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Monday, February 5, 2018


On the Town Council agenda for Tuesday night is the Lisbon Emergency – Level Service/Funding.  The Town Council appointed Councilors Norm Albert and Mark Lunt to form a sub-committee to evaluate ALL options pertaining to Lisbon Emergency, Inc.
This sub-committee has met several times and the Town sent out a Request for Procurement (RFP).  However, this was only one option reviewed.  Other options were to supplement the failing Lisbon Emergency, Inc. with taxpayer’s dollars in the amounts below:
FY                      TOTAL CHARGES                LISBON SHARE       BOWDOIN SHARE

2018-2019        $162,152.78                       $127,884.46           $34,267.92

2019-2020        $187,762.90                        $149,172.84           $39,590.06

2020-2021         $251,354.03                        $199,245.74          $52,108.29
Other options presented was has Lisbon Fire Department take over this responsibility and not doing anything.
However, the sub-committee had another suggestion to review and ignored it completely.  The option was to ask the two hospital’s (St Mary and CMMC), who own United Ambulance, for assistance.  The option was for the TOWN to DIRECTLY communicate with the hospitals and this was ignored.  I do not understand how the Town Council can consider this agenda item without first having ALL options evaluated before a vote.
I also do not understand why this situation has NOT been brought to the attention of the people of Lisbon.  A situation this serious should have the input of all citizens and NOT just at a Public Hearing.  The Public Hearing will be the first time the people have been notified.  There are no videos of the sub-committee meetings so the people have no clue what is going on.  This is typical for the Town of Lisbon; asking the people to speak on issues without knowing all the fact first.  This is the method used to reduce town involvement by the people and to ensure the town gets the results they want.
At no time has anyone mentioned how they plan to pay to supplement Lisbon Emergency, Inc. 
Larry Fillmore

Thursday, February 1, 2018


Photo caption:  L-A Rotary Lunch Club President, Monica Millhime (at left) is assisted by fellow Rotarian, Ray Martel with the presentation of the Club’s $4,500 donation to Wendy Russell from the SEARCH Program. Photo courtesy of Jacki Majerus-Collins.
Auburn – Members of the Lewiston-Auburn Rotary Lunch Club recently presented a $4,500 grant check to Wendy Russell, Director Catholic Charities SEARCH  (Seek Elderly Alone, Renew Courage & Hope) Program.  The grant’s financial assistance to the program will provide a laptop, client assistance funding for seniors with emergency response services, and transportation support assistance via bus passes and gas cards.  “Rotary unites leaders from continents, cultures and occupation to exchange ideas and take action to meet the needs of communities around the world,” shares L-A Rotary President, Monica Millhime.  “Supporting the SEARCH program aligns our Rotary mission with involvement  in our community to support programs that strengthen the capacity of communities to provide economic and community development.  Our Club members embrace the concept of healthy, physical, social, emotional, and academic, development for senior citizens.”  The Club was founded in 1917 and has made over $750,000 charitable contributions through scholarships and charitable contributions.  Members meet weekly from noon to 1 p.m. at the Village Inn, 165 High Street, Auburn.  FMI on program and events call 713.7045 or email  Weekly updates are posted on Facebook:


Photo caption:  L-A Rotary Lunch Club members Lorraine Bard and Peter Arsenault (featured at right) assisted Washburn School Principal, Andrew Bard, with Fire Prevention Safety Awards to students.  Photo courtesy of Monica Millhime. 
Auburn - A Fire Prevention program including a coloring and poster contest, in partnership with Washburn Elementary School in Auburn, was sponsored by the Lewiston-Auburn Rotary Lunch Club. Members of the Rotary Club collected the student entries and selected the best submissions that captured the importance of adhering to fire safety procedures.  Rotary members were invited by Washburn School Principal Andrew Bard, and his staff to an assembly to announce the winners and award the prizes. L- A Club President Monica Millhime was accompanied by Rotarians Lorraine Bard and Peter Arsenault to congratulate students. “Supporting literacy and adopting Washburn School, was one of our top priorities as a Rotary Club this year,” shares Millhime. All of the winners received a gift certificate thanks to a Rotary partnership with Sam’s Italian. The winners of the coloring contest were: Kaida Gatcomb - Kindergarten; Angelina Tardif – Grade 1; Jenna Powell - Grade 2. The winners of the class posters were: Miss Tufts’ class grade 4 & Mrs. Ricard’s class Grade 5/6. “Students were engaged and welcoming during our presentation and we look forward to future endeavors with the students and staff at Washburn,” comments Millhime.  Members meet weekly from noon to 1 p.m. at the Village Inn, 165 High Street, Auburn.  FMI on program and events call 713.7045 or email  Weekly updates are posted on Facebook:


