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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Budget Presentation With No Handouts

After sitting through last night's town council meeting it is apparent that proper procedures for the Town Budget presentation are flawed.

Again, Town Manager Mr. Eldridge, failed to have any available handouts for his PowerPoint presentation of, well, guess you could call it self serving as the budget, facts, figures, were missing.

Instead we saw the beginning of last year's budget process starting all over again. We got an overview of what the budget will be about. Funny how Department leaders in this Lisbon town haven't seen the budget yet either. Makes one wonder. Why?

The School budget was presented in great length and handouts were readily available. Kudos to the School Committee for being prepared. They have had their budget ready since January.

What is in store for Lisbon remains to be seen. Sounds like people need to be getting involved.

Here's a link to the current story on the Sun Journal. Be sure to read the comments section.