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Friday, November 14, 2008

Spaghetti Dinner to Benefit 7th Grade Camp Kieve Atttendees

The seventh grade class of Philip W. Sugg Middle School held their spaghetti dinner fundraiser on the evening of November 13th. Many local businesses, families, teachers and community patrons supported the dinner. The spaghetti dinner is part of a fundraising event that enables the seventh grade class to attend Camp Kieve. The students attend Camp Kieve for a week. The purpose of the Camp Kieve Leadership School is to encourage responsible decision-making in adolescents by giving young people safe opportunities to test themselves, learn new skills, and depart with more social competence, problem-solving skills, autonomy from peer pressure and a sense of purpose and future. The approach to the Leadership school is one of experiential learning in a setting that is both challenging and nurturing

(Left to Right) Mrs. Deraspe, Mrs. Whitman

(Left to Right) Jennifer Clifford, Mariah Breton, Nichole Jones,
Emma Randall, Mrs. Littlefield, Bailey Gallipeau
Megan Keil, Mrs. Stevens, Tyler Bard, Dillon Clifford