Auburn - On Thursday, March 8, from noon to 1:00 p.m. at The Village Inn, 165 High Street, Auburn, Katherine Grondin, Superintendent for the Auburn School Department, will be the featured guest speaker of the L-A Rotary Lunch Club.  Grondin’s love for the Auburn community began when her family moved to Maine in the summer of 1979. She graduated from Edward Little High School in 1982 and went to University of Southern Maine to become a teacher. Since becoming a teacher for the Auburn School Department in 1988, she has served in several leadership roles, before becoming Superintendent in 2011.  It is her passion for education that drives her every day to work with her outstanding colleagues and staff to strive to provide a high quality education for all students. The Auburn School Department is focused on its Vision 2020 and the building of a new Edward Little High School. Grondin understands the importance of engaging with the community to garner support for education. She is member of the LA Metro Chamber Board and serves on the Education and Workforce Development Committee. She facilitates a Business Roundtable, which connects educators and business leaders, in order to collaborate to best educate students to be career and college ready after graduation. Grondin was honored in 2007 as the National Distinguished Principal of the Year and represented the state of Maine in Washington D.C.  Reservations are not required at the luncheon.  FMI on future Rotary speakers, contact President and Program Chair, Monica Millhime, 713.7045 or email  Events and other club information are posted at and


Auburn - On Thursday, April 12, from noon to 1:00 p.m. at The Village Inn, 165 High Street, Auburn, Jennifer Cartmell will be the featured guest speaker of the L-A Rotary Lunch Club.  Cartmell joined Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine 2017 to serve BBBS Manager for the Androscoggin region. The mission of BBBS is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. Cartmell has served on numerous volunteer boards and committees:  the American Cancer Society of Sun Valley, the Idaho State ACS, Advertising Club of Maine boards, and as development, event and media relations coordinator for many non-profits on a pro bono basis including Sagadahoc Preservation, Habitat for Humanity, Freeport Rotary, Universal Promise and Honor Flight Maine. Cartmell brings her wealth of event planning and marketing expertise to the BBBS team with a strong advertising, talent agency, TV and radio and media relations background.  She has been responsible for producing national films, TV and radio programs and commercials.  Cartmell is a former host of the Sun Valley Show, and is a freelance writer for a NY area based newspaper.  These experiences bring a strong contribution to the creative development and strategic planning end of BBBS.  She oversees management of BBBS events in the Androscoggin area. Upcoming events include Bowl For Kids’ Sake event, taking place in Lewiston May 9th, 11th and 12th, and Golf for Kids’ Sake, Monday, June 18th at Martdindale, Auburn.  For information or participation in either of those events, contact her directly:  jennifer@bbbsmidmaine.orgCartmell is also responsible for coordinating the agency’s school based match supports in Lewiston-Auburn and working to strengthen and expand the existing programs and outreach.  Since starting with BBBSMM she has doubled the number of youth served in Androscoggin.  In the role of Androscoggin Manager, she also serves as a community relations representative for BBBS of Mid-Maine building relationships with local businesses, partnering with corporate leaders and decision makers, and working closely with other non-profits to assist promote the wellbeing of Maine children facing adversity. Reservations are not required at the luncheon.  FMI on future Rotary speakers, contact President and Program Chair, Monica Millhime, 713.7045 or email  Events and other club information are posted at and

