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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dumb comments and reports‏

Just so you know - your bond issue statements about the water bond are totally wrong.  You are a million off.  Watch the Council meetings and maybe you'll learn the facts!  Until I spoke up and argued for the town's reaffirmation of a vote taken in 2004, the Council was going to vote the $700,000.   

The comments about the recycling center were stupid, cynical  and very wrong.  Why didn't someone ask Wayne Ricker before you published it?  You're as bad as the liberals and their hatred of Rush Limbaugh - you make things up to destroy people.  Take that blog down and check with Wayne before you think about putting it back up.

You support the Water department - they have said they are handling all their monies from now on - that could be millions.  In May, they said (voted) they didn't think anyone who handled money for them needed to be bonded.  How wise and smart is that?  Also, you are probably supportive of the water department holding illegal executive meetings.  They've held 4-5 of them in the past year.  'Sounds like the Democrats in the House of Representatives and their support of Charlie Rangel.
Richard G. Main