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Friday, October 16, 2009

Introducing Paula Caron and the Greyhound Gab

With great effort by Community Resource Coordinator, Monica Millhime, we are Proud to introduce Paula Caron and the Greyhound Gab!

Editor Note:
Greyhound Gab is a column by Paula Caron, an eighth grade student at Philip W. Sugg Middle School in Lisbon.  Views expressed in the column are from “on the street” interviews with other students and or staff on a particular subject matter and/or event.   All photos and interviews conducted by Paula Caron.

Greyhound Gab

By:  Paula Caron
PWS Student Reporter

What are your feelings on this year’s up coming flu season? Are you planning on getting a flu shot? If not, why?

I think they are completely over-rating the flu season this year. It isn't as bad as it was last year. I mean, I understand the swine flu epidemic, but it's partially died out by now. I've gotten a flu shot just in case, but I don't really see the reason why.
- Brittany Couillard, Grade 8

I'm not sure about getting a flu shot this year. I haven't gotten one yet. But, I'm sure my mom will make me. I would have to say there's quite a bit of an epidemic out there, and there's a lot of reported cases of the flu."
- Patrick Dexler, Grade 7

We are over reacting to the flu, and no I'm not getting a flu shot because there hasn't been an outbreak.                    
- Josh Broadwater, Grade 8

I'm defiantly getting a flu shot.  I'm trying not to get too parodied about it. I'm using lots of hand sanitizer.
-Ms. Jacqlyn Young
PWS 8th Grade English/ Social Studies Teacher