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

L-A Rotary Lunch Club to Hear Rachel Desgrosseilliers at Museum L-A on March 15

Lewiston - On Thursday, March 15, from noon to 1:00 p.m. a catered lunch will be provided by Grant’s Bakery at Museum L-A, 35 Canal Street Lewiston.  Rachel Desgrosseilliers will be the featured guest speaker at the Lewiston-Auburn Rotary Lunch Club off-site luncheon meeting.  Desgrosseilliers is the Executive Director of Museum L-A of Lewiston-Auburn, has been self-employed through her photography studio “Prints by Rachel” and Gooseberry Barn which she owned with her husband Harvey for 20 years and has been in non-profit leadership for many years.  She received her BS in Accounting from New Hampshire College and her Masters in Hospital and Health Care Administration from St. Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri.  Desgrosseilliers was founder of the Great Falls Balloon Festival and for the past 13 years has overseen the growth of Museum L-A, a museum of work and community that has received several awards from the museum field.  Museum L-A has just recently turned the corner from the economic downturn and is moving forward with new staff, new programs, new board members and new momentum.  After updating the L-A Rotary Lunch Club on happenings and future direction for the Museum, a special behind the scenes tour will be conducted.  Members will be able to view the Kids as Curators Exhibit of the Auburn Middle and Lewiston High School Students as well as a preview of the redesign of the permanent exhibit to incorporate the many great artifacts and display pieces that were received from the American Textile History Museum in Lowell, Massachusetts along with the new exhibit section that is being created to showcase our great shoe industry businesses still in existence today.  Desgrosseilliers serves on many local committees and task forces, received the Chamber of Commerce Ray Geiger Award for leadership in the community; Auburn Citizen of the Year for Outstanding Service and Dedication to the Community and Citizens of Auburn; Business Woman of the Year-from the Professional Business Woman’s Association; and, was inducted in the Franco Hall of Fame for the State of Maine for work done to preserve and enhance the history of Franco-Americans in Maine.  Lunch is $14 per person and guest reservations are requested by calling 713.7045.  FMI on future Rotary speakers, contact President and Program Chair, Monica Millhime, 713.7045 or email  Events and other club information are posted at and

Dog Licenses Due NOW


NOTICE:  If you have an unlicensed dog, the deadline for licensing is Wednesday!  There is a late fee of $25 per dog that begins February 1st.  Licensing fee is $6 for a dog that has been fixed and $11 for one that hasn't.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Maine Downtown Institute: Skill Builder Series


Date:  February 15, 2018
Time:  9:00 to 12:30 p.m.
Location:  Bath Savings Institute Community Room – 105 Front Street, Bath
The Maine Downtown Institute offers a variety of different programs and events throughout the year that are available to the Lisbon's Downtown Business Community.  Lisbon is a Networking Community, therefore those wishing to attend this seminar would qualify at the discount rate.
This is a great opportunity for businesses looking to get ideas for creating window displays with professional designer Rhonda Birkbeck.  Rhonda will take you on a tour of the successful retail window -- setting the stage to draw in more customers and signaling the vitality of your business. You don't need to be a world-class artist to design dynamic displays after Rhonda Birkbeck walks us through the elements of eye-catching windows and shares simple steps for making your storefront sell for you. Plus, three Main Street communities will present a design strategy that soared in their downtowns. Come steal like an artist!
To register online  click here.


Friday, January 26, 2018

Welcome to the Lisbon Comprehensive Plan Survey - Reminder


Thank you for participating in this survey.  This survey should take about 10-15 minutes of your time to complete.  The Planning Board is going to be using information collected from this survey to help shape the Comprehensive Plan Update, a process which will be ongoing through the summer of 2018.  You will be asked for your views on current Town services, attitudes regarding growth and development and your priorities for the community.  Your feedback is important and appreciated.
Link to take the survey -


Thursday, January 25, 2018

U.S. Kills 150 Islamic State Fighters in Syria Airstrike During Government Shutdown

The Pentagon announced that the U.S. killed 150 Islamic State (ISIS) fighters in an airstrike targeting eastern Syria during the federal government shutdown Saturday.
A statement from U.S. Central Command, which is responsible for U.S. troops in the Middle East, said that the airstrike hit one of the last areas under Islamic State control near the Syrian border with Iraq.
The terror group surrendered control of 98 percent of its territory in the region and currently occupies only two percent of land near the Syrian city of Al-Shaafah, where the strike occurred.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Lisbon Goes Live...


The Town of Lisbon, in an effort to continue to keep its citizens informed and connected, has contracted with Town Hall Streams to provide streaming and playback access.  Beginning with the Planning Board meeting on Thursday, January 25th at 7:00pm, anyone who wants to watch Council, Planning Board and School Committee meetings as they occur can visit and view meetings in progress from anywhere with an internet connected device.  There is also a direct link on the home page of the Town's website on the top bar entitled "Live Video Streaming."
Individuals who do not have access to the internet may still view the meetings on Friday at 7:00 p.m. on Channel 1302.
If you happen to miss a live broadcast, no problem as you can still access them on the Town Hall Streams website.  They will be archived on their server for five years.
Town Hall Streams is a Maine-based company that was created to provide simple, low cost and effective solutions for towns to stream live and archive meetings as well as they provide services to multiple municipalities, and school districts throughout the Northeast.   

