originally published on 02-12-2014 4:57am]