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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We Asked, Explain the $2 million for 2 miles of trail and we got an answer

Lisbon's  Trail

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1.  The 1.6 million dollar figure came from an cost estimate prepared by an engineering firm in 2008.  This cost put into perspective the materials and logistics of a project such as this as priced in 2008.  

2.  There are significant challenges to make this section work, including at least two railroad crossings, steep slopes, two bridges, one boardwalk and one concrete underpass under 196. And will be an exceptional trail that we think will generate significant return on  investment over the years with increased tourism into town and enhanced income for adjacent businesses. 

3.  This funding is through MaineDOT and is available only for these types of trail projects statewide.  In federal transportation legislation, a specific % of money is set aside for each state to invest in trails and biking/walking paths.  Lisbon is very fortunate to have championed this type of attention and now has the opportunity to make a significant enhancement to the Town of Lisbon.

4. This trail belongs to the people of Lisbon and represents the character and values that people in Lisbon share actively on the trail. 

Thanks for the question, its questions like these that help put a community project like this into a truer perspective.  Feel free to forward these notes to anyone who would need to hear them to make an informed choice this referendum.  Nov. 3rd is the last day to make your vote. 

volunteer with the Lisbon Trail Commission