Dear Lisbon Falls Voters,
333 yes, 111 no, 2 invalid, 444 total votes, we fell short of the 576 total votes needed. But with 75% of those voting supporting the Removal of Council Chair Norma Wells, this sends a clear message that someone else should hold that position.
Listen to what your constituents are saying.
We did not utilize the Police force for intimidation purposes.
We did not email town employees.
We did not have to be at the polling place holding the door for voters.
We did not have other councilors present to offer support.
We did not make people go back to the town clerk to get the "special" absentee ballot.
We thought that this would be provided to them when they asked for them. But we know it wasn't.
We did not limit the voting hours nor turn people away at 7:00 PM.
We wonder what the outcome would have been had this been held during the November 4th vote.
We feel that the people of this great community had a chance to speak and they did.
Thank you all for your support. Please remember that you have another opportunity on November 4, 2008 to stop the 4-3 split of the past voting history of the Town Council.
The proposed Charter changes should not be passed for they will empower the council and town manager even more. You will be voting on them next Tuesday, November 4, 2008. The polling hours will be longer.
Thanks again,
Lisbon Concerned Citizens.