Sat 11/07/09 9:06 PM
Earlier today Obama addressed the problem of the unemployment rate in
excess of 10.% by , for the umpteenth time, blaming the condition of the
Economy on the Republican Party, when the Democrats took
over. Later on this afternoon, the wicked witch of the West, Pelosi,
bragged about the fact that this is the 3rd Anniversary of Democrats taking
control of the House and Senate.
So, for three years they did not see
what was coming or did nothing if they did? Pres. Bush couldn't do
anything on his own, since the Democrats controlled
everything and this includes Obama, who was a Senator for two years
prior to the election..It's like for two years, the Democrats were running
around blindly, enjoying their position as the leaders and partying until
Obama came in and all eyes woke up and said: What did they do to the
World why we were partying? It's all their fault.
Now! we are here and
will restore everything. Spend these trillions of dollars and go
to the wedding party of Obama and the Unions. The Dem's are
ruining our childrens future with a Health Plan, they won't participate in.
For two elections in a row, friends of Obama have threatened people at the
voting booths.
As a start, I pray this terrible Health Bill fails, then
we can start our Plans to kick out of office all of these corrupt
bodies, calling them , human beings, would be a disservice to the rest of
Andy Riordan, Lisbon Falls,