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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Restore Integrity, Intelligence,and Transparency in Lisbon

There is a wonderful candidate running for the District 2 council seat.  Her name is Michelle Swatsworth-Turmelle.  Michelle is a very intelligent, thoughtful and honest woman who actually has the best interests of the town at heart.  Her integrity is impressive and she has put in many hours attending council meetings, doing research, and has been the catalyst behind the Town of Lisbon getting bids on insurance policies.     Michelle does not come with ANY baggage, such as a spouse employed with the Police Department, personal relationships with Town employees, and will not interfere with personnel issues that should be handled by a responsible Town Manager.   There have been blatant intrusions pursued by the current councilor running for his seat again.  A call was placed to the Town of Brunswick to interfere with a former town employee’s prospective job with the Town of Brunswick.  Former Town Manager Curtis Lunt phoned Brunswick and straightened out the situation.  This was relayed  to me by the employee herself.  I think the Town has had enough of this unethical behavior and personal relationships that influence government.  Everything should be transparent and Michelle Swatsworth-Turmelle is the candidate that can restore integrity,  intelligence, hard work and cost-saving measures to the Town of Lisbon.

A Concerned Citizen