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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

During His Reign, Eldridge and His Followers Attack "That Small Group of Troublemakers" in Rumford, Too

The Rumford Reporter Editor and former Lisbon Economic Development Director, Jennifer Norris, features an article in her on-line hometown newspaper giving kudos to the Lisbon Concerned Citizens for standing up for what is right.

The Lisbon Concerned Citizens have found a great analogy to explain what is happening in their community since ex-Rumford Town Manager Steve Eldridge has become their new Town Manager. For all those Eldridge supporters (20) who fought violently for him while he was our Town Manager, how are you feeling now? Do you still think that the Concerned Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility (CCFR) is "that small group"? Do you still think that anyone who opposed him was a bunch of troublemakers? Do you still think he was this wonderful, progressive, forward thinking "manager"?

After all the slanderous attacks on the CCFR, I guess the CCFR can find a sense of peace and contentment now that Eldridge has proved himself once again in another community that feels the exact same way. What is that old saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Supported and recommended wholeheartedly by MMA, Eldridge walked into Lisbon with the iron fist that he used here in Rumford but found out real quick that the Lisbon community will not stand for it either. Good for them!

Eldridge lost the trust from the community from the get go by making decisions without getting input from them. Now, he is ineffective because he has no community to turn to and every decision he makes from here on out will most likely blow up in his face. I tried to tell the supposed Lisbon Town leaders when I was the Economic Development Director that I could not do my job without the input of the community. I also tried to tell them that if you gain the trust of the community, value their input, and base your decisions on that input, you will get the support and buy-in you need to move forward with projects that may even raise their taxes. If people know that their investments are going to yield a return, they may be open to it. Otherwise, they will fight you tooth and nail and put roadblocks up, which they have every right to do!

For this story and more, please click here.