Monday, January 22, 2018


L-A Rotary Lunch Club to Welcome Rebecca Conrad February 22

Auburn - On Thursday, February 22, from noon to 1:00 p.m. at The Village Inn, 165 High Street, Auburn, Rebecca Swanson Conrad will be the featured guest speaker at the Lewiston-Auburn Rotary Lunch Club.  Conrad joined the Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce in March 2017 as the President & CEO. Previously, she was the Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Maine College of Art in Portland, Maine where she began as a consultant in 2006. She was co-owner with her husband of downtown Auburn, Maine businesses, Austin’s Fine Wines and Foods for 20 years and for 3 years owned and operated Rÿsen Home Garden & Antiques, a retail gallery promoting local art and products that supported international women’s economic development. Prior to Rÿsen, Conrad’s career spanned 21 years in higher education administration at Bates College, including 1999-2003 when she served as executive director of LA Excels, the college’s non-profit community development partnership in Lewiston-Auburn focused on leadership, arts, educational aspirations and economic revitalization. She served on the Maine Arts Commission for seven years, with four as vice-chair. Other volunteer board roles include past chair of the Lewiston Auburn Economic Growth Council, Androscoggin Home Care & Hospice and L/A Arts, vice chair of the Maine Association of Nonprofits and as a board member of Advocates for Children, the Androscoggin County Chamber of Commerce and Central Maine Community College’s Foundation. She currently serves with Oxfam’s, “Sisters of the Planet,” a diverse group of American Women using their influence to fight global poverty, hunger, and injustice, with a particular focus on empowering women and girls worldwide. She is also on the advisory board of USM’s LA College and the Muskie School’s Board of Visitors and is a member of the Auburn Lewiston Airport board of directors. Conrad received her BA in English from Bates College and studied in the New England Studies MFA Program at the University of Southern Maine. She lives in Auburn with her husband Austin Conrad, Jr. and her cat, Charles Mingus.  Reservations are not required at the luncheon.  FMI on future Rotary speakers, contact President and Program Chair, Monica Millhime, 713.7045 or email  Events and other club information are posted at and

Friday, January 19, 2018

Welcome to the Lisbon Comprehensive Plan Survey (link has been fixed)


Thank you for participating in this survey.  This survey should take about 10-15 minutes of your time to complete.  The Planning Board is going to be using information collected from this survey to help shape the Comprehensive Plan Update, a process which will be ongoing through the summer of 2018.  You will be asked for your views on current Town services, attitudes regarding growth and development and your priorities for the community.  Your feedback is important and appreciated.
Link to take the survey -

Route 196/Route 9/High School Intersection Signal Malfunction


Please be advised there is a broken traffic detection loop which controls the Route 9/High School timing phase for this intersection causing higher than average traffic delays in the morning.   We are currently awaiting estimates and scheduling alternatives from our traffic signal contractor to make repairs.  In addition we have been in discussions with MDOT with respect to improving turning movements at this intersection as part of a project planned for this summer, following the Moxie Festival.   These issues were discussed with the Town Council at their meeting this past Tuesday night and we anticipate making repairs as soon as possible.
Please contact the Public Works Department at 353-3000 x117 if you have any questions or require additional information.

WMCA Provides Career Counseling for Recent Manufacturing Technician Graduate

Photo caption:  Cathy Stairs, from Western Maine Community Action, provided on-going career counseling to recent NTI Manufacturing Tech graduate , Anderson Council resulting in a full-time hire with a local employer.  Photo by Monica Millhime.
Lewiston – Western Maine Community Action (WMCA) Case Manager, Cathy Stairs, has been assisting Anderson Council, a recent NTI Manufacturing Technician graduate with career options.  Council has secured full-time employment with International Door in Lewiston as a result of the work search guidance.  Council was one of eight candidates who participated in the Northeast Technical Institute Manufacturing Technician program supported through funding by WMCA, and the Bureau of Employment Services’ Competitive Skills Scholarship Program (CSSP).  The 14 week training program valued over $5,000 for each eligible participant, included 60 hours of WorkReady and 350 hours of manufacturing training.  The program promoted pathways to employment and advancements within the manufacturing industry.  “The success of this program is a result of forward-thinking modeling with course content, collaboration among business partners, and the students’ dedication to completing the course.  Students were engaged and recognized the manufacturing industry is experiencing an up-tick in the demand for skilled labor in the job market offering attractive wages and benefit packages,” said Patti Saarinen,  WIOA Site Coordinator WMCA – Lewiston CareerCenter.  “The integration of education and training is the best-practice model for success.”  FMI on future training programs call 753.9005.

