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Friday, April 17, 2009

A Reader Writes ,,,Referendum Item #5

Dear Lisbon Reporter,

I would never question Prudence Grant’s right to speak out in favor of a project being proposed that affected her area of expertise. Likewise, I find it repulsive the efforts to admonish Shawn Galipeau for his assessment of the situation.

So I take this opportunity, should you afford it to me, to tell you that as a former selectmen and advisory and planning board member, I am of the opinion that the current scheme being proposed needs to be voted down, and a much more complete and comprehensive discussion of this supposed problem, including State officials, needs to take place without the recrimination and finger pointing and downright nastiness witnessed to date.

I believe every citizen of the Town of Lisbon has a right and, in some cases, the duty to express opposing views. I congratulate Prudy Grant for her efforts to bring these issues to the forefront, and I applaud Chief Galipeau and Norma Wells for providing additional clarifying information at their forum. Let’s “chill out” and try to make our decisions with our intelligence, and not our emotions.

Edward J. Wall

April 16, 2009