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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Need Help Finding A Job?

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Help Always Wanted: 7 High Demand Careers

By Clare Kaufman
Help Always Wanted: 7 High Demand Careers

Some jobs never go out of style. Rain or shine, recession or boom, these perennial professions are always in need of a few good workers. Train for a high-demand job, and build the career skills that will keep you employed for a lifetime.

1. Teacher

Education is a required rite of passage in the U.S. and a reliable source of jobs for teachers. The school system can't get enough teachers in the classroom -- especially in inner city and low-income rural areas. Math and science, foreign language, and bilingual skills are in especially high demand.

K-12 teachers qualify for the job with a bachelor's degree in any field, plus a teacher training program. To work in the public school system, you'll also need to pass a state licensing exam. Some states require teachers to complete a master's degree in education within the first few years on the job.

Spotlight: special education

For even more job security, opt for a one-year special education teacher training program. Special education teachers will see a 15 percent increase in employment through 2016, making this one of the highest-demand education professions.

Salary: $54,390

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