Thursday, January 18, 2018


Town Office Extensions

104 Town Manager 

102 Administrative Assistant/HR

105 Counter Clerk 

106 Front Registration Counter

107 Sewer/Tax Billing  

110 Assessing

111 Code Enforcement

114 Accounts Rec./Payable 

115 Finance Director 

116 Public Works Director

117 Public Works Administrative Assistant

118 Town Clerk  

119 Counter Clerk 

121 Fire Department 

122 Economic & Community Development 

124 General Assistance
                                                                               Town Phone Numbers

Beaver Park 353-9075

Library 353-6564

MTM Center 353-2289

Police 353-2500

Public Works Garage 353-3016

Town Office 353-3000

Transfer Station 353-3000 Ext. 207

Water Dept. 353-3020

Wastewater Treatment Plant 353-3013          

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Auburn - On Thursday, March 1, from noon to 1:00 p.m. at The Village Inn, 165 High Street, Auburn, Stephanie Gelinas will be the featured guest speaker at the Lewiston-Auburn Rotary Lunch Club.  Gelinas, M.S, CCC-SLP is the founder and executive director of Sandcastle Clinical and Educational Services and LA Hearing Center in Lewiston. She has been practicing in the field of speech and language pathology for 33 years.  Stephanie attended the University of Maine at Farmington, graduating in 1984 with a dual degree in elementary education and speech correction. She went on to obtain her Master’s Degree in Communication Sciences from Syracuse University in 1986. In 1996, she opened Sandcastle. The agency’s team of 50 professionals focuses on early detection, diagnosis and intervention, both clinically and educationally. Born and raised in Lewiston, Stephanie is proud of and engaged in the community where she still resides. She is the immediate past president of the LA Metro Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, as Paul Harris Fellow award recipient and Rotarian, Stephanie is also a past president of the Lewiston-Auburn Rotary Club, serves on the Health Advisory Committee for Promise Early Education Center and is on the board of directors for Tri County Mental Health Services. Stephanie is a 2007 graduate of the Androscoggin Leadership Development Institute. In her free time, Stephanie enjoys spending time with her husband, Gerry, 6 children and 8 grandchildren. Her passions include the outdoors, traveling, and participating in triathlons.  Reservations are not required at the luncheon.  FMI on future Rotary speakers, contact President and Program Chair, Monica Millhime, 713.7045 or email  Events and other club information are posted at and

Rotarian Roger Philippon to address L-A Rotary Lunch Club April 5 at CMCC

Auburn - On Thursday, April 5, from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Central Maine Community College Campus, 1250 Turner Street, Auburn , Roger Philippon will be the featured guest speaker at the Lewiston-Auburn Rotary Lunch Club.  A Lewiston native, Philippon, is dean of planning and public affairs at Central Maine Community College. He earned a bachelor’s degree in public administration from the University of Maine and a master’s degree in adult education from the University of Southern Maine. Long active in local civic affairs, Philippon is a former Lewiston City Councilor and Planning Board member. He served for many years as chair of the Advisory Board for the Franco-American Collection at USM/L-A College. Roger serves on the LA Metro Chamber of Commerce Education Committee, and is a member of the Maine Public Relations Council. He and his wife, Celeste. live in Lewiston and devote much time and energy to the Community Little Theater, where Philippon also serves on the board. They are the proud parents of son Joseph, who serves as the Community Resource Officer for the Lewiston Police Department, and proud grandparents to grandsons Isaha and Jackson. The Rotary meeting will be held in the conference room TWR 405, on the fourth floor of The Tower, the newest building on the campus.  Tours of the campus will be held directly following the luncheon.   Reservations are requested for the off-site luncheon by calling 713.7045 by April 1.  FMI on future Rotary speakers, contact President and Program Chair, Monica Millhime, 713.7045 or email  Events and other club information are posted at and

Public Meeting Notice


Lisbon Emergency - Level of Service and Funding Discussion




Notice is hereby given that the Lisbon Town Council intends to open a public meeting segment at their regularly scheduled Council Meeting on February 6, 2018 at 7:00 PM to hear comments concerning level of service for Lisbon Emergency and funding.  This meeting will be held in the Town Office Public Meeting Room.   


The public is invited to attend.


Parking Ban in effect from 12am Wednesday to 12am Thursday.


Due to the anticipated storm, there is a town-wide parking ban in effect from 12am Wednesday, January 17 to 12am Thursday, Janaury 18.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018