Dear Editor,
Thank you for the opportunity to share my opinion. I am a graduate of Lisbon High School, class of 1990. When I graduated, Lisbon had just begun to use trailers for additional classroom space. My mom, now 75 years old, is also a graduate of Lisbon High. Her class was the last to graduate from the OLD Lisbon High School, the next class being the first to graduate from the current high school in the 1950s. Now, I forget the year the current school was built, but I think there can be no disagreement that there needs to be some resolution regarding the state of the high school buildings. Anyone who has not visited the school or at least seen some of the photos taken recently should do so before forming any opinion. Unfortunately, like so many other issues in the town of Lisbon, the school has been sorely neglected while those issues close to the heart of those in authority in the town get more attention...and money.
Poor planning, lack of accountability and downright corruption have all contributed to the disrepair of the high school. The same problems are occurring all over America and the problems that are so obvious in Lisbon are similar to those happening everywhere, on a local, state and national level. Lisbon High School is not the only school that is in disrepair, nor is it the only problem on the town's plate right now. The people of Lisbon work hard and do the best they can to pay their taxes and do their part. A good percentage of the population in Lisbon pay their taxes faithfully while living on a fixed income. There is not an endless stream of tax money to fund everything. Local taxes are PART of the solution. Now is the time for ideas and real work to be done to find other ways to solve problems like the high school. The federal government has money available to build schools, why can't Lisbon have a piece of that pie? Are there ways to raise money for a new high school? Has anyone considered a capital campaign to fund a project as large as a new high school? Has anyone even suggested a bake sale? It may sound silly, but when times are difficult, that is when human beings get creative to solve their problems. It is very easy to look to the next guy to bear the brunt of the responsibility, but we should all be looking to ourselves to try to find the answers instead of blaming someone else.
I saw the recent antics of Lisbon's police chief on YouTube. Time and energy wasted. My brother is a member of Lisbon's town council. I am fiercely proud of Roger Cote. Finally, Lisbon has someone who is willing to question the 'untouchables' in Lisbon's town government and their 'old boy network' or 'buddy system.' My brother is NOT the ONLY respectable, honest and hardworking person in Lisbon, but he is one of very few willing to devote their time to a cause that should be near and dear to all of the hearts of those who have grown up or have family in Lisbon. Lisbon needs responsible, honest, accountable town government and it has been a long time coming.
I don't even live in Lisbon anymore, but my mom and dad, my brother and my sisters and families all live in or near Lisbon and I care about the future of not only the high school, but the town. There are those that live in Lisbon that care more about their personal future, even while putting the town's future at risk. Lisbon's future is not the whole responsibility of the town council. Lisbon's future is the responsibility of everyone who cares about the town.
As for the Lisbon Reporter, thank you for giving real people an outlet to convey their opinion.
Thank you,
Laurie Ellen Cote
Lisbon High School Class of 1990