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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lisbon Thrives on Controversy

Gmail is working well, thank you...

I have no problem with posting, but would like to add that "Lisbon seems to thrive on controversy, ranging from maintaining two high schools and going to the Manager form of government in the "40's and "50's,assessments in the "60's, along with various law suits and financial fiascos to today's situation.

I believe that much of the controversy could be avoided if town officials would answer some of the questions raised rather than sit back dismissively. The Town's website is a good place for them to begin to respond. Furthermore, the "Right to Know" law should be fully observed with regard to executive sessions by all Boards. Also, why has it taken so long for the meeting minutes to be posted?"

Having lived over 80 years in Lisbon Falls,and being active in the town, it is good to see a news source such as yours, so keep up the good work.

I guess you can use my name...I still think of Lisbon as my town.

Dave Hale