Registration 2009
LJAL has an exciting new opportunity to form a U16 Softball Team! We are now opening up registration for this team!
Softball |
U16 (ages 15 & 16) |
Softball Age Cut Off January 1st |
To be sent in no later than
Attn: Amy Austin, Treasurer
U16 Softball $65
Full payment is required at time of registration
First time participants must provide a copy of their birth certificate. Copies only as they will not be returned.
Their may be tryouts for the U16 team depending on number of player registrations.
Please direct all questions to Norm Hall at 449-1083 or Amy Austin at 353-3154.
help us to make softball in
Make checks payable to LJAL
Opening Day 2009!
Saturday, May 16
Parade, Food, Fun, Games!