Beware of the Tech Savvy White House
- August 18, 2009
"Don't believe the government's excuses. This White House is pushing programs and bills down our throats and it knows exactly how to use the Internet as a means to its ends.
This White House is the most technically savvy administration in history. It wants to "own your computer" when you sign up for the "Cash for Clunkers" program; it wants to monitor your browsing habits with "cookies;" and it wants you to report your neighbor if you notice anything "fishy." Now, it wants us to believe that the most recent Internet-related story involving third party healthcare e-mails is another mistake. Don't believe the government's excuses. This White House is pushing programs and bills down our throats and it knows exactly how to use the Internet as a means to its ends. But Americans, like the viewer that provided my FOX News colleague Glenn Beck with the "Cash for Clunkers"/"own your computer" story and some journalists, like my colleague Major Garrett, are confronting the government. What my FOX News colleague Major Garrett did, by demanding to know how the White House gains access to the e-mail addresses of millions of Americans, was historic in its dimension."