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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Let's See Exactly Where Our Money Goes

I wonder if in this day of computers , why we citizens can't look at the budgets and see every little item that is purchased- i.e. nuts, bolts, etc. Then we could really understand where the money goes.

I just got the info for The Green Thumb Gang expenses for last year. It was very helpful, and every expense was there.Of course , our budget was only $3000. Cathy said the larger budgets would be a lot of info, but since everything is put on the computer, I think it would be helpful to see exactly where our money goes once it is budgeted.

Not because of mistrust, but because it would show the taxpayers exactly where our money goes. That is how I keep my household and business budgets, and I think more than a few citizens would be interested in the nuts and bolts parts of the expenditures.

You can use my name
Faye Brown