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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Not Evil Just Wrong is going to livestream global warming debate‏

"Not Evil Just Wrong is the film Al Gore and Hollywood don't want you to see. It reveals the true human cost of Global Warming hysteria.

Not Evil Just Wrong shows how Global Warming alarmism and the tax increases that go along with it are going to increase costs for working families during one of the worst recessions in living memory.

Al Gore and his allies want to ban fossil fuels in the developed world. This would devastate the American economy and drive jobs to India and China.

Be part of the resistance. With your help we can bypass the barriers to distribution that Hollywood and the mainstream media put up to stop you from hearing the truth.

Be part of the premiere night by hosting a screening in your home, community center or church. Be part of the cinematic tea party movement and tell Al Gore and the elites that you are fed up with taxes and restrictions that threaten jobs across the country"
 Above as quoted from the website:

This is Kristin McMurray.
I'm with the Not Evil Just Wrong team and as you may know our premiere is coming up this Sunday at 8pm. I wanted to let you know that afterward we're going to be hosting a live debate which will streamed on Ustream. We are looking forward to feedback on the film and hearing what both people think about global warming and cap and trade. I wanted to see if any of you would be interested in embedding the debate on your blog. Here is the link to our Ustream channel:
Here are the panelist for the debate:

    * Andrew Breitbart, (master of ceremonies)
    * Professor Richard Lindzen, Professor of Meteorology, MIT
    * Professor Emeritus Don Roberts, DOD, Tropical Medicine
    * John Fund, Author and Columnist, Wall Street Journal

Let me know if there is any way I can help, and thank you for your time.


Kristin McMurray
Not Evil Just Wrong social media
Phone: 810-623-2623